Oh no, Zoltan!

When I went to see Kim and Simon with Meg last year, I didn't find it very nice standing on a street corner having a conversation over the phone about what was wrong with Meg. I didn't understand some of what was being said and had to keep asking Kim to repeat it. I found it less than satisfactory.
When I went to see Kim and Simon with Meg last year, I didn't find it very nice standing on a street corner having a conversation over the phone about what was wrong with Meg. I didn't understand some of what was being said and had to keep asking Kim to repeat it. I found it less than satisfactory.
I did ask the receptionist if it would be possible for Simon or Kim to come outside to discuss things, but I got told they can’t do that, as it’s not professional. I said I knew of lots of other vets doing exactly that.
Oh Zoltan, got everything crossed for you. And lots of love to you Debbie. You are so amazing for all these piggies and I can’t even imagine how exhausting it all must be for you.

I agree with the vets too. I’ve not been allowed inside mine for over a year now. I think my experience is marginally better than others here though as the vet comes out to the car to chat and get the pet and then brings them back out for a face to face chat after too. And they never rush you so I’ve always had lots of time to ask all my questions and face to face chats seem a lot easier than phone chats.
It’s not the same as being able to be in the consult though seeing what they see and feeling what they feel and asking questions in the moment.
It’s such a shame that they can’t at least make some kind of exception for you, since you’re there most days. Our exotic vet has had a one client per pet policy from pretty much right at the beginning of all of this, the consulting room just has a plastic shield hanging down over the consulting table and both client and vet wears a mask. Another local vet of ours only lets one client in at a time. Then you stay in the waiting room whilst your pet is in the consulting room not far away from where you’re sat. That way the vet and client are able to speak and see each other with no close contact. But we do also have another local vet who collects the pet from the car and returns them once they’ve been seen to - but even then most times the vet comes out to speak to you about the appointment rather than do it over the phone.
I know that if Simon or Kim got sick, things would fall apart. So I can understand perhaps why they haven’t become more lenient, but I really would’ve thought they’d make an exception in your case and it’s a shame that they haven’t.
Oh gosh Debbie, you are Zoltan really are having the worst time.

I know what you mean, even after Odin's many many trips to C&R, I have still never actually met Kim or Simon (only ever spoken to them over the phone). It was so difficult for me when Odin was so poorly and my mental health suffered hugely (I don't think I left the house for most of the year whilst caring for him), so I honestly can't imagine how much much worse it must be for you :(

My local vets are allowing one person per pet on appointments (though I use them for the dog), and when I visit Cheshire Pet for the piggies it is the same (one person per pet allowed inside).

I really do feel for you and the boys and I are sending so much love for you, Zoltan and the other piggies that you do such amazing work for. If only I were closer, I would do my very best to help however I could. I have increased my monthly donation to you this month (I know it's not much but I hope it helps a little) 💗
I'm so sorry you are having such a difficult time. Healing wheeks for Zolton, I hope he has the strength to pull through.

I've been lucky, the only vets visits I've made in the last year one person was allowed in the consulting room which was great. I can't believe you haven't been able to speak to the vet in person all this time.
Oh Debbie I’m so sorry you are having to go through this again with Zoltan. It’s made doubly hard by the fact you can’t have a normal frank discussion with Simon, it’s awful. You know I have voiced this on the Cat and Rabbit Facebook page but to no effect. They are marvellous vets but they do need to start thinking about their human customers too.
We were devastated when told Ted was terminally ill on a cold, dark December evening by phone, out of the blue with a 300 miles journey back home, it will stay with me as one of the most dreadful moments in my life.
I hope little Zoltan pulls round,he is such a beautiful little chap, wish I was nearer to give you hand x
I am so sorry to hear how difficult things are for you at the moment. I am surprised that Simon hasn't found another way to see his clients. I go to Ashleigh Vets in Chorlton. You have to check-in when you arrive and wait outside to be called but you are allowed in the consulting room with your pet. They have put up a plastic screen on one side of the examination table and the vet nurse passes your pet it its carrier to the vet. As everyone is wearing masks and obviously the vet and the nurse are wearing gloves, this seems perfectly safe. As far as i know they have not had any cases of Covid linked to the surgery. I think it takes a bit longer to get through their appointments as they have to give the screen a wipe between patients but it is all very efficient and i have not had to wait more then a couple of days for a non-urgent appointment with their one of their exotics vets.

Could Simon perhaps call one of the vet practices that is allowing clients in and see how it is working for them.

