Minnou’s piggies

Would you believe that Gaia is sweeter than honey? .......but only when I'm carrying a big pile of fresh grass for her. 🙄

Her eyes twinkle, she makes the happy purr/rumble noise, does the 'food dance' and accepts nose smooches for her grass.

Every pig has their Achilles Heel. 🤣
I have no idea what Minerva was doing under that hidey and I never will.

I wanted to check see if she was just messing about or having some kind of fit under there so I took away all the hideys so I could watch her and now they're both staying perfectly still and glaring at me. Two angry bread loaves.
*Have the niece & nephew around screaming like banshees and fighting*

Minerva sat at the food bowl, watching: "Well, I never!"

*I pick up a box which oh so gently brushes against a plastic bag making the tiniest rustling noise*

Minerva: Panic! Terror! Flees and goes into hiding.

Minerva: "Shall I eat the carrot cottage? Or, this plastic bag I found?"

*Minerva, slurping up plastic bag like spaghetti until she is dicovered with it and it gets confiscated*

Then she followed me around, yelling at me because the bag rustled when I picked it up and she thought she was getting something. :/
Worst part is, you tell her no and she'll look you in the eye and deliberately, slowly, keep doing it in front of you.

And if that 'doesn't annoy the Slave enough', she'll find something plastic to maul in front of me, whilst continuing to look me in the eye.
Dear Gaia and Minerva

Congratulations! You have learnt how to annoy your Slave very well! I've never had the pleasure of bobble bath mats so I wouldn't know about pulling out the bobbles but it sounds like fun. Keep up the good work Gaia. And as for your Slave not feeding you, Minerva, when she rustled that bag (and then took iaway) that you were happily chewing away on ...... well I find that atrocious behaviour. So pleased that you kept yelling at her. Keep up the Slave training girls.

Your friend in a crisis

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
Dear Miss Bramble,

Thank-you for your encouraging words! Annoying this Slave is actually quite easy, it is extorting extra snacks from her that can be a problem, well, at least for me it is. Minerva seems to find it easier.

Minerva: 'I am cute' 😀

Gaia: 'Whatever....' 🙄

The Slave engages in silly wheeking matches with me when I shout for food. The Slave says I don't wheek properly and that I sound like I'm whinging instead! Then she starts wheeking at me! First of all, that's cultural appropriation, secondly, her wheek is terrible! Minerva thinks it is genuine and will wheek along. I start power-wheeking as well, but only to show them both how it's done. I suppose there is no harm in a bit of vocal exercises now and again, so long as there are snacks after...

Your forever hungry, wheek-master disciples,

Gaia & Minerva
Dear Gaia and Minerva

Doesn't your Slave know that wheeking without knowing what you're wheeking is very rude? How dare she pretend wheek! If you had young guinea pigs there they would have to cover their ears! Thank wheakywheakness that you have older ears and are immune to such rude words emanating from your Slave's mouth!

Your friend in a crisis

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward