Adult Guinea Pig
I have some stuff on forage but I don't know if commercial forage is included. I know I had added to @Abi_nurse existing list. If/when I find that I'll fact check and that can be added to a pre existing list if need be. I've just found my 101 bookmarks on various animal bits there's at least 6 about diabetes in hamstersThank you, that is very kind.
- On the nutritional side, what we are lacking is an overview of commercially available dry forage products. It is currently the area that is seeing a real boom in combination with a reduced or no pellets diet trend but there is often not exactly a lot of detailed information around.
Look at nutritional values, pros and cons.
Are there products/plants that could be recommended in combination as a valid pellet replacement and which should be more regarded as a treat? A lot seems to be more geared towards the human eye than real nutrition at a glance but there is no guidance as to what can be fed how much/often and what should be avoided.
- A treat overview would also be something that would find a lot of interest. From the good (i.e. healthy in small quantities as part of a faily diet) to the bad (fine very occasionally) to the ugly (unsuitable and dangerous).
If you would be interested to those overviews with the help of @Guineautopia, who will have probably done quite a bit of research and who is probably the best source for nutritional values? @Engel
By the way, I have written a little thread about protein: pellets vs. pea flakes for the food section.
- Protein in the diet
- Pellets as a source of protein
- Pea flakes as a source of protein
- A different way of thinking about diet
Protein in the diet
Protein is a vital part of a guinea pig diet. Guinea pigs are known to eat the odd small bug even though they are herbivores but they get most of their protein from plant matter. The arginine in the plant protein is needed for healthy growth and development.
Pellets as a source of protein
In a traditional pet diet, most protein comes generally in the form of pellets...
- Wiebke
- Replies: 0
- Forum: Dietary Information
But that would bring our Food section up to scratch and be very helpful.
There are also several threads in the Housing section that could do with a review as they are pre-pandemic. Since I haven't been well for the last few years, I have struggled with the information maintenance; especially - and not surprisingly - the really boring bits!
I have worked my way through quite a few older information threads of mine in recent weeks and have overhauled/updated them.
- We could do with a review of C&C grid cage providers and perhaps also with a new Kavee feedback thread as they have come onto the market rather aggressively in recent years (tag me for stickying it). What are users' practical experiences (good and bad) with them and with their product. Would they buy Kavee again?
1 C&C Cages
- Recommended cage size overview
- Member Gallery
2 Providers for several countries
3 Sourcing grids only
- Grid providers
- Grid safety check
4 Sourcing correx only
5 Cage fleece liners and sourcing fleece
This is an overview of the currently available information on C & C grid cages.
1 C&C cages
Recommended cage size overview
Cage Size Guide
To see what C&C cages look...
- Also a review/update of fleece cosies, tunnels, caves etc. providers. No idea who's still making them.
Recommended UK and US sites for fleece liners and cosies
Members are frequently asking for recommendations for sites selling cage liners and fleece accessories so … I have collated the most frequently recommended sites.
I have listed US and UK recommendations separately.
I would like to keep these lists up to date so … if anyone has any further recommendations – or hears that someone has stopped trading, please let me know.
For members wanting to make their own cage liners and accessories ... here is a link to some threads...
- Veggies Galore
- Replies: 63
- Forum: Bedding & Cosies

If I find anything of value I'll post it and tag you.