Adult Guinea Pig
Grumble time - i have a sore throat and feel achy - not fair! I will want to chat loads but at the mo can't talk much as my throat hurts:{
Typical it's a weekend - have been trying to avoid students who have been coughing all week.
Hope I can shake it off, not much you can take for a sore throat!
Will see how I feel tomorrow - not got anyones mobile number but can post on here off my phone - still hoping to come but will see how I feel after the rescue stall tomorrow morning......
Typical it's a weekend - have been trying to avoid students who have been coughing all week.
Hope I can shake it off, not much you can take for a sore throat!
Will see how I feel tomorrow - not got anyones mobile number but can post on here off my phone - still hoping to come but will see how I feel after the rescue stall tomorrow morning......