Meet Jynx!

Dear Sam

I am utterly horrified at the very undignified pigture posted by your Slave for the whole world to see! How very dare she even think about posting such an embarrassing photo?

There are multiple rules in various GPU guides from "How to prevent your Slave from doing things you don't want" to "How to poop on your Slave and look innocent". I have had to have a quick word with the GPU on what Rule has been contravened. The GPU said that it was in fact Rule 32, Sub Section 5, Paragraph 6a from "How to prevent your Slave from doing things you don't want" which clearly states "Under no circumstances should Slaves take inappropriate, undignified or embarrassing pigtures of you". Your Slave has clearly done all 3 of these things in 1 pigture!

To make sure this never happens again both you and Jynx need to gang up on your Slave. You should both either be very quiet at meal times and hide so she really worries about you or make as much noise as possible at mealtimes and make sure she knows of your displeasure. The choice is yours, you know your Slave best. Also when she takes you out for cuddle time wriggle and squirm as much as you can so that she finds it impossible to pick you up then just when she thinks she has hold of you run off as quickly as is feasible. When you do decide to let her pick you up make sure you wee in her lap. If she has a pee pad down, wee just off the side of it for maximum effect.

Yours totally unimpressed by how you've been treated.

The One and Only Thea
Shop Steward
I’ll bet that they have jaw ache after rapidly chomping as much of that lush grass as they could scoff.
Chonky indeed! He's gone from just below 1500g to nearly 1700g over the last few months!
:yikes::wub: Bless him, I bet Sam cuddles are amazing! Just not for too long or you’d be pretty squished! :))
He does the same as Gigi, lays straight on top of that hay pile and makes it a hay pancake! XD
:yikes::wub: Bless him, I bet Sam cuddles are amazing! Just not for too long or you’d be pretty squished! :))
He does the same as Gigi, lays straight on top of that hay pile and makes it a hay pancake! XD

He can't sit still for too long. His lady needs him! I have to be careful putting him back in else he'll take a leap of faith!