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Percy’s turn 😢

I have only just caught up with this thread and i'm so very sad to hear that you lost Percy. You really did everything that you could. Sending big hugs.

Popcorn free across the rainbow bridge little one. 🌈 ❤️
So sorry that Percy decided that the time had come for him to toddle off to the Rainbow Bridge. Sending you lots of hugs at this hard time.:hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:
I don’t know how I missed this. I’m so sorry for your loss. You did everything you could for him. Take good care of yourself.
I’ve only just seen this @weepweeps. I’m so very sorry for your loss. You really have been through such a tough time. Big hugs. Sleep tight, handsome fellow x
I hope you have still somewhat been able to enjoy your holiday, can’t imagine how tough it’s been for you recently! 💕
The Isles of Scilly are amazing.

I’ve just been walking along the beach on my own contemplating what I should do regarding piggies. Should I get Pepper a new buddy or find a new home for Pepper. 😢😢. I’m torn.
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It’s so hard and you’re such a caring owner (and it sounds like you do so much for the humans in your life too). Maybe don’t rush into a decision about Pepper either way if he’s not doing too badly, and see how you feel after the trauma of the last few weeks has died down a bit? Hope you can relax a bit on the holiday.
The Isles of Scilly are amazing.

I’ve just been walking along the beach on my own contemplating what I should do regarding piggies. Should I get Pepper a new buddy or find a new home for Pepper. 😢😢. I’m torn.
Take time.
You’ve been through a tough time and you’re on holiday.
Allow this break and the beautiful scenery to begin to heal your heart.
When you get home is the time to consider what to do for Pepper.

I find that when I have a difficult decision to make that I make a decision and then live with it for a few days.
If it still feels right I go with it. If I don’t feel comfortable then I make a different decision and live with that until I get to the point when I feel comfortable.