Kelly's Cavies.

Bless you, I’m sure lots of us have felt like that on here at times, it’s so frustrating and stressful not knowing what’s going on! :doh:
I’m so glad he’s ok after being poorly under the anaesthetic. Sounds like your vets are great and doing the best by him, hope the exotic vets can give you more help in finding out what the problem is. Sure you can’t wait to get him home! Massive hugs x
Thank you we have him in the car now.
Thanks. They told me it was a slightly different one and it might work better than the Baytrail.
Yes it tends to be much better for UTIs and chest problems than baytril. Hope he feels better bless him, is he on metacam? Sorry can’t remember if you said x
What do you guys think is better? Continue with the baytrail tonight and tomorrow morning when he's supposed to finish the course along with the new antibiotics or just start on the new antibiotics and forget the baytrail.

I got two different answers from the vets. (I phoned back to clarify)
I can't advise as I'm not a vet. All I can say is that after Christian had his MAHOOOOOSIVE abcess removed he was on Baytril and Sulfatrim at the same time as well as a cocktail of other drugs (five in total) so it was (at the time in May 2019 - not sure about now as regulations change) OK to take at the same time.
I can't advise as I'm not a vet. All I can say is that after Christian had his MAHOOOOOSIVE abcess removed he was on Baytril and Sulfatrim at the same time as well as a cocktail of other drugs (five in total) so it was (at the time in May 2019 - not sure about now as regulations change) OK to take at the same time.
Thank you for sharing your experience with me, it helps.
Hope the next vet trip comes up with some clearer answers.
It’s good news that there’s no stones to worry about.
It does sound as if your vet is doing everything possible to get to the root of Womble’s problem.
Holding you all in my heart
Hope the next vet trip comes up with some clearer answers.
It’s good news that there’s no stones to worry about.
It does sound as if your vet is doing everything possible to get to the root of Womble’s problem.
Holding you all in my heart
Thank you they're showing then x rays to an exotic vet who are more experienced, so, I'm hoping they have some more insight.
Pinto - My babiest bean made it up the ramp all by herself!
Now she has somewhere to hide out when Truffle is getting extra narky (as she does sometimes) I was so proud I text my husband these pictures.

He was also very proud.
Me in blue/purple and my husband in grey/white lol.
She got a green bean as a reward.
A green bean for my Pinto bean!


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New cage set up.

Womble now has 2 by 3 c and c cage and the girls have a 2 by 5 c and c next to it with a 1 by 2 loft. All seem pleased with their set ups.

Womble was in a temporary situation with a 2 by 2 when he was seperated from the girls because Truffle did not get along with him and the girls got the 2 by 5 shortened into a 2 by 3. They were supposed to live together in the 2 by 5 and we were going to add an expansion later. It wasn't to be. 😞

I wanted Womble to have a much better quality of life than this and be seems happier with his extra space.

I had to turf a lot of stuff out of my home office. But as previously stated I love my boy so much! 😍 He deserves his space.20210215_155230.jpg20210215_155226.jpg
Glad Womble is happy with his new set up, next to the girls. How is he doing at the moment, hope he is improving?
Glad Womble is happy with his new set up, next to the girls. How is he doing at the moment, hope he is improving?
We're at Birchheath now. I'll let you know what the vet says. He's just gone in. From what the vet told us before he took him. - The routine vet thought he might have an enlarged heart from the x rays, however the exotic disagrees and thinks it was a deep seated infection. He has suggesting nebulizing twice a day to make sure the infection gets lost.

I will let you know what he says when he comes out with him again. :) I hope everything goes and stays well.
We're at Birchheath now. I'll let you know what the vet says. He's just gone in. From what the vet told us before he took him. - The routine vet thought he might have an enlarged heart from the x rays, however the exotic disagrees and thinks it was a deep seated infection. He has suggesting nebulizing twice a day to make sure the infection gets lost.

I will let you know what he says when he comes out with him again. :) I hope everything goes and stays well.
Aw poor lad, he’s having A hard time atm x
So here's what it is - according to the exotic vet, his heart is not enlarged, however since he's been having trouble breathing and has been gasping for breath, he has sucked some air into under his diaphragm and into his stomach.

He is a little uncomfortable with it. He's getting better with his persistent respiratory infection, however, this could become a problem if not treated also.

So he's still on his sulfatrim, bisolvan, loxicom, but also he's been put on some metoclopramide and we have been recommended to get some infocol for him also. And we have kept him on his fibreplex throughout.

We have been told to keep an eye on him and nebulise him twice a day now and if things don't change or get worse we're getting a referral to Rutland house for this new vet Molly for a CT scan.

We're going back in 10 days to 14 days time for a check up. :)
Aw well lets hope the gut stimulant can get that air moving and then he will feel a lot more comfortable in himself x
Am I right in thinking the infacol is what you give colicky infants?
Aw well lets hope the gut stimulant can get that air moving and then he will feel a lot more comfortable in himself x
Am I right in thinking the infacol is what you give colicky infants?
Exactly the same yes. It's to dispel the gas.