I have everything crossed for Zoltan, he seems like a fighter and you are giving him every chance to recover. xx
I am so sorry to hear how difficult things are for you at the moment. I am surprised that Simon hasn't found another way to see his clients. I go to Ashleigh Vets in Chorlton. You have to check-in when you arrive and wait outside to be called but you are allowed in the consulting room with your pet. They have put up a plastic screen on one side of the examination table and the vet nurse passes your pet it its carrier to the vet. As everyone is wearing masks and obviously the vet and the nurse are wearing gloves, this seems perfectly safe. As far as i know they have not had any cases of Covid linked to the surgery. I think it takes a bit longer to get through their appointments as they have to give the screen a wipe between patients but it is all very efficient and i have not had to wait more then a couple of days for a non-urgent appointment with their one of their exotics vets.

Could Simon perhaps call one of the vet practices that is allowing clients in and see how it is working for them.

I have everything crossed for Zoltan, he seems like a fighter and you are giving him every chance to recover. xx
This is exactly what happens at my local vets. You get a pager when you check in and go sit in your car, once the building is clear of the previous customer they page you and you go straight into the consulting room with the vet. The C&R clearly don’t want to have people in as they could easily adopt this practice, I feel for Debbie as she is such a regular visitor, you would think they would be able to make her an exception 😔
Does the vet come out to speak to you or is it done over phone? Ours is over phone and it keeps cutting off or you can’t hear properly. I think with so many calls being made in and out, the phone system is not fit for purpose. The other week, it took four calls to have a conversation with Kim.

The vet does come out and speak to us - which is definitely better than having to do it over the phone
i have seen Kim twice in the last two weeks.I'm Deaf in one ear,my phone is old,i could not hear half of the conversation.i have to ring the vet back ! when i go to a local exotic vet,they come to the car to talk to me,which makes life easier.The maddocks have so much experience that i do trust them,i like Kim as i find she talks in a direct way.which makes it easier for me to make an informed decision.I'm sorry its dificult for you Debbie at present,but it will get better when Covid 19 is under contol,similar to how flu is managed.sending my empathy.x
Heartbreaking news! 😢

Zoltan deteriorated rapidly this morning and it became very obvious he wasn’t going to improve. Ideally I wanted him to pass at home and as he was very peaceful, I just let him spend time with Ivan. However, after a while, his breathing became noisy and he looked in discomfort, so he was helped over the Rainbow Bridge, this afternoon. Ivan accompanied him to the vets and spent some time with Zoltan, after he’d passed.

I think it’s important to think of all the extra time that Zoltan had, after fully recovering from the worst abscess we’ve ever dealt with! He was such a huge presence in the guinea pig log cabin, violently shaking the bars of his cage, when he wanted food NOW! He was such a larger than life character!

Sleep tight dude! Your excellent adventure here is over, but Rainbow Bridge won’t know what’s hit in, when you rock up!

It’s been an absolute pleasure having you as part of our TEAS family!💙
So so sorry Debbie. He’s had the most amazing extra time with you and a wonderful life.
Thinking of you.

rest in peace gorgeous boy. Enjoy your new adventure with the others over the bridge 🌈💕
Just saw this on Facebook :( It’s such sad news to hear. You’ve been the best owner to him, you’ve nursed him back from the edge, given him a beautiful chance at life, and made the hardest decision in the name of love. Seeing how poorly he was when he first came to you, to him being so happy and confident so as to cause mini-earthquakes with the cage bars is just so lovely, and it must feel so rewarding too. I can’t even imagine how hard it is to run TEAS, but I imagine successes like you’ve had with Zoltan are what keeps you going through it all. He was so blessed to have found someone so knowledgable and dedicated. It’s so sad that he’s gone over the bridge, but you gave him back his life when he had essentially been given a death sentence. Its just unfortunate he couldn’t enjoy it even longer.
Hope you’re doing okay, as best you can in these situations anyway. You did your best for him at every turn, that’s what counts. Thinking of you and Ivan xx
Debbie I'm so sorry to learn that Zoltan has gone to the Rainbow Bridge. He will be causing havoc there I'm sure. He is out of pain now and in his prime once more.
So very sorry to read this sad news about Zoltan. Your care gave him extra time that he would not have otherwise had. Sending big hugs.:hug:

