It was veg time straight after. I tried to cuddle him and say sorry but he was having none of it! Oh dear he has to have the nebuliser treatment twice a day for 10-15 mins each time until his chest is clear. I'm not going to be popular! He was more rattly straight after which I take is a good sign cos at least it means whatever he has stuck in his chest/nasal passages is starting to shift already. The vet did warn me that this would happen and to just gently wipe away any thing that comes out of his nose and not to panic.So long as it helps him stop being grunty.
He will need lots of extra treats to ease his trauma at being nebulised.
Mine recommend cucumber chunks
You’re a very good slave. I’m glad he rewarded you with a cuddle. On a side note, my son had a pink fleece blanket when he was a baby. He absolutely loved that thingAfter his second and third time of being "nebulised" he let me cuddle him wrapped up in a very boarly pink blanket for a short time.He is getting very rattly as the stuff is moving off his chest/out of his nasal passages. I am full expecting a runny nose soon that I'll have to wipe away gently. The fur on the end of his nose has grown back. I hadn't noticed it was getting a bit thin until I noticed it wasn't anymore! Honestly! What sort of slave am I?