Member Gallery: C&C cages/homemade cages

Hi everyone, I'm new here :). All your cages are lovely! Happy piggies all around :). Thought I'd share a few pics of my cage. It houses 3 boars on the top and 5 sows and a neutered boar on the bottom. I open the bottom cage up and let them out and in as they please most of the time just as there are so many in the bottom (don't worry, the lights on the bottom cage are taped behind the grids so piggies can't get at them) x


This is my c&c cage. It is attached to a shelving unit from Ikea at the bottom so it is essentially 4 x 2 with a 1 x 2 loft. I only made it yesterday so Patch hasn't used the ramp yet but he had one in his hutch outside so I'm hopeful that he will like it. He lived on his own outside after falling out with his old friend Mr Pig. They lived next to each other after that for a while but Mr Pig recently passed away and Patch seemed lonely. I'm hoping to get another boar soon to live with him.IMG_1777.webp
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Beans and Toast's set up is constantly changing. It started as a 2x5 cage, to a 3x5, 3x6, 6x6 and now I've settled on a 4x5 with a 1x4 loft and a 2x3 side extention.

Got all my grids from ebay and fleeces from The Range, B&M, Tesco, Ikea..
One of the ramps came with a hutch I used to have and the other one I just stuck carpet to an old wooden shelf (attached to the grids with cable ties).

I think the next change I'll make will be to just let them have my entire room :whistle:

Excuse the hay on the floor, I've just changed their hay boxes :P
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For anyone who has found c&c cages a nightmare to work with please keep trying!
I gave up on them for quite a while but after researching trying to put two large commercial cages together, I decided to try c&c again.
You definitely need patience, coffee, swearing and lots of breaks!
After much of all of these I'm finally happy with my cage.
Some has been cable tied and some connected (so I can half it for moving.)
Today I added grids on top just at the ends. I did this as I wasn't happy with the stability of it.
You can see on the photos that four grids fold down at the front for cleaning. This also took a lot of swearing to get right!
Part of my problem is its in a small spare room (no other space in the house) and the tables it stands on aren't as wide as the cage. If I had a large space and perfect sized tables I would be a happy bunny and needed far less caffeine to set it up!
And yes it will be a right pain to move if needed but again that's down to limited space not the actual cage. If I win the lottery I shall buy a house with a big room just for Guineas so they would never need to be moved






Hi, I wanted to share with you my 2x3 c&c cage + 2x2 loft/kitchen area. Its my first time ever as a Guinea pig owner and first time building a c&c cage! I watched and read A LOT on size ,space, layout etc ... And this is what I came up with.
Its has cubes on the floor under the coroplast and also lids, as i have a dog and two very cheeky young children.
I made three doors, one above the hay box 2x1, one on the bottom floor ceiling 2x1, and one at the back on the bottom floor under the kitchen area for easy access.
I have two tinny piggies living in there,they are around 2month old sisters. Angel & Rosie Posie.

My questions/doubts/concerns are:

1: Is the cage too small for two piggies? They are small now but when they grow bigger....? I dont have much room to maneuver around it for cleaning and spot cleaning and feeding and storing and I don't want to put them in my living room as my husband's not too keen. I know bigger is better but is the size OK?

2: is the bottom floor too dark? I wanted to give them as much floor space as possible with the limited room space i have so decided for a 2x2 loft but it does seem to shadow the bottom floor and I've noticed the piggies live most of the time upstairs, witch defeats my Intentions. Would it be better to make the loft smaller to encourage them to use the bigger space downstairs? Should i make the top floor as big as the bottom floor 2x3? Won't that meke it really dark downstairs? Or is it they are still shy and feel safer in a smaller space, they have only been in there just over one week!

3: I've placed one of those triangular corner trays on the bottom floor but they don't seem to use it, is that taking valuable floor space? Shall I get rid of it?

Any sugestions on layout placement, size, greatly appreciated!

Thank you from a very excited novice Piggie owner.
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An idea for a cheap and cheerful ramp. Just 2 c&c grids slightly overlapped and cable tied to each other and the top loft, with correx covering the bottom (also cable tied). It will lift up and sit on the loft to make cleaning easier X

This is Ted and chewys new home :D it's made out of b&q White conti board and the mezzanine are the shelves from b&q also, the legs have wind up mechanisms on the feet so I can easily wind them up and down to get the fleece liner in and out, the ramp is on hinges so that can be lifted also. On the ramp I have put carpet tile held in place by double sided tape and the paw rails are just kitchen cupboard handles which were a bargain down from £16-£4 also from b&q. All of my Perspex I bought online from simply plastics they were cut to size for me and then slotted into the u profile so I can just lift them out for cleaning :D hubby also made a cradle for the sippy that you can see at the front of the cage (I will get a better pic of that) I love this house! Now gotta make 3 more :eek: xx

