Oh no, Zoltan!

I was in a similar position once, our late Honey had had a stroke of some sort. Couldn’t walk right, couldn’t lift his head. Took him to the vets to be PTS and he was right as rain as soon as he was on the consulting table. He could walk, eat, etc. I was completely shocked and panicked I was making the wrong choice. The vet thankfully let us take him back to the car and think it over. The second he was back in the car, he couldn’t walk/lift his head again and so we euthanised. Piggy adrenaline is absolutely terrifying when you’re at a euthanasia appointment. You know it’s needed but can’t ignore that they suddenly look completely fine. I would’ve been in a right state had we not have been able to go in. And it’s the type of guilt that would burden someone for a really long time too, to euthanise when the pet looked fine before they went in.

It’s odd to me that you weren’t even allowed in for a euthanasia appointment. I know it’s different to a dog euthanasia for example because they take piggies to a different room, but still. I would’ve thought you could’ve at least gone in for that since the conversation beforehand that you have with the vet whilst both of you are observing the animal affirms you’re making the right choice, which is the hardest decision a pet owner can make. It’s just bizarre to me that they aren’t letting people in for something so important.
At our exotic vet where it’s a one client per pet policy, you’re actually allowed multiple people into euthanasia appointments. The most I’ve seen go in is four. It seems very unfair to deny pet owners that chance, very sad too.

It sounds like you’re having a really rough time with it all. It’s hard enough to do it once every so often, never mind multiple times a week like you are. I really hope C&R sort something out. If they’re the only/one of the only Northlands practices to not let people in, perhaps Simon or Kim may be classed as vulnerable, and since they’re married and the only vets at C&R it might’ve been decided that it’s too much of a risk to allow people in. Especially because there are too many piggies that rely on them both being fit and healthy, I’m sure that by now they would’ve altered something if there wasn’t good reason not to, but who knows. I do hope something is figured out though for you, it really sounds awful. It’s just unnecessary stress and anxiety. I hope you’re able to have a conversation about it at some point to help you out, such as doing a rapid test before you go or something? I hope they make some changes anyway for your benefit.
I think it could be to do with them being a husband/wife team, so if one had to self isolate then the other one would too! However, the numbers are now really low and more and more people are vaccinated. We need to learn to live with low levels of Covid and get on with our lives. You are allowed in for euthanasia, if it is a cat, but you have to wait outside until they have got the cannula in and are ready to do the deed. My poor friend was left outside for 40 minutes, before she was allowed in to be with her cat. I went up to the practice, as I didn't want her to come out to no-one there for her, but she was still waiting to go in, when I arrived. I am so glad I went, as that wait was absolutely agonising for her! x
Debbie, oh lass, , you are amazing and gave Zoltan a fantastic life , , he had more probs than his little body deserved,
and would been at rainbow World before with most other people, your tlc gave him extra time,
This dam virus has given us a different way of life and thats not helped adding pressure and worry, no wonder you are exhausted.
Rip little guy,, , thank you for being in my world, x
That's absolutely awful and not at all acceptable! At least when Priya had the branchial cyst, last year, they were very good with her and allowed me to take her, just before Simon was ready to start the ops, as she wouldn't have coped with being there all morning. I can't fault the care I got for her then, but I do feel that they're just becoming so busy, that maintaining a relationship with the clients, is now in jeopardy. I remember Kim telling me, years ago, that the clients are as important as the pets, because if the clients aren't coping then the pet will suffer.
I feel exactly the same with my vets, they don't even let you in for pts as far as I'm aware! I was terrified we'd have to pts and given babybelles terrified of the vets (as a 16yo rescue adopted at 14) absolutely no way id be sending her alone for that I'd be calling a different practice it was hard enough with a piggy, we weren't even allowed to see princess afterwards since we wanted her cremated, they let her friend go in with her to see the body but was in and out in under 5mins so can't have let her see her for long! My 7 yo really struggled with not being able to say goodbye to her bestie properly! She cried herself to sleep for literally months. It was during the first lockdown so I could somewhat understand but it was still tough! They're also so busy they aren't taking on new clients and I appreciate they're busy and respect that but it's a longstanding joke that I need my own parking space we are there so much and they used to be so friendly and take time to chat to owners in depth about the problem, now they genuinely seem annoyed that I'm there again sometimes and asking to speak with the vet feels like asking for the earth! I don't have another exotics vet I can get to though and she's been babybelles vet so long and knows her history so well I dont feel comfortable with anyone else! I don't feel that as much lately either and they definitely don't care about clients mental health, on more than one occasion ive been a right anxious crying mess waiting on a phone call that didn't come 😒 I'm loosing patience too! Sometimes they're OK other times no time to discuss it feels like tossing a coin as to which we get! I've always really liked my vets but I'm not sure they always realise this pandemic has been hard on owners as well as the vets! I've always appreciated they are highly stressed and been respectful and tried to only contact when absolutely necessary. Anyway I'm going to attempt to book babybelle a weight check with a nurse since she's been slowly loosing weight for a few months and I want to make sure she's gaining or maintaining now she's eating (I feel this is necessary as weight loss when not eating is expected but at 16 if be worried of more unknown problems if she's still loosing now she's eating) but I'm betting they'll say they're not doing weight checks as they're not doing nail clips or anal glands unless there's serious problem and post op checks and most follow ups are by email atm.

