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My piggie is very ill.

Most of the piggies, here at TEAS, were given up by their loving owners, to enable them to get the treatment they needed. I try to keep in touch with the previous owners, to let them know how things are going, as they gave their piggy up out of love, not because they didn't want them! It's such a hard thing to do, but it just shows what an amazing owner you are, as you are doing what is right for your boys! xx
Most of the piggies, here at TEAS, were given up by their loving owners, to enable them to get the treatment they needed. I try to keep in touch with the previous owners, to let them know how things are going, as they gave their piggy up out of love, not because they didn't want them! It's such a hard thing to do, but it just shows what an amazing owner you are, as you are doing what is right for your boys! xx
Oh I already asked for updates haha. I can’t wait to see them all better. They will live out their life there. Since they’re older. I guess it doesn’t appeal to people to adopt any pigs over 2 years....which is unfavorable but I can understand, I know someone who adopts and keeps handicap bunnies and older ones...it’s costing her in the thousands every month probably. If I had money id open an animal sanctuary but unfortunately I’m not in that position. Also, it’s kind of funny your rescue is named TEAS and you’re over in Britain!
Since they’re older. I guess it doesn’t appeal to people to adopt
I was actually looking for a mature girl/girls for my nervous George as the lively young pigs frightened him. I was happy to get my 3 year olds but I told them even older was fine - he had a great relationship with a slow-movin' grandma in the past. It just depends on the people coming in. I was grateful to the lady who gave up my girls because she had to downsize, and to the family who gave up George when his brothers turned on him rather than keeping him alone in a neighbouring cage - it must have been very hard for them. If the pigs could be grateful I bet they would be too. You are putting their interests before your own heartache and by going through a rescue you know they will get the best care.

Over here if a rescue gets full they sometimes have 'foster parents' who look after animals in their own home until a good match is found. I think the rescue still covers the costs of this... maybe if it's the same in the US, in the future (if you have enough time and get approval) you could consider this sort of role? it's another way of helping those animals waiting for their forever home. But that will be something for the future; for now make the most of your little guys until they move on to their next chapter. Good luck Robin and Ziggy and keep eating your syringe dinners x 💕
I can only imagine how hard it is, but it sounds like responsible thing to do. I didn't want pets until I was settled and ready for the huge responsibility (I got my fix by volunteering at animal shelter).
One of my boys was given up by loving owners, because life happened. I keep in touch and send photos.
I was actually looking for a mature girl/girls for my nervous George as the lively young pigs frightened him. I was happy to get my 3 year olds but I told them even older was fine - he had a great relationship with a slow-movin' grandma in the past. It just depends on the people coming in. I was grateful to the lady who gave up my girls because she had to downsize, and to the family who gave up George when his brothers turned on him rather than keeping him alone in a neighbouring cage - it must have been very hard for them. If the pigs could be grateful I bet they would be too. You are putting their interests before your own heartache and by going through a rescue you know they will get the best care.

Over here if a rescue gets full they sometimes have 'foster parents' who look after animals in their own home until a good match is found. I think the rescue still covers the costs of this... maybe if it's the same in the US, in the future (if you have enough time and get approval) you could consider this sort of role? it's another way of helping those animals waiting for their forever home. But that will be something for the future; for now make the most of your little guys until they move on to their next chapter. Good luck Robin and Ziggy and keep eating your syringe dinners x 💕
I like the idea of fostering. I basically fostered Newt and Nibbler. Nibbler died before being adopted. Newt got adopted but died some months later. I used to have 5 guineas at once, and a bunny. My very young piggie Bowie died..I had him cremated...He was my buddy...It was my fault. He had a vitamin deficiency and I didn't know...so the lac of vit c...yeah. Stupid me. So I myself had a small sanctuary and foster, in a way lol. Now I just have Robbie and Zigs...The Bunny is at a relative's house, where he has a whole back yard. I fell back on hard times. Everything changed when my mom got sick. She's a lot better now. But...I dunno. I'd love to get into adopting rats or hammies. Something less stressful. I have other animals to think about. I have a dog. He's my world. Two cats, they're my moon and stars...So yeah. Giving up Ziggy and Robin isn't something I want to do....but for their future, I do it. On the upside, I will have my office back and hay will not be everywhere.
I can only imagine how hard it is, but it sounds like responsible thing to do. I didn't want pets until I was settled and ready for the huge responsibility (I got my fix by volunteering at animal shelter).
One of my boys was given up by loving owners, because life happened. I keep in touch and send photos.
When I got my piggies I knew the risks. However, life has given me a huge blow and decided to screw me over lol. Hence this. I have a steady income but bills. I didn't get them because they were cute. All of my piggies were rescues.
I’m having second thoughts about giving them up. I’m freaking out. I can’t. Not without my Ziggy. I can’t! I don’t know what to do.
it is the best option. I love them enough to get them the help and future they need and deserve. Like I said, life has taken such a toll on me. I will probably end up not getting guinea pigs again. I really hate that fact but Honestly, I might just down grade to a hamster, mouse or little rat at this point. I always like taking care of some small animal. I hate to see them in pet stores, though I never bought my Guinea pigs, they were all rescued. Guinea pigs are amazing, but I think I’m just gonna call it. I’ve gone through 5. 3 have passed (one cremated) and the rest are Robin and Ziggy. I just...can’t. I’m burnt out. I hope that doesn’t give me a bad look or make me seem like a careless owner but, I am really...just....I have to tap out. At least for now. Maybe when I get straight financially I’ll adopt again but not any time soon. I’m sorry if that makes me a bad person.
Aw, so sorry, give yourself time to heal and lick your wounds. I fully understand, poorly animals take their toll on your own health as well as finances. You never know in time you may feel different x
I have taken on a few 'retirement' piggies from friends and colleagues, and I can tell you they adapted very well to a new home and new friends after living their whole lives somewhere else. The truth is that when my friend brought her children round to see 'their' piggy after 3 weeks they were a bit upset that she didn't leap into their arms as they'd done lots of brushing and playing with her for 5 years and she'd been very responsive - whereas here she just hung round with my sow and got gently woo-ed by my boar. But she was being a piggy, and enjoying it. (She came over to say 'hi' for cucumber though.)

