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Morgan not right..

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Morgan my sow who is 6 years and 3 months old has been a bit off the past 2 days, her breathing is very sort of heavy and she really puffs her sides out when she breathes, and her eyes looked really weepy. i cleaned her eyes up and they seem better but her breathing is still the same, she lives in the shed where it has been a bit warm the past few days as its hot in the garden.. shes out in the run now and ive given them all some cucumber and they have a water bottle out there too which i refill every few hours so its cold.

does it sound like something heat related.. or something else? I know shes quite old now, and she has been a bit quiet too.
perhaps bring her inside where it is cooler and see how she goes. if your really concerned take her to the vet and see what they say. sending hugs to morgan and hoping she feels better soon :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: she could have an infection or URI it is always better to play it safe. O0
if shes still the same in a few dayd i'll take her to the vets, I'm not wasting my money yet again they dont know what they are on about at my vets! shes become a bit more lively now shes outside, and her eyes are fine.. giving them plenty of cucumber/melon and keep filling a fish up with some cold water cus its a new run they havent worked out where the water bottle is yet lol

hopefully she'll be ok :)
I think she might be too hot in the shed. Are there any windows in there that you can open or keep the door open? Hope she is feeling better soon xx
aww Morgan so sorry you not feeling too good :'( :'( :'( :'(

Yeah i'd take a quick visit to the vets or even as the others :smitten: :smitten: have said pop her off to the vets for a quick once over O0 O0
(((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))))) for you all :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

Love have you bathed the eyes in preboiled and cooled water with some salt? just worth a mention O0 :smitten: :smitten: i knew you'd do it anyways :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Sounds like it could possibly be an URI? Your vet would need to give you Baytil to treat this (or Septrin) anti biotics, as guineas can go downhill quite quickly without treatment. If you suggest a URI to your vet they may agree with you. Anti biotics might be a good idea just to be on the safe side. Get hold of a good pro biotic like avipro as guineas tummies can sometimes not cope with anti biotics!
thanks, she seems brighter now, i did bathe her eyes and they seem to have cleared up. i think its the heat that has got to her tbh so I'm prob going to bring her and lola inside tonight and see how she is tomorrow, its hot in my room but i can leave the window open at night, i cant in the shed its got a window but no opening and theres no way i can leave the door open ive got no meshing over it and there are loads of cats and prob foxes here i live backed on to a farm.

thanks for all your advice.. its starting to cool down here and shes been a lot more active ive put bowls of water in, and filled bottles up with cold so they can lie against them too :)

Duke had a URI a few weeks ago and shes nothing like what he was so i think its just the heat. I'll take her vets tomorrow if shes no better :)
yep think you're right it sounds heat related! Hope she's back to normal now & you don't need the vet :)
Could quite well be the heat,but the bellows breathing you describe could also be a heart condition that is causing fluid in the tissues.If this is the case a diuretic such as Frusimide is needed.
Well, it doesn't sound good. You might want to try something I have discovered works really well after my guinea died from the antibiotics given to him. I spent tons of money on vets, never again. Sovereign Silver is a natural antibiotic sold at health food stores, as well as online. It is also used as an immune booster and treatment for various illnesses. It has been used in humans and pets for years with great success. Recently, it has not been used as much in humans because of a few people turning blue from applying directly to their skin (which you are not supposed to do) or overdosed daily for over 70 years. Toxicity is virtually impossible, and it always works you just have to figure out how much to give. Normally, I start at first symptoms such as runny nose or sneezing and wheezing. 6 drops morning and 6 drops night, along with 2 nasal squirts in each nostril (it comes in nasal spray too). Doing both helps prevent your guinea pig from expelling it all. Sometimes I find that my guinea pigs are not swallowing so I do only nasal sprays, several every hour, for sinsus or respiratory things. If you feel symptoms are severe or very sure of infection do this 6 drops every hour with 2 nasal sprays. No worries because you don't have to worry about your guinea pig turning blue. It does say it can effect the good bacteria, but I doubt it. However, I always give my guinea pigs probiotics during this time. I mix 1/2 a capsule of probiotics in chamomile tea and give it to them with a dropper. They love chamomile tea so I don't have any problems getting them to drink. Normally, I do this twice a day when I feed them their fresh foods. They tend to like room temperature tea though. It saves vet bills and works without the worry of toxicity. It has been used to help lots of pets with cancer and more. Tea Tree Oil is also great for any skin problems such as mites, fungus, etc.
Hi LyndsayRDH you've got some great ideas there O0

Welcome to the forum, go into chat section and put up a hello thread and then we can all say hi to you :)
well it was a bit cooler in the shed last night, and when i went in this morning she felt a bit warm but not overly it wasnt hot in there.. just put them out and she seems a lot brighter and she set to on eating the grass straight away which is a good thing as she hasnt for the past 2 days!
That's good - hopefully it was just the heat and Morgan continues to improve xx
In reply to Lyndsay.

I tried collodial silver years ago and found it useless.,and sprays of any kind should not be used on gps.

I am sorry you lost a gp to an incorrect anti biotic. This I am afraid used to happen a lot years ago because of vet ignorance.Now however,both owners and vets are more informed so this is less likely to happen.

Tea Tree oil will not get brid of mites,only Zeno 45o will do this.
My guinea pig recently had an upper respiratory infection. I did this regimen, and it kicked it within 1 week. He hasn't been sick since. It is very important though that you use Sovereign Silver and not just any collodial silver. This is what I have been told, and I have not tried any other brand. I previously had a pig with fungal coat infection and another at one time with mites. Tea tree oil kicked both. It is also again important to use 100% tea tree oil and not dillute it. I don't know if brand makes a difference I always use I think Australia 100% Tea Tree Oil.
Oils should not be used in full strength on gps,they are too strong,especially Tea Tree which is very drying. I have been keeping gps for over 25 years and have never known anything but Ivermectin to get rid of mites.
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