Moses and Miriam


Forum Buddy
Nov 27, 2017
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East Riding of Yorksire
Meet Moses - a very cute black teddy

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And Miriam - a beautiful smooth haired tri colour

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They joined the family yesterday from The Potteries Guinea Pig Rescue.
They had been dumped in woods near Lyme in Cheshire, rescued and nursed back to health.
Moses was neutered and now is safely living with Miriam.
They have a really lovely bond.

At the moment they are still very skittish so I’m just talking to them, sitting with them and waiting for them to settle.
In time there will be more photos.

The house feels complete now that we have piggies again.
Welcome Moses and Miriam
You’ve landed on your paws at your new home
Living your best lives ❤️❤️
Must be exciting to have piggies again. They are gorgeous 😍 Miriam looks a lot like my Jazzy.
How exciting for you to have piggies again. They are adorable. Hope you all enjoy getting to know each other.
I’m so pleased you have piggies again. They are gorgeous. They will have a 5 🌟 home with you.
Is it my imagination or does Moses have hair like a dandelion? :love:
Welcome to the forum lovely piggies. You have found yourselves a wonderful home.xx
Is it my imagination or does Moses have hair like a dandelion? :love:
He’s mostly teddy, possibly some Rex so he’s just fuzzy all over.
When they stop being so shy I’ll try to get some good photos of them both.

They’re wandering around the cage and eating well - just not when I’m there at the moment
Oh my goodness they’re beautiful! They’ve found their happy home :luv:
Welcome, Moses and Miriam! You have landed on all your paws.

I am sure that the new home feels finally complete again, @Merab .
This is great news, what a wonderful life they will have now they are in your hands. They’re gorgeous. I wish them and you many happy days together!
Aww they are adorable, welcome to you new home!
Welcome to the Forum Moses and Miriam. These piggies have had such a difficult start in life but have now found such a wonderful and caring home. I’m looking forward to seeing them and hearing how they start to manipulate you as their slave @Merab
Thank you all.
They are still very shy and much prefer to hide. They have discovered the tunnel now as another hiding place.
Today, as I was simply sitting near the cage having given them their veggies I saw 2 noses peeking out.

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They are very quiet but I did hear happy purring from them after their midday snack had been delivered and I was outside their room.
It’s going to be a long, slow process to help them feel safe but they are so lovely 🥰
It took 6 months of hand feeding Lexi 🌈 and Thea veggies every night for them to begin to feel safe. You'll get there it just takes a lot of time and patience.
It took 6 months of hand feeding Lexi 🌈 and Thea veggies every night for them to begin to feel safe. You'll get there it just takes a lot of time and patience.
It’s only a few days so very early yet.
After all they’ve been through I expect it will take several weeks for them to begin to feel safe.
Hopefully they’ll be ok for the boarders when we go to Vienna.
First cage clean, first weigh and health check.
Miriam shrieked as if she was being murdered - this is good as it means she has a voice.
Moses seems to be more confident but they’re both still very skittish.
Moses let me stroke him, Miriam tried to escape.
Both have lost a bit of weight, my guess is a difference in the scales used at the Potteries and mine, as well as some stress being in a new environment.

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First cage clean, first weigh and health check.
Miriam shrieked as if she was being murdered - this is good as it means she has a voice.
Moses seems to be more confident but they’re both still very skittish.
Moses let me stroke him, Miriam tried to escape.
Both have lost a bit of weight, my guess is a difference in the scales used at the Potteries and mine, as well as some stress being in a new environment.

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Nice to see you again @funnehmare