New birmingham meet up - may 2012

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Oh my word what is happening with my face in the first photo haha! Brilliant photos wiebke thanks for sharing
Here are some snaps - I only took these as we were all too busy chattering away!

Claremw92 (looking very much herself, so publishable this time!), guinea pig <3, gogoguineas

Shauna with OH and Kelly


Mr and Mrs Teejay with alisont on arrival

Mr and Mrs sport_billy, who had kindly organised the meet yet again (and will hopefully do so regularly!)

Please anybody I have left out, add themselves in; it is not by design!

PS: Everybody is most welcome to join in (we even had somebody come all the way from London this time), but it is advisable to make sure that you have a spare set of vocal chords, as chatting about piggies will be instant and non-stop! :(|)

Aw, it's great to put names to faces but may I ask if Mr. & Mrs. sb are armed with huge syringes and is that really Alan Davis in the corner sneaking in on the act ;)
Sooo wished I could have made time :0
Giant syringes! :)) Syringe feeding Guinea-Zilla? Nah - they were knives and forks :)) Hope you can make the next one!
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