Anyway sorry for the rant and derailing the thread I'm so sorry for what you've been through, please remember youre a lifeline for many piggies and make such a difference to their lives! Sending extra hugs 💖
I can't edit the previous post but I can't fault the actual care the pets have recieved and sometimes I get to speak to a vet no problems (and usually use that time to speak about babybelle too if I need to) I just find it frustrating that we never know if we will get to or not and it always seems when it's something simple I speak to the vet when a nurse explaining would be fine but when I could really do with speaking to a vet I can't 🤦‍♀️ I just really related to your post about frustration not speaking to a vet properly, I in no way want to say mean things about my vets as they are generally really good and I know they are stressed too!
Oh Zoltan, bless him.

I'm appalled at their behaviour. I have had no choice but to work throughout the pandemic with no change to what I do or who I see, Covid positive or negative. There comes a point where a risk assessment needs to be reevaluated and you need to move forward. They are beyond that point. I’m sorry that you are being treated like this, you and your animals deserve better.
Oh Debbie, I’m so sorry you’ve lost your gorgeous Zoltan. You gave him the most amazing life with you and the TEAS piggies and he wouldn’t have been such a happy boy in that time if it weren’t for you fighting for him, like all the other pigs you save :hug:
We are all so lucky to have you looking out for these piglets! Massive hugs from me, Luigi and Aliona ❤️

Have fun at the bridge beautiful Zoltan, you were such a fighter xx
So so sorry to hear about little Zoltan. You have him the most amazing care and life at TEAS.
Sorry to hear that you are still not allowed in to see Simon and Kim, really do hope things get back to normal soon.
Please take care of yourself, we are here for you and will try to give you as much support as we can.
Sleep tight little Zoltan.xx
I can't edit the previous post but I can't fault the actual care the pets have recieved and sometimes I get to speak to a vet no problems (and usually use that time to speak about babybelle too if I need to) I just find it frustrating that we never know if we will get to or not and it always seems when it's something simple I speak to the vet when a nurse explaining would be fine but when I could really do with speaking to a vet I can't 🤦‍♀️ I just really related to your post about frustration not speaking to a vet properly, I in no way want to say mean things about my vets as they are generally really good and I know they are stressed too!
I know exactly what you mean. I couldn’t wish for better vets, but the circumstances are making it unworkable. I just worry that nothing has been done to make the building Covid secure. We are going to have to live with the virus for the foreseeable, so need to find ways to enable life to continue normally.
I know exactly what you mean. I couldn’t wish for better vets, but the circumstances are making it unworkable. I just worry that nothing has been done to make the building Covid secure. We are going to have to live with the virus for the foreseeable, so need to find ways to enable life to continue normally.
I completely agree and also couldn't wish for better vets 99% of the time! Some practices have managed fine, I think all practices should work towards owners being allowed in again definitely, I can't imagine it being like this forever, I hope all practice's figure it out soon!