Pigging Out

So Bryce has some difficulty chewing food yesterday. He's lost a few grams but not that much yet. His top front teeth are quite longer than it should be, which is what we expect to happen after one of his bottom teeth was removed. It's just annoying that it happened during the weekend again and we can't go to the vet until Monday. 🤦‍♀️🙄

Anyway, he's booked to see Ellie on Monday morning to get his teeth sorted. Hopefully the back teeth won't be too bad by then too. He can still eat at the moment but there are food that he is starting to refuse to eat again whenever he gets a bit of difficulty chewing them. So I had to cut the veggies in thin strips again and remove the skin of cucucumber, melon and carrots so he will eat them easier.
So we went to see Ellie yesterday and she trimmed Bryce's front teeth and leveled them. She said there was a very tiny spur in one of his back teeth but it hasn't caused any ulceration in the cheek or tongue. She said the inside of his mouth really looked great. The overall feel of his jaws are actually quite good and no swelling or anything.

Bryce isn't eating fully yet. He demolished the sliced carrots and cucumber last night, but he hasn't eaten much overnight. He only weighed 1215g this morning. So we are still giving him CC. We upped the Loxicom dosage again just in case he is feeling uncomfortable still. He can eat coz we see him eat some hay and grass and pea flakes. But he probably needs more confidence again to get him back to fully eating again.

Oh and btw, Whitney weighs 1408g now. 🤦‍♀️🙄 The fatty girl taking advandtage of the food that Bryce isn't eating. So I've resulted to removing some of the bowls when she seemed to want to eat all of them in one go. 😒
So we went to see Ellie yesterday and she trimmed Bryce's front teeth and leveled them. She said there was a very tiny spur in one of his back teeth but it hasn't caused any ulceration in the cheek or tongue. She said the inside of his mouth really looked great. The overall feel of his jaws are actually quite good and no swelling or anything.

Bryce isn't eating fully yet. He demolished the sliced carrots and cucumber last night, but he hasn't eaten much overnight. He only weighed 1215g this morning. So we are still giving him CC. We upped the Loxicom dosage again just in case he is feeling uncomfortable still. He can eat coz we see him eat some hay and grass and pea flakes. But he probably needs more confidence again to get him back to fully eating again.

Oh and btw, Whitney weighs 1408g now. 🤦‍♀️🙄 The fatty girl taking advandtage of the food that Bryce isn't eating. So I've resulted to removing some of the bowls when she seemed to want to eat all of them in one go. 😒
Did Ellie remove the tiny spur? xx
Well Bryce has been slobbering since last night. Not sure why. He is maintaining his weight at 1230g, but I'm just concerned with the slobbering. Hubby said it's just probably because he was sore with having his teeth done on Monday. But the procedure was only around 10mins or less coz Ellie brought him back quickly. So I'm worried there is something still bothering him in his mouth. We are still syringe feeding him but he is eating, not as much as his normal though.

I'm annoyed that hubby won't bring him to Simon now and I'm worrying he'll get worse by the time he decides it's time to take him. :hb:
Although further to travel for you, I do feel Simon is by far the best to see for anything dental or mouth related! You’ve only got to miss the tiniest spur and it can all go wrong very quickly. I hope he settles and you don’t need to do another long journey any time soon x
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Although further to travel for you, I do feel Simon is by far the best to see for anything dental or mouth related! You’ve only got to miss the tiniest spur and it can as n all go wrong very quickly. I hope he settles and you don’t need to do another long journey any time soon x
Will Simon be there in C&R next week, just in case?
Hubby will phone Cat & Rabbit tomorrow at 8am for an emergency appointment. They said it'll be Kim in the vets tomorrow, which is okay coz she can do a full inspection of Bryce anyway. Bryce has stopped eating today and is just having syringe food. He nibbles some hay at times but it's not really enough. He is still perky at times though coz he is still popcorning. He is such a weirdo sometimes. 😁
So we're just waiting for Bryce to finish his dental. Kim saw us but Simon was the one doing the teeth. Bryce's breathing is quite erratic that worried Kim a lot. But she said there's no crackling in the heart and lungs, but of course she won't know if there's fluid unless they take an xray. So she took him to wherever they do their dentals and gave him some oxygen first, which she said made everything better for Bryce.

So after that Simon checked his mouth and we can hear Bryce screaming from the waiting area. So Kim talked to us that Simon saw that there are lots of ulceration at the back of his right jaw from some spurs. No wonder he was breathing erratically, it's because of too much pain. So Simon had to give him some whiff of gas again just so he can be relaxed when he did his teeth again. And he will get some oxygen again after. And now we are just waiting for him. Probably around an hour.

My poor Bryce. No wonder he completely stopped eating yesterday and he started drooling. 😭 We don't know if Ellie didn't see it on Monday or that the spur has just grown quickly these past few days. Either way, we're just glad it's done today.