Robbie and Ziggy are the best chance for each other 💕 They would both be so upset by separation and may not get over it. As much as you love Ziggy (because I do love my George - we've been through so much together) he needs his own kind. If they both go or both stay is up to you - but think about if you were Robin what would you want. And if you were Ziggy what would you want. Now you have to weigh that up. You've considered all your options and looked at both sides and that's great. No-one can tell you what to do or even what is best because we don't know your boys. If you keep them you've got the financial strain and when one goes (whether sooner or later) there will be a lonely pig looking at you every day. When George lost both his females last year he was silent for so long - now he adds his voice to the morning wheeks of excitement. I'm assuming the rescue will do all they can to help Robin get better - but even if he doesn't make it there's still a chance for Ziggy to find a friend and a future. I don't envy your decision - maybe things will actually pick up but if there is another blow can you actually handle it? It's hard to think with your head when your heart is so full of love. It's OK to ask for help - that's why these people are there x
I have taken on a few 'retirement' piggies from friends and colleagues, and I can tell you they adapted very well to a new home and new friends after living their whole lives somewhere else. The truth is that when my friend brought her children round to see 'their' piggy after 3 weeks they were a bit upset that she didn't leap into their arms as they'd done lots of brushing and playing with her for 5 years and she'd been very responsive - whereas here she just hung round with my sow and got gently woo-ed by my boar. But she was being a piggy, and enjoying it. (She came over to say 'hi' for cucumber though.)

