Keith is struggling - what age for a new cage mate?


Forum Donator 2023/24
Feb 1, 2020
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South Oxfordshire
Hello, as you may know our beloved Gibson crossed Rainbow Bridge on Friday. Devastated and 💔

Keith is really not himself now, he’s really struggling.

Keith is a big 16 month old boy (1576g!), he is calm and affectionate. We don’t know what age cage mate we should be looking for - baby or older gent? Given Keith is well into his teenage years..

Our local rescue no longer house Guinea pigs. I don’t mind travelling at all, a lot of places though seem to be closed today. When Higgins passed we had three weeks of just Gibson, his grief subsided quickly and he was ok for a while, I do t think we have that long with Keith; he came to live with Gibson at just four weeks old and has never been on his own up to now.

Any advice or experiences appreciated x
I’m sorry for your loss.

Age is much less of a factor when it comes to a successful bond, character is vital though.
Strictly speaking younger/baby piggies tend to be more readily accepted but there is no guarantee - the only way to know is to try them together and see what happens

Keith is just out of his teens now (teens are until 14 months of age) but will still be experiencing a lot of hormones.

We would normally suggest neutering and finding a sow also, but given the six week wait, he may not manage that, unless a sow could live next door to him during his wait so he wouldnt be totally alone.
Thank you @Piggies&buns

We had thought about getting Keith neutered when Gibson was still here, but didn’t get around to it.. we didn’t think Gibson would be gone just yet.

I don’t think Keith could manage six weeks, and our space is quite limited but I will definitely go and do some juggling now and see if it could work to have neighbours for a while..
Poor Keith - it’s so hard seeing them sad after their loss. Given that Keith is still a young man with many years ahead of him, if you are looking to boar date him, I would go for a boar date of a similar age or older (2 or above really). If you are looking to neuter him, and find a sow or pair of sows for him, then the issue is the 6 week wait, but as long as he can see and hear the lady or ladies, (but not be able to get to them) then this might well work for him. In our rescue the neutered boars all go to foster homes to sit out their 6:week wait in secure cages but within sight and sound of other piggies. It helps them to deal with being alone.
Thank you @VickiA

I think we will try and find a boar friend for him. I live in a house of boys and am quite used to it!

I have just rejigged the c&c a bit and it’s perked Keith up a little..

Watch this space. Feels a bit insensitive to Gibson but he would want us to do right by Keith. He was super protective of him!
Hello, as you may know our beloved Gibson crossed Rainbow Bridge on Friday. Devastated and 💔

Keith is really not himself now, he’s really struggling.

Keith is a big 16 month old boy (1576g!), he is calm and affectionate. We don’t know what age cage mate we should be looking for - baby or older gent? Given Keith is well into his teenage years..

Our local rescue no longer house Guinea pigs. I don’t mind travelling at all, a lot of places though seem to be closed today. When Higgins passed we had three weeks of just Gibson, his grief subsided quickly and he was ok for a while, I do t think we have that long with Keith; he came to live with Gibson at just four weeks old and has never been on his own up to now.

Any advice or experiences appreciated x


Mutual liking and character compatibility come a long way before age and gender, actually. A laid-back adult (potentially widowed himself) is as much of an option as a youngster.

With Keith so desperate for company, he is likely pretty accepting of whoever he meets but you'd rather look for another more gentle boy of whatever age, whether it is another widower or a youngster (who will then have to go through teenage). It very much depends on what the rescue has available for dating and whether they are a personality match or not.

It is tough seeing them so unhappy!
Keith has a date! He’s going to spend tomorrow with a one year old boy called Floyd! (It’s meant to be, Keith Floyd is a cooking hero of mine!)

Fingers crossed for a successful bond and that tomorrow we’ll have two boys with us
Fingers firmly crossed for Keith and Floyd!

It all comes down to whether they gel or not.
Thank you all. I’m really hopeful..

He is also recently bereaved and was surrendered as the owners didn’t want another. Apparently quite placid..

Fingers tightly crossed

You will only ever know when they are interacting with each other. The good thing about rescue dating is that you come home with a friend only if they get on; it means that Keith is allowed his say but you have a safety net that you won't have otherwise.
Rescue dating also means that you can try again until Keith finds his match if needed. And that all dates are fully quarantined and if needed vet treated.
Wishing yourself and Keith all the best for tomorrow. I hope it’s a good match for both your sakes.
So, he's with him now - a bumpy first hour but it seems to have settled down.

My goodness Keith had me in stitches! Revving himself up, scraping his front feet on the floor like a bull preparing to charge, jumping and side-kicking with his back legs. All the while, Floyd just kept eating..!

I'm so glad I'm not doing this alone, I would have bailed 30 minutes in! They've settled a lot now, both grooming in front of each other, and Keith has had a nap.. Lots of hay eating and bum sniffing..