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Patrick is unwell again.


Forum Buddy
Sep 29, 2008
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Australia, Victoria. (originally from Essex, UK)
Yesterday morning I put the pigs out on the grass for an hour before we went out for the day, Patrick and everyone was happily munching the grass. When I went to bring them in Patrick was laying down in the sun. Which I thought was a little odd as they usually only lay down outside when they’ve been out there for a few hours. Bought them in and Patrick straight away went upstairs for a lay down, hmm. They often come straight in for a nap after grass time, but I could just tell something was up.
I offered some cucumber to which he shot up and begged at the bars for. I decided to go out and hope I was over reacting.
However I returned home to Patrick sitting and looking sorry for himself. Picked him up and he had a soft poop coming out, and noticed some more diarrhoea poopies in the cage. At least he’s pooping something and not totally bloated.
I gave him some critical care, and decided to see how he was in the morning.
This morning he was much the same, I phoned the sunday emergency vet to which I made an appointment but I was nervous because it had to be at a different vet which I didn’t know, nor liked the sound of on the phone.
However Patrick then jumped straight in his hay tray and started to eat, just a little. And also slowly produced another sticky looking poop. So I’m glad he’s gut does seem to be working, just not as it should. I phoned the vet back and we agreed that I should just monitor him at home today, keep up with the critical care, give him some metacam and encourage hay eating.
I’ve separated him from the herd so I can keep an eye on him and see how much he poops.
So far today he has produced a few sticky poops, and in between looking poorly he is munching a little bit of hay, and poking about his cage.
If he doesn’t show a big improvement by the morning I’m going to take him into my normal vet before work where he can spend the day and have treatment.
I wonder why his guts keep getting poorly lately?
Sending healing vibes to the lovely Patrick and hope he perks up and is back to normal soon Hannah and I'm sending a virtual hug to you. :hug:
Poor Patrick, hope he’s feeling better soon x
can you give him some probiotic or the old poo soup, would that help?
I’m sorry to hear he’s unwell again. Hopefully the probiotic and metacam will maintain him well until tomorrow. Fingers crossed and lots of healing wheeks from my 4.
Sorry to learn Patrick’s not well Hannah. What a rough time you’ve had this year . Come on Mr Patrick, get well soon . We are all willing you on and please give us lots of poops x
Patrick had 3x gut stimulation injections, as well as fluids and pain relief today at the vets.
He hadn’t poo’d though. Unfortunately I had to see a different vet, whom I found him a bit difficult to speak to.
He’s home now, I put him with the girls for a couple of hours to cheer him up before putting him back in the separate area where I can Monitor for poopies. When I was putting him in the cage there was a teeny weeny little dry poop coming out of his bottom.
He has ate a few strands of hay, had 2 drinks of water but otherwise just sleeping.
But it is 32 degrees here today, so most of the pigs are just lazing around. Got the aircon on but still so hot.
I’m taking him back to the vets tomorrow to spend the day again.
Ooh please get well soon beautiful Patrick. Hope you can have a little rest as well Hannah. What did the vet think?
Ooh please get well soon beautiful Patrick. Hope you can have a little rest as well Hannah. What did the vet think?
Well, I’m not sure..I spoke to the vet twice over the phone while I was at work and I was really struggling to understand his accent and fast speech! I did try and ask a couple of questions as was trying check he was doing the same as what the vet did last time he had bloat, such as the gut stimulating injections. But his reply was ‘Yes! I just told you I medicated him!’ .. he wasn’t a bad vet, I just struggle with vets that are a bit harder and brash in their mannerisms. The young woman I saw last time with Patrick was just so lovely and caring. Unfortunately as I turned up at 8.30am this morning without an appointment as an emergency I couldn’t request one of the few vets I trust.
And my boyfriend picked him up and only briefly spoke to the vet nurse who was helping.
So I don’t really know what he thinks :doh: But I just said I’ll bring him back in the morning if he doesn’t show a huge improvement tonight.
I hope all goes well and Patrick shows positive signs of recovery by the morning. Hopefully although the vet was a grouch he’s given Patrick what he needs.
Sending healing vibes for Patrick from me and the piggies. 💕
Thanks everyone.
I’ve just dropped him off at the vets again. I really don’t like this vet who’s dealing with him.. He’s not very hopeful or sensitive, I got straight back in the car and burst into tears.

Huge hugs to you xx
Sorry Hannah. Perhaps you could ring and ask for one of the vet nurses to explain things to you? It’s tough when you’ve got a vet whose style of communication is a little...different.
Sorry Hannah. Perhaps you could ring and ask for one of the vet nurses to explain things to you? It’s tough when you’ve got a vet whose style of communication is a little...different.

I’m scared to phone as this morning he said/shouted “don’t phone me in the middle of the day, TOO much to do, my head explode!”
I only phoned him yesterday after I missed his call at lunch time! And then I phoned at 4pm before my boyfriend went in to pick him up so I could find out how the day had gone!
He’s made me so anxious.

But, I know he is taking care of Patrick and doing all he can. That’s the main thing.
I’ll try not to let his negativity bring me down, Patrick is eating a little, still wants veggies. Yes he feels crappy, yes he hasn’t pooped apart from the odd dry mouse size poo. But at least he isn’t completely shut down.. must try and hold onto the positives.
Oh Hannah how awful he sounds, that attitude would have made me cry too. He did well with Patrick so I guess that's the main thing. Sending Patrick healing vibes and hugs to you.
I’m sorry he’s made you feel like that. I would perhaps get your boyfriend to speak to him (or a nurse). Good luck and hugs.

The vet couldn’t get hold of me as I was at work when he phoned this arvo. So he rung my boyfriend and chatted with him which is good and he didn’t get the bad vibe I was getting.
He said that Dr Aaron has been poking his head in and helping with Patrick today which made me SO pleased as he is the really good vet, the exotic specialist.
Unfortunately Patrick is still much the same. But he’s still relatively active and bright so Aaron said we just keep on going with the treatments and hope that it starts kicking in.
So it will back to the vets tomorrow, on my birthday :(
When I got him home tonight, he had the smallest of dry poop coming out his bottom. There was a tiny tiny tiny bit of pink thread in it..
I’m sorry there doesn’t seem to be an answer to his issue. Hopefully the meds will work and he will start pooing soon. Even soft is better than very little. I’m sorry I don’t remember but did they give him gut meds yesterday?

Hugs to you, I’m sorry your birthday isn’t turning out as you wanted it.