Little Ones
Forum Donator 2023/24
It was passed on to the receptionist by Simon that he was quite confident he’d removed all the puss from the pocket, which is why flushing isn’t necessary unless we want to. Thank you for telling me where it is. If it fills up again, will this be visible for me to see? As then we’d definitely be flushing itMy past piggies had dissolvable stitches at the sides to keep it open. Have you asked Simon if he removed the whole pocket of abscess? What happened with my past piggies was he can't remove the whole pocket and they drained it when they opened it. So we have to flush it 2x a day to make sure the abscess isn't returning or the pocket isn't being filled up again. It'll be a different case if he managed to remove the whole pocket of abscess. @furryfriends (TEAS) would know the best way to do whether it still need to be flushed for cases like that. Yes the wound would close by itself in a couple of days.