Well, I don't mean handling or lap time. If they're still fairly new pets who are fussing while they sort out their comfort levels, they might appreciate running free. Without you. (Nothing personal toward humans, but they might take a while to get used to our ways sometimes. Don't rush it.)
Without spending additional money, you can lay down old blankets and towels, or close them off in a pig-proofed room if you don't have any other way to fence them into a safe area. Handling -- especially if they are new (to you and/or each other) -- might stress them a bit, but having some time to explore each other and their environment (without human interference) in a larger space might help them calm down some while they figure each other out.
Granted, if they've been fairly stressed, they might easily spend the first hour sitting in a hide. Just give it time (and veggies), and they'll eventually get comfortable enough to run around a bit, check each other out (calmly), and become a little more relaxed in general.