Both Pili and I are very happy ladies!
Pili because she feels well enough to have an appetite again (not a full one yet, so she requires extra topping up feed sessions).
I am of course ever so relieved because I do no longer have to syringe feed her as she can top herself up under her own steam! God bless her addiction to probiotic infused mushed pellets (she's not keen on the taste of formula)! In her case, her obsession is a life saver - literally!
I couldn't have been more delighted to have Pili Pala rushing up to me again since last evening in order to be picked up for her mushies after all the manhandling of the last few days, which I have obviously already been forgiven for!
It is so touching and humbling to have this level of trust from an initially very skittish piggy not wanting to be touched or handled after needing months of care to get over an advanced case of mites with a huge deep sore, which she kept biting open again repeatedly as soon as it had healed shut as a newly rescued youngster.
Here is a video from last nights 4 am session during a break in the bowl diving. Enjoy!
PS: Pili has maintained her weight overnight. She is currently weighing around 720g, that is up 70g from her bottom weight before the nutrients from the many syringe feeding sessions slowly started to filter through.