Our piggies

Do tell....?
Not yet, sorry. Give us a few weeks, nothings happened yet!

To help you while you wait, here’s a photo of our little foster visitor, being brave. He is very fast, and decided he is camera shy! It’s nearly time for him to go home again, and find a girlfriend.

We really, really, really need an update pleeeeeaaaaasssseee !
@Wheekallweek beat me too it!
Thank you Merrypigs rescue, for letting us adopt Lyle- now Loki pig.

Loki has settled in, and is quite a confident pig, considering he’s barely been here a week. We have already discovered he is a bit of a piggy dustbin- he hasn’t turned down any food yet. Loki already wheeks at pellet time & is good at flattering his hay- just like Wally next door!

Wally has proved he is still king of the bar chews, after 24hrs, thankfully he calmed down a lot quicker than with previous new neighbours. Just a little chew occasionally the last couple of days- just to let us know he’s not forgetting his hobby!


How lovely. I was just about to ask if they were going to stay as neighbours.
For now, yes. Both boys have had multiple bonding fails. Wally has calmed a lot since he first moved in, we shall just wait and see for now, let Loki settle in. My work hours have just changed too, so harder to keep an eye, on a new piggy relationship.

Have you made any 🍒decisions, or all still at the discussion stage?
I need to play the long game. Little subtle nudges and comments until hubby says "I've got an idea..."
Part of the discussion was because of Master Boris being a satin, but he's now about 18 months old and showing no signs of Satin Syndrome. So now we don't have that big worry about his health possibly stopping him having it done and he should have a good life span.