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I can power saw a exit on the wood house.
But my wife paid 30dollars for the purple house for her pet nibbles so cutting it is gona get me in trouble I was trying to tell her but never argue with a woman.
Basicly my wife instead of my idea for the 2nd floor wants
To put the 2nd floor in the middle of the cage. And the top of the 2nd floor wants the roof to be at the top of the play pin you see now,
And wants to instead of a whole second floor width make it half. Meaning.
Half of width at the top. Does that make sense and is that okay?


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I've been playing never gonna give you up by Rick ashley. For 5 minutes now. And I kid you not there inside moos house hanging out with each other. Almost never happens lol!


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Just to echo those who've suggested a bigger cage: I had my boar pair in a smaller container for 36 hours while I waited for their cage to arrive (unexpected shipment delays). They scuffled a lot more during those 36 hours than they have since. Space alone is a huge factor in how well they'll get along. Since you and your wife are still debating options, and therefore, immediate changes might not be an option, consider letting them out (together) for extended periods of supervised run time outside of the cage, if you can arrange it. My boys love it.
Just to echo those who've suggested a bigger cage: I had my boar pair in a smaller container for 36 hours while I waited for their cage to arrive (unexpected shipment delays). They scuffled a lot more during those 36 hours than they have since. Space alone is a huge factor in how well they'll get along. Since you and your wife are still debating options, and therefore, immediate changes might not be an option, consider letting them out (together) for extended periods of supervised run time outside of the cage, if you can arrange it. My boys love it.

Moo moo dosent mind being out for lap time.
Nibbles will fight or chatter. Screem run away. Sleep. ect ect.
Earlyer nibbles started screaming and running away.
He screemed and then moo moo "still in this cage" yelled they started screaming together lap time moo: 30 mins
Well, I don't mean handling or lap time. If they're still fairly new pets who are fussing while they sort out their comfort levels, they might appreciate running free. Without you. (Nothing personal toward humans, but they might take a while to get used to our ways sometimes. Don't rush it.)

Without spending additional money, you can lay down old blankets and towels, or close them off in a pig-proofed room if you don't have any other way to fence them into a safe area. Handling -- especially if they are new (to you and/or each other) -- might stress them a bit, but having some time to explore each other and their environment (without human interference) in a larger space might help them calm down some while they figure each other out.

Granted, if they've been fairly stressed, they might easily spend the first hour sitting in a hide. Just give it time (and veggies), and they'll eventually get comfortable enough to run around a bit, check each other out (calmly), and become a little more relaxed in general.
Ever since I cut a back hole, moo moo won't go in his house at all.
Now he stays behind it and won't even go in the purple house. And nibbles won't leave it.
Is this okay?


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So its not a bad thing like he's bullied or anything?
There still running around the cage, and nibbles still teeth chatters.
Lately nibbles try to mount moo and moo fights him off. Then nibbles teeth chatters. Here is there set up I put a lot of hay in because I'm getting orchard soon because of allergies so instead of throwing it away I'm just like eat up lol.


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Oh! And they took the bell from the stainless steel chewy hanger and they ripped bent and broke the little ringer part out they were lucky I saw it shining in the cage and didn't choke to death. I put the little guy back in the bell took pliers bent it into place and pushed it down.
I didn't know they were that strong!
Wouldn't worry as long as they aren't having full blown fights.. non of my guinea's like to share their hidey houses.
but it's not just Moo's area, it's both :P As long as you have two hidey houses it should be fine. We had a guinea who very rarely slept in an hidey, he does now but yeah, it just depends on the piggie and where they are most comfortable.
Alrighty, thanks c;
Trying to maybe work on. Ramp for second floor today? We might not if we have to look at our new house interview
One thing to realise is that piggies are clever and hell bent on world domination. They will not submit to us mere humans... so basically you do not get to decide who the various items in the cage belong to :))
You need to let them get on with it at the moment, chasing and humping followed by being chased off is completely normal for boars... hell even the sows do it when they are in season!
The best tip you have been given by numerous people on here is that your boys need more space and basically as much space as you can possibly give them. Bullying that you keep worrying about would be seen through one pig not gaining weight or losing weight or seemingly becoming depressed because he isn't allowed to do anything without being chased off. This clearly isn't happening at the moment as they do sometimes share a hidey and sleep together.
I'm more worried they over eat!
Twice a bowl of pellets a day for two bowls lol.
I really want to fix the ramp though.
There's plastic and wood and other dust from sanding everywhere lol.
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