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Hi every one this is my c&c cage for my 2 boys. I would love to add to it as I would like to add more piggies eventually

This is a C&C cage, with a makeshift coroplast tray, because the nearest place to get coroplast is over an hour away from me.
I purchased the cubes and connectors from Walmart for about $30 a box. I purchased two boxes, and that left me with plenty of grids and connectors, with plenty left over. I reinforced the connection points with zip ties. The tray was made out of foam board with a shower curtain liner inserted to waterproof it.
The cage is 2x4 grids, with each grid being 14 inches squared. With the connectors, the final measurement was 28inchesX57inches.
I keep my two girls in it, and they seem to love it!
It is SO MUCH EASIER to keep clean than my older setup! The cage liner and towel abosorb any water or urine, and dry rapidly, keeping the top surface of the cage clean. All you have to do is pick up any poos or stray food two times daily or so.
For the same price of a tiny, pet store cage, I was able to make a super-spacious cage for my girls, with a storage stand underneath to store food, toys, bedding, and even my books and hamster suppliesWP_20160909_10_08_23_Pro.webp ! I still have plenty of grids to use for further expansions, like a hayloft, second level, or for making playpens!
I originally started with a Midwest 120 cage but expanded with plastic grids as the herd expanded. They love to do laps of their cage. My oldest guinea wouldn't go upstairs so I put a tunnel on one of the ramps and she uses it all the time now. Haven't taken picture of tunnel yet. IMG_20160824_180708.webp
Just made this beast! 2m x 60cm. Pic with my piggy Rupert in for size :))

Cost me £87.33 in total:
IKEA linnmon 2m x60cm table top £26.50
IKEA desk legs x5 £12.50
B&Q contiboard 2.4m x. 22cm roughly. Bought two for £18.54
No more nails double sided tape from B&Q x2: £10
Aquarium sealant off amazon: £7
Clear acrylic 2m x 25cm: £10 off cut from local plastic works
Screws from Wickes 60mm x 2.7mm pack of 100: £2.79

Also ordered industrial Velcro for additional £13 to attatch water bottle and hay rack but didn't include this in the price. Took about 2hrs to make and I'm so happy with it! I might make a loft too but have it removable in case I decide to get rid of it at any point but for now I'm so happy with this! I just had a piece of folded correx and it was so ugly! Haha.

I sealed it after the pic so I'm not moving him in/ setting it up until tomorrow but I couldn't wait to share :yahoo::love:



Well we have finally finished all of our new wooden houses now yay! The bottom cage is on castors so I can pull it out each day for daylight although it's not actually as dark as I thought it would be under there but it helps with cleaning I suppose :D they are all made out of b&q conti board with removable Perspex on the front, much more basic than Ted and chewys palace but they seem to like it! Unfortunately Oakley and Ollie haven't moved in yet, Oakley has got a dodgy tummy again so I didn't want to stress him out by moving him into a new environment :( anyway here's the pics xx







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Here is the the moment without the piggies as they are in their pen. Hence clean cage with no poos. I'm sure that will change later on...

Do you think it's ok? The girlies won't climb out will they?! They do like to sit in the corner potties munching on hay...and Smudge has a mischevious streak.

I have used incontinence pads under a generous layer of Aubiose...and I'm dreading cleaning it out next Saturday :)
its looks Great. Mine have never tried to climb out. My correx is too low and was very hard to fit because of the shape.

image.webp image.webp Just had the first cage clean...the incontinence pads were stained, but everything was dry...the 120cage at this point would be literally dripping with saturated pads! The cage could have gone another week without cleaning...unbelievable. This is the cage last week (top)

And the blue fleece, although making the cage look darker, is as it is now. As you can see, I'm still pondering where to hang the chews on the table...and the white wire are the water bottle holders. I don't know if I like the blue fleece...
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I have FINALLY finished the cage! :) It is currently a 2x3 and 2 thirds because I messed up the coroplast and cut it too short. Doh! I can't afford any more at the moment as I am ordering cage liners so this will hopefully be okay for them for now. I made the loft a kitchen area to hopefully avoid the hay sticking to the fleece! The ramp was originally on the ground but it was a bit steep so I used their stick bridge to prop it up and they have been zooming up and down it. I thought one of my original bottles would be okay alongside the new one I bought but unfortunately they won't sit, so I will need to get another Living world one. I also plan on filling the loft with hay at one side but wanted to make sure they could get up the ramp first! Angus' new fave spot is under the hay rack lol. So pleased with it :D