Robbie and Ziggy are the best chance for each other 💕 They would both be so upset by separation and may not get over it. As much as you love Ziggy (because I do love my George - we've been through so much together) he needs his own kind. If they both go or both stay is up to you - but think about if you were Robin what would you want. And if you were Ziggy what would you want. Now you have to weigh that up. You've considered all your options and looked at both sides and that's great. No-one can tell you what to do or even what is best because we don't know your boys. If you keep them you've got the financial strain and when one goes (whether sooner or later) there will be a lonely pig looking at you every day. When George lost both his females last year he was silent for so long - now he adds his voice to the morning wheeks of excitement. I'm assuming the rescue will do all they can to help Robin get better - but even if he doesn't make it there's still a chance for Ziggy to find a friend and a future. I don't envy your decision - maybe things will actually pick up but if there is another blow can you actually handle it? It's hard to think with your head when your heart is so full of love. It's OK to ask for help - that's why these people are there x
I am ready to give them up...but there has been a hitch in the road, unfortunately.
Another update on Robbie and Ziggy. I was supposed to meet the rescue lady today and she canceled. I am dissapointed. I will have to wait until next weekend, as she works full time and can only meet me halfway to her rescue on weekend days. The ONE time I actually want to get rid of my guinea pigs and I cant. If robin survives that long. He is eating veggies now. Cilantro and lettuce. Soft ones, but he will munch but it takes some time. He is a determined little boy. He is doing well with crit care but my gut feeling is that he will not make it to the end of the week. He is out of pain meds. He still has his antibiotics and eye cream, his eye is doing awesome but the best I can do right now is feed him, care for him, love him....until...well....I hate to say it, but if he goes, I will be extremely upset and mad at myself for failing this little boy. I just want him to live a happy life. I want him to be healthy again. I don't want him to suffer anymore. I phoned the shelter and since I'm not a resident of their county, they basiclly hung up on me. Rude. I just don't want him to be in pain.
That's such a set back. It's never ending and you'll have to go through it all again.
Really have no idea how to advise or help as not sure how it works in USA. Did you try the SPCA? Here they cover wide areas and do take in unwell pets when owner cannot afford the treatment. Especially since he won't have pain meds, those do make difference in how he's feeling.
I'm sorry the lady cancelled. Hopefully he can hold on till next week. Can you contact the vet for more pain meds?
That's such a set back. It's never ending and you'll have to go through it all again.
Really have no idea how to advise or help as not sure how it works in USA. Did you try the SPCA? Here they cover wide areas and do take in unwell pets when owner cannot afford the treatment. Especially since he won't have pain meds, those do make difference in how he's feeling.
Yeah, they hung up on me :I
I'm sorry the lady cancelled. Hopefully he can hold on till next week. Can you contact the vet for more pain meds?
Working on it. If I’m honest today is the first day off of them and he seems better than ever. Besides that I’m contacting another rescue and she’s going to speak to her professional vet that is actually closer to us! I really want them to go to rescue.
Working on it. If I’m honest today is the first day off of them and he seems better than ever. Besides that I’m contacting another rescue and she’s going to speak to her professional vet that is actually closer to us! I really want them to go to rescue.
Not to get rid of them but to get them the care they need. You all know I’m in a bad way. I have felt better about it. Letting them go...but I don’t think it’s hit me yet.
We're all thinking about you and the boys... perhaps you can think of this short extension as an opportunity for a slightly longer farewell before they are off on their adventure. And if Robin is looking a bit more himself you'll have happier memories 💕
Robin and Ziggy are with rescue. Such kind people. Robin has a 50/50 chance to live. I will keep you updated but I’m happy they, especially Ziggy, will not be alone and they will be with other pigs...I’m so excited for him. He is going to be so excited. Robin is going to get the care he needs. Wether that be treatment or be put to rest. At least they won’t be alone.
I’m sorry you had to make such a tough decision but it shows what a caring owner you are - you thought about their needs.
Well done on putting their needs first, even though it must be very hard for you. We would love to hear updates and have everything crossed for Robin and Ziggy x
Update from rescue. Robin is eating pellets and hay now. They gave him orchard hay, which is already a huge improvement. I have no idea why he wouldn’t do that with me but he could’ve and I may have not seen it. I’m unsure.
Before leaving for rescue Ziggy lost one of his top incisor. It was a clean break at the gum line and I’m pretty sure his tooth will regrow. Maybe. I’m not sure about the teeth. As for me, I miss them dearly. My home feels empty but I found hope again, as I am adopting two baby rats. Their cage is arriving soon and they’re not as expensive. I have depression and I’m not in a good way. If I can take care of something it gives me a reason to live. Don’t worry, my finances are going back to normal, now that I don’t have Robin...it should refill.
It's the hardest but kindest decision you could make. Maybe consider fostering instead of having the responsibility over financially supporting another pet yourself? Any pet can get ill. It's much easier to set boundaries when rescue is the one responsible for the bills and vet fees. You'll still be doing an amazing job and it's very rewarding.
It's the hardest but kindest decision you could make. Maybe consider fostering instead of having the responsibility over financially supporting another pet yourself? Any pet can get ill. It's much easier to set boundaries when rescue is the one responsible for the bills and vet fees. You'll still be doing an amazing job and it's very rewarding.
I’m not fostering because I’ll get attached. Rats are significantly cheaper to take care of in a medical situation than guinea pigs, that’s for sure.
Glad to see Ziggy and Robin doing well at the rescue. You did a brave and selfless thing by putting there needs first and getting them the veterinary care that they needed. Sending you a big virtual hug. :hug:
Aw, well done you for finding them a rescue, you’ve been so brave I can imagine how hard it is, but you have put their needs first x
Aw, well done you for finding them a rescue, you’ve been so brave I can imagine how hard it is, but you have put their needs first x
Oh yeah. My depression is very, very deep right now. I am very lost and I don’t know what to do. And every time I think of them, I’d like to cry. Robin and Zigs are at vet right now as we speak.
Oh yeah. My depression is very, very deep right now. I am very lost and I don’t know what to do. And every time I think of them, I’d like to cry. Robin and Zigs are at vet right now as we speak.
Hang in there, so sorry you feel so low, but remember you have done this out of love for them x