New owner


New Born Pup
Dec 1, 2023
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Okay thank you very much🥰 would u be able to help me with a few other things sorry this is long so I have a big cage with upstairs and downstairs but they haven’t gone downstairs yet as I put them upstairs because there’s a bed up there for them to hide in I did hear them last night come out on the top bit but haven’t gone downstairs yet I know you have to leave them a week to settle what about fresh water and food am I aloud to open there cage and give them that without scaring them and another thing my guinea pigs are in my room am a very terrible sleeper and they kept me up last night I did move them to my landing area just at night times will this be a problem as I might just keep them in my room for the day and when am going sleep move them to my hall way as my house is small I wouldn’t like them downstairs as I have niece and nephews that come round and would probably pester them why there downstairs and they shout so I would rather them be in my room but want to make sure it’s okay to move the cage about why there settling in and after they have settle in will they get used to it like a routine am so sorry for the long message am new and want to make sure I give them the best life ever as the previous owner had them outside and didn’t really bother with them after a week or so should I try giving them snacks from my hand and getting them out for cuddles I have a mother and a baby I got told the baby is 9 weeks and the mum is 5 months am not sure if the baby will get used to me more than the mother am just so stuck on what to do because I don’t want to scare them a tall I see these post of them running up to the cage for there owners I really want that for my pigs and another thing if they haven’t ate there feg and pellets from the night before should i leave it or sweep them up and given them fresh so sorry for the 100 questions but am so unsure 🙁🤍x
I’ve moved your post to a new thread for ease.

The cage -

What measurements are the cage?

Two sows need a single level cage measuring at least 120x60cm. Ideally 150x60cm.
Upper levels of the cage do not count towards the cage size because piggies are ground roaming animals who don’t naturally climb ramps.
Its only the bottom level of the cage which counts.
Some will learn to climb ramps but some wont.
Ramps also take up floor space so this is why single level cages are best.

You must have two of every item in the cage (this is also why it is important the cage is big enough ti fit everything in and still provide plenty of space to run around.

Having them in a bedroom can be problematic. Piggies don’t sleep at night so you are going to hear them.
You can move them in and out onto the landing but that may get a bit tedious for you.

Cage Size Guide

Feeding -

You must give them food and water every day even while they are settling in.
You also need to spot clean the cage each day.

Make sure you top up their hay twice a day.
Veg is one cup per pig per day.
Pellets are just one tablespoon per pig per day. Don’t over feed pellets and don’t let the have constant access to them. They aren’t healthy.

Hay is the most important part of the diet. It is that which they need in unlimited amounts.
It is hay which will also make them gain, and then as they age, maintain their weight. The weekly weight checks are how you ensure they are eating enough hay.

Long Term Balanced General And Special Needs Guinea Pig Diets

Handling -

Most guinea pigs will not want to be handled. Being held and picked up is against their nature so you need to follow their lead.

Be aware that it can take weeks or months for them to fully settle in. One of my boys took 18 months before he was brave enough to take food from me for the first time.
Patience is key, but taking food from you is a sign is trust.

It is important that you carry out their weekly weight and health checks though. Even though they may never want to be held, you still need to be able to handle them for that.

Understanding Prey Animal Instincts, Guinea Pig Whispering and Cuddling Tips
How To Pick Up And Weigh Your Guinea Pigs Safely (videos)

Give this guide a read - it explains everything in more detail - along with the other green links I’ve added in above.
We are happy to answer any questions you may have.

