poor Monty

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Mar 24, 2007
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Hi everyone, haven't been on here for a while, Monty has been going to the vets every 3 months to have the spurs on his back teeth sorted and for the last year hes been fine and recovered after every anaesthetic. Well he had his last visit last week but didnt eat much when he came home. I was a bit confused as the vet usually gives me baytril and critical care but this time all I got was a "keep him warm and quiet and feed him soft food for the next day or so". Well he hasnt really recovered and after giving him my own supply of critical care thats about all I can do as he cant eat on his own. His mouth looks really swollen and hes just sat in the corner of his cage looking very miserable. He is refusing the syringe of critical care now so not sure theres much I can do for him :-\:( I dont think going back to the vet is an option really as I get the impression they knew he wasn't gunna survive. Quite sad as I thought he would reach his 5th birthday this year, I know you shouldnt have favourites but out of the 10 I have he certainly has the most character and I will truely miss him x x
Why did your vet not give you baytril and critical care? maybe with pain relief he would eat?
If the vet thought he would not survive then they should have made you aware and give him every chance bygiving him the same treatment as usual. I would ring the vet and ask lots of questions before putting Monty through a drive there at this time but if he is not getting the usual treatments I would want to know why!
Don't give up on him yet get on the phone to the vets and ask some questions hun! metcam is a pain relief and anti inflamatory maybe some of that would help him.
Good luck Monty!
I'm sorry to hear about Monty. I agree with Vikki don't be scared to ask questions especially why Monty wasn't given the antibiotics like last time. If he gets them into his system then he may pick up.

Wrap him in a towel and try and feed that way he can't wriggle so much then. Good luck fingers and Paws crossed! x
after zoe had surgery she had no pain relief. :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: but like said by vikki and louise, i would be on the phone asking heaps of questions. O0 if the vet thought monty wasn't going to make it they should have told you :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: don't give up on him, ask the questions get the answers, if you're still not happy get a second opinion O0 sending hugs and healing vibes :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-* come on monty you can do it O0
Thanks so much for your replies :) Ive been to the vets this morning and they gave me some baytril to use so fingers crossed that might do the trick (wish they gave me some in the first place). Ive fed him some critical care today (the towel was a great help so thanks for suggesting that) so just have to wait and see how it goes, he still looks just as miserable as yesterday so I think he has only a small chance of recovery but I will do my best for him x
Thats all you can do, its worth a try. They can pick up but be aware they can go down hill again. Praying for little Monty that was my dogs name too. :)
Should I give him grass to eat? Its his favourite and he seems to be very interested in trying to eat it lol
I think give him whatever he wants to eat! Anything to get him eating
Don't give up, keep going with the critical care. It's good you've got the antibiotics now. Fingers crossed :)
Yep give him what he wants also try him with some veg just little bits he may take an interest. But keep going with the critical care. Its hard work looking after a sick pig. (((hugs))) x
Make sure you give him plenty of water by syringe.Gps that are not eating properly can easily get dehydrated.Try some Daktarin oral gel as this is soothing to a sore mouth.Put a pea size blob straight into his mouth,2 or 3 times a day. Allow 5 minutes for the gel to get round the mouth before you feed.I do not use Critical Care by itself,I grind the normal dry mix I use to a fine powder and mix with warm water to a soup thickness that will go in a 1 ml syringe.I use a coffee grinder for this.If the gp is not eatring at all,I add 2 teaspoonfuls of Critical Care to this mix.Somet5imes the gp will prefer a thicket mix from a teaspoon,or you can roll the thicker mix into a ball and try that.After every 2 or 3 mouthfuls of food,offer at least half a ml of water.This will aid swallowing.

Why does your vet use anaesthetic to do the teeth?,this is unnecessary and dangerous.
Hi, the vets say that they need to use anaesthetic as they cannot get to the teeth without it, I have said to them that people have advised piggies dont need it for dental work but they say otherwise. I cannot really argue as I have nowhere else to go thats local :-\

He has been taking the critical care and some grass, he can only really eat stuff that you put in his mouth, he doesnt seem to be able to pick it up himself. Lets hope the antibiotics help over the next few days. Where can I get Daktarin from?

Thanks for your help x x
I think you can get Daktarin from a chemist. I know what you mean about vets and anesthetic. In fairness my vet tries to cuts the teeth if in reach but Ginger has problems with the ones right at the back so it is not always possible.
Yes,you can get Daktarin oral gel from any chemist.

