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Percy’s turn 😢


Senior Guinea Pig
Forum Buddy
Nov 22, 2020
Reaction score
As some of you know I’m currently nursing Pepper after a large abscess removal operation.

The piggies have been in my living room and not the garage while Pepper has been unwell.

Well this morning one of them was crying. It’s taken me today to work out who and when.

It’s Percy crying whilst pooping. I’ve got loxicom which I’ve started giving him at the same dose Pepper was on as Pepper is smaller so I think this will be ok.

I’ll give it a couple of days to sort itself if not I’ll pop to the vets. He has had this problem before and it cleared up in a week. So fingers crossed 🤞
Sending hugs to you and healing vibes to poor Percy, hope he’s feeling better soon x
Aww no! What a stress for you! Hope it clears up quickly!
Thanks for the kind words. ❤️. I go away for 10 days on Sunday. Now I’ve got two poorly pigs to worry about. 😟
I find it’s never just one…they happen after one another by which time your tired from all the extra care already.
Come guys, your mummy is worried - get well soon x
Oh no, poor Percy and you, really hope he feels better soon :hug:x

I was at the vets again yesterday with Lolo now peeing blood, her third trip in three weeks so on antibiotics and will be going to C&R when back from their hols for her check up on lymphoma. After Jasper going last Monday with his wheeze and being on meds all week, topped off with Cleo and her honking! (3 out of 4 pigs on metacam!) Barely three months after Luigi’s big abscess op and nursing him too!
I think my lot want to kill me off atm! 🙈 Blooming vet loving piglets! 🤦‍♀️🙄
Sending you hugs too @alpacasqueak. They obviously just like all the extra attention we give them when they are poorly 🤗

Maybe Percy is jealous lol.
Sending you hugs too @alpacasqueak. They obviously just like all the extra attention we give them when they are poorly 🤗

Maybe Percy is jealous lol.
Thank you 😊 That must be it, definitely like to keep us blinking busy, cleaning big old abscess wounds for weeks and syringe feeding not enough work for us obviously! :roll::))
Lolo sends you all some kisses :) (in her piggy-pee sample prison yesterday!) x
Anyone know how long it takes for pain meds to kick in? He had two lots yesterday and one today and he’s still squeaking the same. ☹️
Off to the vets tomorrow. Percy is now peeing blood this evening 😭

I do have some Baytril left over from Pepper. But I don’t want to give it in case it’s not the right medication for a UTI. I really hope it’s not a stone. My holiday is in 3 days. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Fingers crossed for tomorrow, sending healing vibes to both your boys 💓
I think Septrin is usually the best antibiotic for UTIs , hopefully one of the health specialists can confirm that.
I can’t believe it. He has a stone. 😭. I cried in the vets. He’s booked in tomorrow morning to have it removed. Quoted £650. I think I’ll call Cat and Rabbit to see how much they charge. I’m in shock. I’ve spent £1,000 on Pepper.

