Well it’s the first time I’ve had to syringe feed Percy. I only had to get about 2ml into him. I think I managed 1.5ml. So not too bad for a first attempt. Tomorrow I might just give him the fibreplex. Or try putting it on some coriander?
On a positive note his poops were still small but ok shape this evening.
And he’d put on 25g since yesterday.
He did do a very quiet sound while pooping/peeing.
Still monitoring closely.
Try mixing the fibreplex in a little mushed pellets (soaked in warm water) or use the occasion to learn how to syringe feed. Practical experience during an illness does really help! Piggies don't usually the taste of fibreplex.
If you put it on veg or herbs, don't be surprised if a piggy eats neatly around it. But you can give a little coriander as a special treat at the end of it.
Also offer a bit of filtered water by syringe but do not be surprised if a hydrated piggy won't take to it.
Syringe Training Before The Need For Medicating