Riddle Me This

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oh no! I KNEW I shouldn't have answered this ! I haven't got any riddles ! Anyone else want a go?
Okay, let's try this one. ^_^

I know a word; six letters it contains,
Take one away, and twelve is what remains.
There is a frog dead centre in the middle of a lily pad with a 10ft wall in his way. How does he get over the wall?
"A man is found lying dead in the middle of a desert with a backpack on his back. What happened?"
of course
Thanks! :D

"A young man is walking in a forest when he sees a bridge. He wants to cross that bridge, but suddenly a troll appears. The troll says, "In order for you to be able to cross this bridge, you must say a statement. If I think it is true, I will strangle you to death. If I think it's false, your head will get chopped off." The young man says a statement, leaving the troll pondering, and walks across the bridge. What was the statement that the young man said?"
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