Popcorn free across the rainbow bridge handsome boy.❤
I can't believe what happened when I got to vets. When I took the boys from their cage, to put in the carrier to go, Zoltan coughed and the noisy breathing stopped. He was still very floppy and unresponsive though. I put them in the car and drove to vets and didn't hear anything from either of them. When I got there I thought Zoltan had already passed, but could then see he was breathing slightly. I rang the practice and was told to put them in the foyer. When I got to the foyer, Debbie, the receptionist came out, to take the carrier from me. As I handed it over she said 'which one are we putting to sleep'? I looked down and Zoltan was up and walking around the carrier with Ivan. I was so shocked, I just pointed to Zoltan and walked away. By the time I got back into the car I was having a panic attack! I thought I'd made a big mistake. Had the cough cleared something, was he alright now? In my heart, I knew he wasn't and we were making the right decision but I was hyperventilating and so terrified that I was about to have a healthy piggy put to sleep. I rang the practice and I was told they would get Simon to speak to me. Simon came on the line and said he would give Zoltan a good check over and ring me back. When he rang me back he said it was most definitely the right decision. He was in a lot of pain in his stomach and his breathing was awful. Simon wonders whether Zoltan realised where he was and adrenalin kicked in, just at the point I handed the carrier over. I know I made the right decision, but I am so shaken up by it all! I really don't think I can do this any more, I am a constant nervous wreck, every time I put the piggies in the foyer and walk away! It isn't just an occasional thing. I am there so many times, every week!
I'm so sorry,you have made the right decision.Maybe in time you could have a frank discussion about your feelings and thoughts for progressing with vet visits.
I'm so sorry,you have made the right decision.Maybe in time you could have a frank discussion about your feelings and thoughts for progressing with vet visits.
They are always so busy and it isn't really a discussion for over the phone. Do you think we will be let back in on 21st June, if all restrictions are lifted? Northlands, who own Cat and Rabbit, have been letting people in for a few weeks now.
I'm so sorry you're going through this stress, you do an amazing job with all the special needs piggies and it's not fair on you that things are made so difficult. I would say optimistically that, as very soon most of the restrictions we are under will be lifted, I can't see how vets will have any excuse to carry on the way they are currently working. They will have to relax things soon surely?!
i hope things will move forward,i do not think it will be exactly the same pre covid.I would ask to arrange for a relaxed meet when able to,and just say how it has affected you.Yes they are busy,but the humans visitors are just as important as the animal clients.This is for time in the future,when this raw state has passed.you are doing an amazing,time consuming and emotionally draining job,you have made a difference to so many people and guinea pigs.I'm so greatful for your expertise with Jerry.xx
Hello Debbie. I’m quite new to the forum but I think you do a wonderful
job with the special need piggies. It must be so stressful for you to be put on such a high pedestal. You’re amazing but only human. Please take care of yourself. We are just as fragile as piggies. And Covid definitely hasn’t helped. My stress levels are through the roof at the moment. X
Holding you in my heart.

I'm sorry to hear that you haven't been able to go in to see Simon and Kim directly. My exotic vet office is the same way. I called them on Monday to get my piggies a well check up and they were all booked for May! All of the visits are filled with sick or injured animals. They said they will not be doing well checks for the near foreseeable future.

We all know that you work so hard for the piggies, but I do think it is nice to take a rest. Is there anyway that you could take a small break? Please make sure you take care of yourself. :hug:
I was in a similar position once, our late Honey had had a stroke of some sort. Couldn’t walk right, couldn’t lift his head. Took him to the vets to be PTS and he was right as rain as soon as he was on the consulting table. He could walk, eat, etc. I was completely shocked and panicked I was making the wrong choice. The vet thankfully let us take him back to the car and think it over. The second he was back in the car, he couldn’t walk/lift his head again and so we euthanised. Piggy adrenaline is absolutely terrifying when you’re at a euthanasia appointment. You know it’s needed but can’t ignore that they suddenly look completely fine. I would’ve been in a right state had we not have been able to go in. And it’s the type of guilt that would burden someone for a really long time too, to euthanise when the pet looked fine before they went in.

It’s odd to me that you weren’t even allowed in for a euthanasia appointment. I know it’s different to a dog euthanasia for example because they take piggies to a different room, but still. I would’ve thought you could’ve at least gone in for that since the conversation beforehand that you have with the vet whilst both of you are observing the animal affirms you’re making the right choice, which is the hardest decision a pet owner can make. It’s just bizarre to me that they aren’t letting people in for something so important.
At our exotic vet where it’s a one client per pet policy, you’re actually allowed multiple people into euthanasia appointments. The most I’ve seen go in is four. It seems very unfair to deny pet owners that chance, very sad too.

