Minnou’s piggies

It was only a matter of time !

They're both becoming persistent cadgers as well!

I tried to ignore the begging, told them they weren't getting anything, dropped my cuppa off in the living room, went upstairs, came back down, went to the back room to see what they were doing and they were both still stood there on their hind legs waiting for me to bring them something! 😮

(I gave them both a treat because they're both ridiculous) 😭
Did someone say treats? I will be right there. See you soon ladies!
Wheeks from Wally

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(Wally’s spent most of the afternoon begging, I have just been pottering about doing chores.)
Let him follow you around as you potter about AND give him treats at regular intervals and you'll have a piggy who walks to heel!
Let him follow you around as you potter about AND give him treats at regular intervals and you'll have a piggy who walks to heel!
Unfortunately last time Wally was allowed to play in the hall- he snacked on the skirting board!
(I would also be scared I would step on him.)
Unfortunately last time Wally was allowed to play in the hall- he snacked on the skirting board!
(I would also be scared I would step on him.)

Mine snack on everything.

I have to be very careful of Minerva as she likes to quietly sneak up on me and sit behind my feet. She cannot comprehend why that is a bad idea.
Not trying to shame Minerva right now but her zoomie 'triggers' are something...

She was plodding about and realized I'd left the dustpan and brush on top of one of their boxes, stretched her neck to an impossibly long length to get a sniff of the handle then began doing laps of the room - these lasted until Gaia waddled into her circuit.
*picks up a box that has nothing to do with the girls; there is nothing in it for them*

Gaia: *stands to attention*

Me: 'It's not for you...'

Gaia: *intense staring* 👁️👁️

Me: 'Don't do it...'

Gaia: 😈

Me: 'Do not.....'

Gaia: 😈

Me: 'Don't you dare!'

Gaia: *power-wheeks the house to rubble* 🎤 / *summons Minerva*

Me: 😑

Gaia: 😈

Minerva: 👁️👁️

Me: *sighs and gives snacks*

Gaia: :cool:

Minerva: :inn:
Discovered one of these mystery 'sticks' in the hay again:


Started tickling Gaia under her chin with it, which prompted her to snatch it and start violently shaking it from side to side like a terrier mauling some poor creature to death. Then Minerva stole the 'stick' from Gaia and this kick-started Stick Wars II. 🙄
Walking through the kitchen, just minding my own business and I felt like I was being watched....

Turn around and there is Gaia, stood at the bars of the cage, making 'The Eyes of Judgement.'

Gaia: ..................snack...................
Dear Gaia

I'm delighted to learn that the wheekmail worked!

Your delighted friend

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
Dear Miss Bramble,

I am delighted that you are delighted and that I am delighted!

I am simply becoming too smart for the Slave! Why yesterday, the Slave tried to stop me from doing what I wanted to do and I thwarted her plan! As you know, I am fond of travelling by 'Magic Elevator' to avoid having the Slave's filthy paws touch me. She knows this. The Slave upended my Magic Elevator to try and prevent me from scampering inside it! Well! I ran straight over, knocked it over and then hopped right in! 1000 points to me!

Your victorious friend,

I have a feeling I'll be in the dog house again (sent there by Miss Bramble) but I'll share anyway....

I gave the girls a big, paper bag to play in - which they loved! - they were running around it, hopping in and out of it, tunnelling underneath it and carrying it around on their backs...

I forgot to take the handles off it. 🫢

Gaia tried to slip through a handle and it got stuck around her midriff so she started running around the cage - taking the bag with her - and screaming until she slipped out of it.

Then she sat there giving the bag a reproachful look whilst Minerva chattered her teeth at the bag, or at me, or both, I couldn't tell.

I give them fusses, cut the handles off the bag and shook it around a bit and then they went back to being children. 😌
Leaving the handles on is a rookie mistake that is definitely a punishable crime again piggies. I feel bad for you. Though I’m not sure how many more warnings Miss Bramble will give you. You’re already skating on very thin ice 😔.
I have a feeling I'll be in the dog house again (sent there by Miss Bramble) but I'll share anyway....

I gave the girls a big, paper bag to play in - which they loved! - they were running around it, hopping in and out of it, tunnelling underneath it and carrying it around on their backs...

I forgot to take the handles off it. 🫢

Gaia tried to slip through a handle and it got stuck around her midriff so she started running around the cage - taking the bag with her - and screaming until she slipped out of it.

