Well I never thought I’d be posting this in September, but we lost Gingie today. She fought the cancer and ovarian cysts incredibly hard, surprising all the vets she saw locally and at Northlands, living 4.5 months after her diagnosis instead of the 7-10 days that they originally thought she had.
** I’m sorry it’s a long one. But I needed somewhere to express my grief and guilt and I guess it’s cathartic. Even if no one reads it all, I feel like I’m talking to someone by writing on this forum, and someone who knows what it’s like to love and lose a piggy that was like their baby. Our piggies are a massive part of us and now Ginger has joined Leia over the rainbow bridge, big parts of my heart are gone. **
She was eating salad one moment and under half an hour later she fell over, walked before collapsing again. I found her laying on the floor with her legs out weird and as soon as I picked her up I realised she was dying as she was floppy and couldn’t move her legs or hold herself up. My boyfriend had seen her fall minutes before but as she got straight back up he didn’t realise what was happening til she fell again. We put her on a fluffy blanket and comforted her thinking she would be gone any minute. She didn’t appear to be with us anymore just her body.
I know it’s a normal part of grief but I feel intense guilt over a lot of things :’( even though I loved her every day and was always trying to do what was best for her. We could tell she was a bit worse about a week or two ago but I took her to the local vet for an emergency appointment and was told she was happy, bright, eating drinking and trotting around the cage. The vet said she was on enough metacam, not in pain and we would know when it was time because she would stop eating, drinking and moving around.
She had lost a lot of weight recently and was bony but she was still chewing all the hard treats, eating, loving salad especially so we let her carry on. She was gradually slowing down, eating less and sitting still more and we considered taking her back to the vet each time. I think it was so gradual and we were waiting for her to stop completely that we didn’t realise how close to the end she was. She wasn’t right the past day or two but she was eating all the way to the end. Then this came as such a huge shock.
Having looked back at videos from 2 weeks ago and seeing the stark difference I feel so guilty that we didn’t PTS a few days ago. We still saw life in her but I worry that she was in pain or becoming miserable and that she was carrying on eating here and there because that’s what piggies do. When we had to put Leia a few months back she didn’t stop either and barely showed signs of being in pain. The vet had to tell us it was time and said because they were so tame and handled they just carried on. Thinking back we should have taken her when she lost the weight and stopped eating much hay. But because she had the lumps and ovaries I didn’t realise how bony she had got and we weren’t handling her much because Simon said months ago when her cancer had just started that she wouldn’t enjoy being held as much, and she ate so much salad, was desperate for salad and veg that it made us happy how much she was eating
Now we can see the signs and feel awful.
The other thing is how she passed. It’s the time I’ve watched a pet die. In the past I have PTS in time not to see the whole process. I feel traumatised and can’t get the images out of my head. I don’t know how much she was aware of. She didn’t seem aware of start with as soon as she lost the ability to move. She just lay there but then she had some small fits, a get up and look around to then go still again, a few seconds of “running” and I thought that it was all happening so quickly there was no point going to a vet but to keep her with us. Then I read that you should be hands off and leave her with her cage mates so we stopped stroking her and put her back in the cage on the fluffy blanket. The other two kind of looked around her from a distance then removed themselves and huddled in the house on the other side of the cage. She started to take deep intermittent breaths with the sound of expelling air almost then started making little squeak noises which horrified me because was she aware and scared or in pain? We agonised over do we try to make it to the vet or leave her at home with us and the piggies, quiet and on soft blanket?
We both had read on the forums several times about what’s involved in piggy deaths and thought we were prepared and knew if we’d go to the vet or not but it all happened so quickly. After the squeaking and it had been half an hour we decided to take her to the out of hour vet. We gently laid her in a super soft bed with a flannel over her and got in the car. She looked like she was struggling to breathe and I put the flannel loosely over her to block out the streetlights. Half way there about 5-10 minutes later I lifted it to see if she was still breathing and she was still. As I’m not a vet I wondered if it was just so shallow I couldn’t see it, so I lifted the flannel off her face and what I saw horrified me :,(
Ginger was really heavy and stiff, her head was pulled back toward her back, her mouth was pulled open with her teeth protruding out and her eyes were held tight but with loads of thick white discharge coming out of them down her face. I tried to touch her but she was so heavy and stiff. When I lifted her little face her eyes and mouth made me burst into uncontrollable tears. It was like she was roadkill that had been dead for an hour. I had NO idea they could do like that within minutes. I had to cover her with the flannel because I couldn’t look at her or touch her like that. We drove to the vet to have her paw prints taken and have her cremated.
I asked the vet if she would go floppy again and if she could be cleaned up to look more like how I want to remind her and the vet said yes but it could take 1-2 hours. We were welcome to wait in the car or could go home and they’d call us. Half way home they called up to say she’d gone floppy again and we could say our goodbyes. I hadn’t stopped crying waiting for the vet or driving back home. All I could think about was how she’d rolled onto her back with the scared piggy eyes at home when she couldn’t hold herself and how she looked after she’d died. I was SO SO happy we went back to say goodbyes as she looked peaceful and “normal”. So the last time I saw her was close to how she was when she was alive. Although I still can’t forget the horrible images.
We are beyond devastated. We haven‘t finished grieving for Leia and now Ginger is gone too. It doesn’t seem real. I just can’t believe it. It’s been a long time coming and it was like she was just going to keep going. We‘ve known it was coming for so long but would never have been ready. Part of me wishes we had PTS a day or two earlier to save her going through that process. I hate that someone I love so so deeply went through that and there’s any chance however tiny that she was scared for even a moment.