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Nugget Has A Grease Gland Tumor


Forum Buddy
Apr 7, 2015
Reaction score
Bristol, UK
Please send Nugget lots of healing vibes. He had an appointment this morning to check out his lump. The lovely vets have fitted us in this afternoon to save us an anxious wait for a surgery appointment. He's in surgery now, we are hoping to bring him home this evening.
Fingers very firmly crossed! Not the news you wanted to hear but glad that your vet was willing to get it out there and then.

He's out of surgery, very groggy but okay. They discovered his molars were overgrown so they have been sorted while he was under as well. This surprised me as he eats a lot of hay, hope it's not going to be a recurring problem. The lump was more comlicated than thought as it was more extensive internally. We are hoping to pick him up at 6pm, fingers crossed he continues to come round well. I suspect the initial £489 estimate has sky rocketed as they charge by the minute for surgery!
He's out of surgery, very groggy but okay. They discovered his molars were overgrown so they have been sorted while he was under as well. This surprised me as he eats a lot of hay, hope it's not going to be a recurring problem. The lump was more comlicated than thought as it was more extensive internally. We are hoping to pick him up at 6pm, fingers crossed he continues to come round well. I suspect the initial £489 estimate has sky rocketed as they charge by the minute for surgery!
Glad the op has gone well. I do have one concern though! Was he eating okay before the surgery? I am just panicking about the fact that they did dental work. I really hope it was needed and they haven't caused a problem. Sorry, I am probably worrying unnecessarily, but I've seen too many dental issues caused by vets!
Oh I’m so pleased he’s come round ok, have been thinking of you both all day crossing everything :hug:Bless him.
Really hope it doesn’t cost you the earth 🙈 xx
I'm slightly concerned too as I hadn't noticed a problem with his eating. I do however trust this very senior piggie vet 100%, and can only hope all is well. She has done some very complicated surgeries for us before and never let us down. It's so hard not being able to go into the vets and speak to them in person. Everything is done by messages via mobile phones in the carpark with big lorries thundering by.
Glad to hear that Nugget has come through the surgery. ❤️
I'm slightly concerned too as I hadn't noticed a problem with his eating. I do however trust this very senior piggie vet 100%, and can only hope all is well. She has done some very complicated surgeries for us before and never let us down. It's so hard not being able to go into the vets and speak to them in person. Everything is done by messages via mobile phones in the carpark with big lorries thundering by.
Oh no, are you still not allowed in! I did wonder if we would get kicked out again a few weeks ago, but we are still allowed in. We have to phone when we arrive and they only allow a couple of people in the waiting room, but at least you can get in to see the vet xx
I’m glad to hear he has come round okay, hope he is feeling better when you pick him up!
He's home, a bit quiet and sorry for himself, but not sorry enough to stop him eating a large pile of corriander and wheat grass! It's a nasty wound. They have removed the gland and as much tissue as they could. He has Sulfratrim and Metacam and recovery food if needed. Everything crossed it doesn't return and he make a good recovery.
Oh no, are you still not allowed in! I did wonder if we would get kicked out again a few weeks ago, but we are still allowed in. We have to phone when we arrive and they only allow a couple of people in the waiting room, but at least you can get in to see the vet xx

We've never been allowed back in with the vets, we are allowed to go into reception now and say we have arrived and to pay! Bill wasn't as bad as I feared, in fact it was slightly below the estimate. £426 with a free follow up, we've not had that before.
I hope he recovers well.

We still aren’t allowed into our vet. Tap on the window and someone comes out to book you in, then wait outside, vet comes to take animal and then returns and talks to you stood outside with cars going by, not being able to hear properly etc.
So glad he’s back home with his mum :luv:Poor lad though, bet it’s not a nice place for surgery. So glad he’s munching, we’re sending lots of virtual tasties his way ❤️ Hope that’s it now and the lovely boy can be left alone! Hope you both have a good night xx Glad the bill was lower than you expected too!
The traffic noise is really bad at ours as it's on a main road. There is also a pedestrian crossing that beeps every time someone presses the button. I have a feeling the vets enjoy not having to deal with the animals owners in the room, they will keep this going as long as they can. I did notice today it's not as busy as it used to be, we often couldn't get into the carpark we had to queue for a space.
Only half the spaces were taken today and where as we used to have to wait 2 or 3 weeks for an appointment now it was next day with same day surgery. I'm wondering if this is because other vets are letting people in?
He's home, a bit quiet and sorry for himself, but not sorry enough to stop him eating a large pile of corriander and wheat grass! It's a nasty wound. They have removed the gland and as much tissue as they could. He has Sulfratrim and Metacam and recovery food if needed. Everything crossed it doesn't return and he make a good recovery.

We've never been allowed back in with the vets, we are allowed to go into reception now and say we have arrived and to pay! Bill wasn't as bad as I feared, in fact it was slightly below the estimate. £426 with a free follow up, we've not had that before.
Sending Nugget lots of healing vibes x
Such a shame you are still not allowed in, it makes it so hard to discuss anything x Yes people do prefer to be able to go inside and discuss things with the vet
Glad to hear he is eating! Wishing Nugget a speedy recovery!
We are allowed in our vets now and it really does make a difference!
He's feeling more his old self - he teeth chatters at me everytime I go near the cage! I think his testicles must pull down on the stitches he does a lot of wiggling when he sits down to spread them behind him, poor little piggy.
Has anyone else had a piggie have their grease gland removed? I am wondering if there are any consequences to this, dry skin?