New Owners' Essential Information and Practical Tips Starter Collection
Thank u so much for taking your time and helping me it means so much and reassurance so everything u said is perfect so am I okay to move there cage out my room at the night why there’re still settling in and once they get used to me I will let them roam about making sure certain areas are closed off we have a big living room that they would love to roam about in with food and toys
Thank u so much for taking your time and helping me it means so much and reassurance so everything u said is perfect so am I okay to move there cage out my room at the night why there’re still settling in and once they get used to me I will let them roam about making sure certain areas are closed off we have a big living room that they would love to roam about in with food and toys

Yes you can move them in and out of your room
Hey, I’ve had my guinea pigs a week now I’ve left them to it I just fed them give them freshwater and cleaned up a bit they have an upstairs and downstairs but they haven’t gone downstairs even though there right in front of the stairs should I move them to the bottom and then try and train them to go up by putting food on the little stairs,and I’m scared, there getting frustrated because they think they only have the upstairs bit 🥺😭 even though they have a big downstairs and upstairs And another question what veggies are guinea pigs allowed every day with their pellets I give them tablespoon of pellets and a cup of savoury cabbage and shredded kale I did buy carrots but it says online carrots are treats I did get watermelon and apples but are they treats like once a week 🤍
Safe everyday foods are lettuce (but not iceberg), bell pepper, cucumber and coriander. My piggies had to learn to use a ramp. I personally found it easier for them to learn by going up rather than down first.
Hey, I’ve had my guinea pigs a week now I’ve left them to it I just fed them give them freshwater and cleaned up a bit they have an upstairs and downstairs but they haven’t gone downstairs even though there right in front of the stairs should I move them to the bottom and then try and train them to go up by putting food on the little stairs,and I’m scared, there getting frustrated because they think they only have the upstairs bit 🥺😭 even though they have a big downstairs and upstairs And another question what veggies are guinea pigs allowed every day with their pellets I give them tablespoon of pellets and a cup of savoury cabbage and shredded kale I did buy carrots but it says online carrots are treats I did get watermelon and apples but are they treats like once a week 🤍

Hi and welcome

Piggies follow scent spoors and they are also territorial. If they are still settling in and are frightened by their new surroundings, then any place that is not marked as used by them or other piggies (and is therefore 'safe') is seen as potentially dangerous.
Use some of their bedding to wipe the ramp and use their scent marked bedding in the unused part so it is clearly marked as their territory. Then move them down into the unused half and they will hopefully work out the ramp or at least get used to it. Be patient; they will get it eventually but they are still very much getting their bearings right now.

More practical information to understand where your piggies are coming from:
Arrival in a home from the perspective of pet shop guinea pigs
New Guinea Pigs: How to Best Manage Arrival and Settling In

As to diet, you may find our diet guide helpful. It looks at diet as a whole and then at each single food group in detail; this will hopefully set you up for a good long term diet: Long Term Balanced General And Special Needs Guinea Pig Diets

All the links in this post are part for our very practical New Owners information collection, which you may find both helpful and interesting: Comprehensive Owners' Practical and Supportive Information Collection
Are these bedding for my pigs I have a box with hay in it they pull the hay out to sit in it so I’ve got hay bags and fort id keep the box as they love it and put some bedding in it so just checking if this bedding is okay x


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I can't comment on the bedding. How are your piggies doing? Did they learn to use the ramp? Whatever you put hay in they will pull it out to play with as well as eat, it's part of their enrichment. I use a hay bag as well as a tray full and mine love pulling enough out so they can climb in😂 Dignified Sir George playing hide and seek 😁IMG20230516121243.webp
Haha stop it i had to show my mum as she does there hay as it makes my hands flare up So she used to say there crazy but I said look other piggies do it and we fort mine was just crazy sitting in the box of hay pulling it all out to sit in the box well I know now that’s normal and yes there always up and down it and I have millions of chew toys in their cage and they decided to chew the stairs 🤣🫠
Hay is for eating, sleeping in, hiding in, weeing and pooping on (makes it tasty 🤢) and generally playing with. Have you managed to get any photos yet?
There still very nervous I have got a few not a lot they hide 🙈 the baby is more confident but the mum is being very dominant towards the baby and it’s stressing me out a bit because I’ve just found this on the baby 😭😭😭 is there anything to be worried about?


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There still very nervous I have got a few not a lot they hide 🙈 the baby is more confident but the mum is being very dominant towards the baby and it’s stressing me out a bit because I’ve just found this on the baby 😭😭😭 is there anything to be worried about?