Then she sat there giving the bag a reproachful look whilst Minerva chattered her teeth at the bag, or at me, or both, I couldn't tell.

I give them fusses, cut the handles off the bag and shook it around a bit and then they went back to being children. 😌
Dear Gaia

What is your Slave trying to do to you? Giving you and Minerva a paper bag to play with and not cutting off the handles? What was she thinking?!?! Is she trying to squeeze the life out of you via paper bag handle? There both you were (thinking incorrectly that the bag was safe for you to play with - you really shouldn't trust your Slave you know it's such a bad idea!) having a lot of fun with the paper bag when suddenly the bag grabs you round your tummy and refuses to let go. Naturally you were very frightened having something tight around your tum, so you did what us prey animals do naturally and tried to run away from the bag but it kept running with you until it decided it had had enough fun and let you go. You alerted your Slave to your plight by screaming and did your Slave do anything? Er.... no she did not. I bet she had a good laugh though at your expense not that it was very funny for you. Minerva did the right thing and told the bag off for grabbing hold of you and then told your Slave off for not cutting off the handles. Minerva can be nice to you occasionally which is good.

Your Slave then tried to get around you and gave you both fusses (it wouldn't have worked for me) and then after cutting the handles off the bag gave it back to you to play with which you clearly did knowing that it was safe to do so.

You need to make your Slave pay for your near death experience. Next time she comes anywhere near you run away from her. When she wants to pick you up don't let her. I like to play catch me if you can with my Slave. It's great fun. I let her think that she has a hold of me then I run away and I keep doing that until I get bored of the game, then, and only then, do I let her pick me up. You could try this game too. You and Minerva need to make as much noise as possible and wheek as loud as you can whenever you feel like it. Slaves like to know that you are still alive (Gaia you are only just) and eating hay. Next you need to do what Slaves find most comforting of all - bite the bars of your cage.

I hope this information proves useful

Your friend in a crisis

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
Dear Miss Bramble,

Thank-you for acknowledging my plight though I see now that I was in no real danger and had I just stepped out of the handle as calmly as I'd stepped through it in the first place, I wouldn't have had to run around yelling profanities. But it was a bit scary at the time! At least the Slave didn't dawdle and came to my aid immediately, though you were right; she was laughing at me at the same time. I think I was so annoyed at her that that was the reason I stopped running and was able to step out of the handle. I was impressed with Minerva (first time ever!) for having my back and giving the Slave and the bag a good telling off!

Minerva and I always play 'catch me if you can' with our Slave as well! It is jolly good fun. I popcorn with each successful evasion. Sometimes we let her catch us if she has snacks, which strikes me as being very generous; the Slave is rewarded with a touch of our warm, softness but we get the better prize of a tasty morsel or two or three....

Now if you will excuse me, I have bars to aggressively bite! (Which the Slave hates... something about me possibly breaking my teeth and needing to visit the 'dentist')

Your popcorning-piggy-pal-in-a-pinch,

Broke out the Grinch Snuddie today!

Which meant a test of courage for whichever unfortunate piggy was out as I put the hood up and waddled over to the cage.

It was Minerva and she looked horrified. :)) She quickly realized it was me though.

I shoved my large, green fleecey arm into the cage for her to examine and she sniffed it, chewed on it... then looked disappointed as it turned out I wasn't food.
Plonked a plastic tub containing goodies on top of a plastic hidey and sat back to watch the girls, expecting to see them do certain things they typically do, so of course they didn't. :hb:

My expectations:
Minerva would jump on top of the hidey - a thing she does every day - and smugly devour the snacks.
Gaia would stand up on her back legs and just hope that her butt would magically transport itself on top of the hidey because she never jumps on top of things. As that never happens, just stand there, looking pitiful.

What happened:
Minerva.exe stopped working; she stood upright on her back legs alongside Gaia, then froze. Complete statue.
Gaia reached up and delicately grabbed the rim of the plastic tub and tossed it into the floor of the cage.

Got the girls out for a short morning jog around the house, just while I gave their cage a quick clean and tossed them in some fresh hay.

Fresh grass brekkies in the kitchen, awaiting delivery to their Highnesses' lounge.

Obviously they were aware of the fresh grass and the fresh hay.

Minerva - who is increasingly finding her voice as Gaia tells her it gets results - was wheeking away in the backroom.

Whilst Gaia was stood right behind me in the kitchen, screaming at me.

What a slave driver!