Meet Jynx!

It has been an eventful day today. After losing Jasmine and Belle, I doubled Sam and Jynx's cage and decided to leave them as a pair with all the space between them.

Only a couple of weeks later, I heard from Paula, the person I regularly board my guineas with, that several pregnant sows with babies in tow had been dumped on the doorstep of the rescue down the road. Apparently the lady had said they couldn't take them as the rescue was closing (and has since closed), so the person just put the carrier down and walked away...

Paula (who is not a rescue and only boards guineas) has taken in some of these poor piggies and is caring for them while finding them new homes...

I'm sure you already know how this story goes. 😄 Please welcome Daisy and Luna!


Daisy is the light brown, and Luna is the dark.

As expected, Jynx was a proper grump, but Daisy and Luna were quick to get away! Sam the Stud's chonky heft also proved useful in keeping Jynx in line and giving the babies something to hide behind, although he still stole lettuce right out of Daisy's mouth! 😄

Jynx eventually realised that the newcomers aren't a threat, and her position as top sow is secure. I accidentally dropped something and they all ended up as a big ball of fluff! Then they all laid down together calmly. 🥰


Now they're all in the same cage, and Daisy and Luna have spent all day hiding, so I've left them to decompress.


Jynx and Luna hiding next to each other.


So far, Daisy seems to be the more outgoing, whereas Luna is much more quiet and still. I look forward to seeing how their personalities develop!
Oh my goodness they are just the cutest little ladies! How lovely for you after losing Jasmine and Belle. I’m sure you are going to have such fun watching these girls blossom x
Are your have grown so much, it’s amazing. You have such a lovely herd, bet you are made up 😁
I've been away for a while, so the piggies have been staying with Paula who always takes excellent care of them. 🙂

Daisy and Luna have definitely grown in size, confidence and hair!

They've all settled in at home again very quickly. It's been lonely without them; I've missed their chatter!



After a quick trim


Absolute bliss






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