It is very normal that mothers and other group members are very dominant with freshly weaned pups during any group/territory establishment to ensure that they know they are bottom of the pile. This will settle down again hopefully with every passing day over the course of 2 weeks.
Journey through a Lifetime: The Ages of Guinea Pigs

Please wash your hands very carefully (just to be on the safe side) and keep an eye on it in case the spot grows and develops white fungal crust. I sincerely hope that this is not the very start of a ringworm patch.
If that is the case, please follow the advice in this guide here; especially the hygiene measures, do not cream on spec and see a vet for confirmation and treatment. You will have to treat both mum and further companions.
Ringworm: Hygiene, Care And Pictures

Fingers crossed!
Omg i really hope it’s not am very clean with them and don’t have any other pets 😭😭😭how do they get this I always clean the cage as I have ocd and always changing and washing there beds
Are u supposed to bath guinea pigs every two months I’ve read online🫣 and is fairy no bio good to wash there stuff in x
You don't bath them at all unless there is a reason. Fairy non bio is fine, make sure you don't use fabric conditioner. I use white vinegar in the softener compartment and it keeps the fleeces soft, I thought it would leave a smell before I tried it but it doesn't.
Thank you I just use fairy no-bio well I got a reason why my guinea pigs might have ringworm I’ve just gone downstairs we’re my guinea pigs are to find a field Mice 😭I nearly had heart attack why how x
Hey guys, my guinea pigs are currently upstairs now following this up and am taking Dollie to the vets to see if it’s ringworm hopefully its not 🤞🏼and What do I need to put in her carry case I’m so new to this, sorry x😭
Make sure you take both piggies with you. Don’t separate them, not even for a vet trip.

Line the carrier with newspaper or a towel and put some hay in
Thank you well that’s what I thought she said one, but I thought they’re definitely doing that so I have to go back with the other one and pay more so I’ve gone to a different vet now and take them both and thank you very much I just want to thank the piggy mum in here for always helping me I really do appreciate youse🤍
Hey guys I’ve just seen online that u should feed my girls kale and spinach Everyday and I have been doing as that’s what there owner done before and they haven’t been eating all there food and I fort could that there getting to much vitamin c I normally do kale and broccoli with cabbage and one table spoon pellets twice a day because I have 2 guinea pigs could someone give me advice one what to feed each day please x
The safe daily veggies are lettuce ( not iceberg), cucumber, bell pepper and coriander. It's one table spoon of pellets per pig each day so you need to half it. Unlimited hay available at all times as this is the most important. I'm sure someone will send the link on diet soon.
And really only one type one a week ie don’t feed kale and spinach in the same week

If you are giving one tablespoon of pellets twice a day then that equals just two tablespoons a day so you don’t need to halve their pellets as they’re already getting the right amount.
If you are giving one tablespoon EACH twice a day then it is too much.
hey thank use so much there fussy guinea pigs so when I bought lettuce and some bell peppers they wouldn’t eat it and fort oh I won’t get again and I do one cup of veg in the morning and one tablespoon of pellets and then the same at the night time so am going to go shopping now and get all new stuff so say I could do celery/lettuce/cucumber/and cabbage and one tablespoon of pellets a day so if I feed them twice I only need to put the pellets in once I make there meal tonight can I send a picture and see if I’ve done it right and the right amount I want to make sure am doing it perfect I would love to know what everyone else uses as well so I have idea as well please or any photos of how much you use as well if use don’t mind x
Online it doesn’t say what I can feed them there’s loads of different things if I could get like a picture of what I can and can’t it would help a lot more x
Online it doesn’t say what I can feed them there’s loads of different things if I could get like a picture of what I can and can’t it would help a lot more x
The forum has the best information out there the guides have been compiled from piggie owners with lots of knowledge and experience. Have a read of the guide I linked earlier, it says the safe daily veggies and how much to feed with pictures of a sample plate.