Afraid your vets are talking rubbish about the use of anesthetics for dental work.The truth is they do not know how to do this work properly.Do you think they would talk to my vet either by phone or email?,she is always happy to help other vets.Anne is a gp expert and rarely uses sedation for dentals,unless it is something very complicated.
Yes I think my vets are talking rubbish too, I doubt they would be interested in talking to anyone else as they think they know best! Its been 2 weeks now and still no change. He is totally dependent now on me feeding him by syringe or putting food into his mouth, I wish I knew what the problem was, he still cant pick food up for himself :-\ his front teeth are fine so it must be a prob with his back teeth still or his tongue is still cut or sore at the back. He seems to keep his mouth open for most of the time, any ideas? I dont wanna take him back to my vets as I dont think they are much help, he couldn't go through another anaesthetic I'm sure, I know I need someone who knows what they are doing but I cant seem to find anyone in my area (South Hants).
I'm sorry i've not seen this thread :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed:
I would def give Vedra a call and ask advice O0
This is not right, i've had my boy's toofies done regularly now for .... well over a year and he has anaes >:( cause in OZ they don't do it without... this is not good for him and i know that but i have no option :'(
I find that the most time after a toofie trim of the molars would be 5-6 days and this is only if the trim is irregular or something else is wrong... please get it checked out.
Now a few hints...these a trial and error from what i've learnt and i hope i can help even if just a bit, i cut everything and i mean everything up to small pieces they'd be only 0.5cm big for the first day or so and then after that slightly bigger, i also hand feed the veggies and fruits. Another thing i do is to mush up the oxbow pellets in preboiled water let it cool and add some canned or bottled apple baby puree and then syringe feed this. If necessary do a syringe feed thru the night, piggies must eat consistently and have plenty of water as well :)
If you like pm me and i'll try to go thru all the other things i do for our little guy O0
Lastly we're sending HEAPS of healing wheeks and loves to Monty, come on boy :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Thanks Glynis for your help :) :) who is Vedra? I have been chopping up his food like you said but he cant even pick up small pieces, he tries to but fails and gives up after a few moments, I literally have to put food in his mouth for him. I wish there was something I could give him to make him better, antibiotics have not worked, I may just have to take him back to the vets and see what they think. My other piggy (Mars) who was Montys brother, had the exact same problem and he came home to me from the vets no better and when I took him back to them they said there was nothing more they could do to help. So you see, that is why I am so worried about taking him back there.
i have PM'd you with vedra's details but i will put them up here incase anyone else should need them in the future. really hoping she can help you and your piggy. sending hugs and healing vibes :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: i am sorry if putting this on here is against forum rules i just thought it would be useful to other memebers. so i am sorry if i should not have put it on here. :embarassed:
Vedra runs the Cambridge Cavy Trust which is a fantastic facuility for guinea pigs

The Cambridge Cavy Trust (Info on the Gorgeous Guinea site)
Cambridge Cavy Trust (Registered Charity no 801103)
1 Splash Lane
PE28 2AF

Membership £25 per year includes quarterly worming, nail clipping and routine dental work free of charge, no consultancy fee.

Tel/Text Vedra's mobile 07721 026401
Hop ethis is helpful
Oh thank you so much for this info, I just wish I lived nearer as it sounds perfect! I will give her a call anyway :)
Hi everyone,
Still no luck with finding a good vet locally and unfortunately Monty isnt getting any better at all :-\ I will take him back to our usual vet but I know they wont be much help at all. He is so skinny now and refusing the cc. I really dont want to force feed him it cos I can see he is really uncomfortable with it, even being wrapped in a towel, his teeth must really be hurting him. The Cambridge Cavy Trust just sounds fantastic I just wish there was something like that down here where I live, its such a shame that my poor piggy isnt getting the proper care he deserves :'(
I am so sorry I can't help you out with a good vet. Hope you find one soon for your little piggie. x
could you perhaps ring a rescue near you or rspca or even a petshop any of these may know of a piggy savy vet near you. perhaps even a breeder, is there a cavy association near you? anyone that could put you onto a good piggy vet. didn't vedra know of a vet near you? sending hugs and healing vibes :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: hope all goes well at the vet and the girls send monty :-* :-* :-* really sorry monty is suffering to lack of vet knowledge i know this only too well, it is the same here in oz. come on monty you get better, sending good vibes to you both O0
Sadly Monty passed away earlier today, I have posted a message on the rainbow bridge :'( :'( :'( :'(
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