Nugget Comparison Chart

The information has been updated on their website and on zooplus. I will change accordingly when I get a moment.
Just so I know I'm not getting my wires crossed, do you mean a Calcium Phosphate Ratio?
Hiya my guinea pig dosnt eat grass pellets she hate them so I give her flakes and veggies instead is this an ok diet?
Hiya my guinea pig dosnt eat grass pellets she hate them so I give her flakes and veggies instead is this an ok diet?

It's not the best diet I'm afraid, it can be difficult getting them to try new foods but we have to be persistent. I presume they have unlimited fresh hay? :)

Have you tried any grain free varieties? They've been popular with my group, particularly the Versele Laga nuggets!
:agr: It is possible to go without pellets as long as they have unlimited hay and the correct ratio of veggies to meet their needs. By flakes do you mean the muesli mix?
Has anyone looked into the new-ish Science Selective Grainless?

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I'm currently feeding a mix of JR Grainless, Versele and Rosewood but I'd love to add something else to the mix.

I personally find a mix of a few nuggets is best, for a few reasons. Firstly they don't get so fussy and only eat one type of food, my lot have had loads of different types now. Secondly, I reckon if there are any downsides to a particular nugget if I mix it with others they don't get too much of the same thing and can forage bringing natural behaviours, if that makes sense :)

Actually , despite having said I wouldn't get those , I ended up buying them and I'm mixing them with some others .
Pigs love them which is good , I don't give them big amounts anyway as they eat a lot of fresh grass already so I guess it shouldn't hurt them !
Actually , despite having said I wouldn't get those , I ended up buying them and I'm mixing them with some others .
Pigs love them which is good , I don't give them big amounts anyway as they eat a lot of fresh grass already so I guess it shouldn't hurt them !

It's good they like them! I'm just not sure about the added calcium, although it says it's only 0.6 so I don't get that?
The calcium carbonate is probably the main source of calcium in the SS grainless. It's also in SS normal and Burgess excel. I wouldn't worry about it too much as the overall calcium content is low.
The calcium carbonate is probably the main source of calcium in the SS grainless. It's also in SS normal and Burgess excel. I wouldn't worry about it too much as the overall calcium content is low.

Okay thanks! Is the Rosewood not grain free any more?
This chart is really helpful - thank you! Based on all of that, what would you say was the best pellet to go with? I was originally looking for lowest calcium, but is it better that it's also grain free? So Vet Care Plus multi-modal is lowest in Ca, but Science Selective Grain has just slightly more Ca, but is grain free. Which is best? And are there other factors I should be considering nutrition-wise? Thank you!Screen Shot 2017-12-31 at 12.57.52.webp
I would go with the science selective definitely out of those too. The grainfree is a plus, the calcium amounts between them are very little and also its a little cheaper!
I would go with the science selective definitely out of those too. The grainfree is a plus, the calcium amounts between them are very little and also its a little cheaper!

Thank you! So that's the best out of all of them then? If so I'll go with that then. Thanks so much for putting all this together - super helpful!
It's not really a case of having one food as the best, it's based on what your pigs need and your budget too. Glad I could help :)
It's also a question of what your piggies like :) I really like the ingredients of JR Farm's and Rosewood's pellets, but the pigs didn't eat a single pellet. I'm now giving them Oxbow Cavy Cuisine and Versele Laga Cavia Complete.
I recently emailed Supreme about guinea pig foods and they are phasing out Vetcare Plus Multimodal Guinea Pig in favour of their Naturals Grain Free range! I also asked about the Fibafirst as it is sold in smaller bags for guinea pigs than for rabbits and they responded "Thank you for your email, unfortunately this product was delisted by Pets At Home which has consequently affected the volume of this product dramatically, so going forward we are sorry to advise this product will no longer be available"!
Grainfree science selective on vet uk is £4.70 for a 1.5kg bag ! I have just checked the website and it is currently 15% off,which £3.93 for a 1.5 kg bag.
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some people use these as treats or over other foods because of their higher fibre content.
Sorry to be thick but what do the figures mean? Which is/are the best & worst? What other issues are there?
Basically the chart allows you to select a food that fits your pigs and your budget. So you decide your budget based on the cost at the end. Then Ideally you want grain free, but it's not a must. After that you want High in Fibre, low in Calcium. This will point you in the direction of the nuggets you can buy.
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Picked up a bag of these today at Pets at Home, they seem quite nice..there was also a grain free version that looked a lot like Rosewoods meadow menu. Id of grabbed a bag of each but the grain free contained alfalfa and my arms were already full, didnt fancy hanging around to deliberate the matter for too long haha I might pop back at a later date though to see what they're like, the bag said they were good for those with digestive problems and thought of Bramble.

Are they new? I've not seen them before but ive not been to pets at home for anything other than cat litter and the cats prescription food for a few months now after my local one stopped stocking Rosewoods meadow menu. But id be interested to see how they stack up against the others nutrition wise!