I was in a similar position once, our late Honey had had a stroke of some sort. Couldn’t walk right, couldn’t lift his head. Took him to the vets to be PTS and he was right as rain as soon as he was on the consulting table. He could walk, eat, etc. I was completely shocked and panicked I was making the wrong choice. The vet thankfully let us take him back to the car and think it over. The second he was back in the car, he couldn’t walk/lift his head again and so we euthanised. Piggy adrenaline is absolutely terrifying when you’re at a euthanasia appointment. You know it’s needed but can’t ignore that they suddenly look completely fine. I would’ve been in a right state had we not have been able to go in. And it’s the type of guilt that would burden someone for a really long time too, to euthanise when the pet looked fine before they went in.
It’s odd to me that you weren’t even allowed in for a euthanasia appointment. I know it’s different to a dog euthanasia for example because they take piggies to a different room, but still. I would’ve thought you could’ve at least gone in for that since the conversation beforehand that you have with the vet whilst both of you are observing the animal affirms you’re making the right choice, which is the hardest decision a pet owner can make. It’s just bizarre to me that they aren’t letting people in for something so important.
At our exotic vet where it’s a one client per pet policy, you’re actually allowed multiple people into euthanasia appointments. The most I’ve seen go in is four. It seems very unfair to deny pet owners that chance, very sad too.
It sounds like you’re having a really rough time with it all. It’s hard enough to do it once every so often, never mind multiple times a week like you are. I really hope C&R sort something out. If they’re the only/one of the only Northlands practices to not let people in, perhaps Simon or Kim may be classed as vulnerable, and since they’re married and the only vets at C&R it might’ve been decided that it’s too much of a risk to allow people in. Especially because there are too many piggies that rely on them both being fit and healthy, I’m sure that by now they would’ve altered something if there wasn’t good reason not to, but who knows. I do hope something is figured out though for you, it really sounds awful. It’s just unnecessary stress and anxiety. I hope you’re able to have a conversation about it at some point to help you out, such as doing a rapid test before you go or something? I hope they make some changes anyway for your benefit.