Hi everyone, haven't been on here for a while, Monty has been going to the vets every 3 months to have the spurs on his back teeth sorted and for the last year hes been fine and recovered after every anaesthetic. Well he had his last visit last week but didnt eat much when he came home. I was a bit confused as the vet usually gives me baytril and critical care but this time all I got was a "keep him warm and quiet and feed him soft food for the next day or so". Well he hasnt really recovered and after giving him my own supply of critical care thats about all I can do as he cant eat on his own. His mouth looks really swollen and hes just sat in the corner of his cage looking very miserable. He is refusing the syringe of critical care now so not sure theres much I can do for him :-\
I dont think going back to the vet is an option really as I get the impression they knew he wasn't gunna survive. Quite sad as I thought he would reach his 5th birthday this year, I know you shouldnt have favourites but out of the 10 I have he certainly has the most character and I will truely miss him x x