Merab's Herd

Our slave went away and left us with daddy slave for a few days.
We like it when he looks after us.
He gives us a bowl full of pellets which we like very much.
Unfortunately our slave came back before we’s eaten them all today and she immediately took most of them away.
We think we need to put in a complaint to the GPU.
@Betsy when The One and Only Thea comes back from her holiday maybe she would help us. Please.
Here’s some poop 💩 in payment.

Love from Micah and Priscilla
Dear Priscilla and Micah

I'm prepared to write to you on holiday as this outrageous behaviour by your slave can't it wait until I get back next week (shhh! just don't tell Lexi - she's asleep and the moment and won't know cos I won't tell her if you don't!).

Your Daddy Slave sounds lovely as you get to eat all the naughty stuff (a whole bowl full of pellets instead of just a piddly few). You've clearly trained him well and are to be congratulated for such a feat! Now you need to start training Mummy Slave. This may take a while as she obviously thinks that a few pellets a day is plenty when we piggies know that we need more of these nuggets of yumminess. When she gives you just a tablespoon each (NOT ENOUGH) of pellets eat them quickly then stare at her forlornly with your best "I'm starving and you never feed me face". She may try to placate you by chucking some hay in your general direction. If she does ignore this and wheek and chew on the bars of your cage but obviously not so hard that you break your teeth. She may well then give you some extra lettuce or coriander - this is the start of training Mummy Slave into giving you more food. Carry on with this training until she realises that it's pellets that you want extra of.

Hope this helps

Yours hoping that you never have a bowl of pellets whisked away again.

The One and Only Thea
Shop Steward
We are now just over 2 weeks into the newly formed herd and they have really settled well.
Phoebe is still skittish but getting better. She loves everypig.
Merab is just getting on with being Merab.
Priscilla and Jemimah have sorted themselves out and look as if they’re becoming good friends.
Today, for the first time, Priscilla came out of the cage by herself and happily explored further afield. She and Jemimah trotted around together part of the time. She’s learning from Jemimah and giving Jemimah the active companionship she’s been missing since Keziah died.
We’ve had 2 noticeable seasons which was fun.
I love my little herd.
What a beautiful herd! Those are some precious lil fur babies! Living the good life!
48FA4531-1B64-4192-B4D7-E10EC41DD33F.webp We had a lovely present from Aunty @PigglePuggle and Uncle Piggy Daddy the other day.
We have already started working on it and we had to move it to the spot we wanted.

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Veggies :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
And a nice clean cage and lots of lovely hay.
Almost worth the indignity of a bum clean for Priscilla and removal of a foreign object from Micah’s bum
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Checked in on the piggies between Zoom meetings this morning - no sign of anypig anywhere.

Then - the pile of hay moved! Micah was completely buried.
I know it was him because a little bit of Priscilla’s nose came peeking out of the hay cube.

Why do I bother with lovely fleecy tunnels!