It sounds like you’re having a really rough time with it all. It’s hard enough to do it once every so often, never mind multiple times a week like you are. I really hope C&R sort something out. If they’re the only/one of the only Northlands practices to not let people in, perhaps Simon or Kim may be classed as vulnerable, and since they’re married and the only vets at C&R it might’ve been decided that it’s too much of a risk to allow people in. Especially because there are too many piggies that rely on them both being fit and healthy, I’m sure that by now they would’ve altered something if there wasn’t good reason not to, but who knows. I do hope something is figured out though for you, it really sounds awful. It’s just unnecessary stress and anxiety. I hope you’re able to have a conversation about it at some point to help you out, such as doing a rapid test before you go or something? I hope they make some changes anyway for your benefit.
I am so sorry Debbie despite all your care and love you’ve had to let Zoltan go. You’ve made the right decision, he was very poorly and I think there‘s a point that you reach and you know they are not going to pull through, it’s the kindness thing we can do. I remember meeting Zoltan while we waited for Ted’s neuter and he was such a beautiful guinea pig. You did an amazing job getting him better the first time round and you gave him a lovely year with his little friend Ivan. The cabin will be quiet tonight, you take good care of yourself and try take a bit of “time out” for a few days to help heal. I really do think the Cat and Rabbit cannot justify keeping customers at the door like this for much longer x

Sleep tight little Zoltan 🌈
I'm so so sorry for your loss 💖

I too struggle with not being able to go in the vets, some times I don't even get to speak with the vet at all just a nurse or receptionist, my senior cat with complex medical history went in for x rays, saw a nurse at drop off and again at pick up, she was diagnosed with arthritis but due to her other conditions and medication they weren't sure what pain killer to use or if they'd need to change her other medication, I was told this by a nurse then radio silence for a few days while she continued to not eat amongst other things, so I sent a rather grumpy email saying I wanted to speak with her vet as I didn't know what issue was causing what problem or how to help her and i wanted a full check up for her as well as the x Ray (which I had td the vet) and queried whether she'd also had the checkup as the nurse didn't know! I eventually got her gabapentin sorted and clarification that she had the check up too but still didn't get the vet to speak to me. I was an emotional wreck and worried about quality of life the whole time and also rather furious with the vets! its completely unfair! Sending huge hugs you do such an amazing job, be gentle with yourself 💖
I’m so so sorry to hear about Zoltan Debbie. You do such a great job for all the guinea pigs at TEAS and I can imagine how upsetting and frustrating it is to be having such important discussions over the phone - especially as like you said, you go there so often! I’m amazed that vets are still so shut off from the world when everything else is easing. It’s such a shame.

Thinking of you x
Oh gosh just caught up with this thread. I'm so so sorry for your loss, what a worrying time you've had. Neither my local vet or my specialist are allowing people inside yet, you hand them over in the car park. My local one talks to you over the phone while the specialist comes out to the car park to talk to you. It's all I've know since I got Eddie and Elvis in February and we went into lockdown in March but I can totally see how horrible and strange it is for you :(

Sleep tight wonderful Zoltan 🌈❤️
I'm so so sorry for your loss 💖

I too struggle with not being able to go in the vets, some times I don't even get to speak with the vet at all just a nurse or receptionist, my senior cat with complex medical history went in for x rays, saw a nurse at drop off and again at pick up, she was diagnosed with arthritis but due to her other conditions and medication they weren't sure what pain killer to use or if they'd need to change her other medication, I was told this by a nurse then radio silence for a few days while she continued to not eat amongst other things, so I sent a rather grumpy email saying I wanted to speak with her vet as I didn't know what issue was causing what problem or how to help her and i wanted a full check up for her as well as the x Ray (which I had td the vet) and queried whether she'd also had the checkup as the nurse didn't know! I eventually got her gabapentin sorted and clarification that she had the check up too but still didn't get the vet to speak to me. I was an emotional wreck and worried about quality of life the whole time and also rather furious with the vets! its completely unfair! Sending huge hugs you do such an amazing job, be gentle with yourself 💖
That's absolutely awful and not at all acceptable! At least when Priya had the branchial cyst, last year, they were very good with her and allowed me to take her, just before Simon was ready to start the ops, as she wouldn't have coped with being there all morning. I can't fault the care I got for her then, but I do feel that they're just becoming so busy, that maintaining a relationship with the clients, is now in jeopardy. I remember Kim telling me, years ago, that the clients are as important as the pets, because if the clients aren't coping then the pet will suffer.