Keeping lots of guinea pigs?

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Hello Christine

Many thanks for all your answers, which are very helpful.
Just a couple more questions (I'm afraid!):
  • Do you definitely need to bring your guineas indoors in the winter? With our anticipated 10-15 guineas I can't see us doing that.
  • When you say "one side is completely open" does this mean that mice/cats etc have free access (subject to getting past your labradors!)?
  • When you say "The grass is raked" do you actually remove the droppings, or simply 'rake them in'?
Sorry - that was 3!

Thanks again
NB Why would anyone think you are potty?
Hello Les,
Piggies are indoors in winter in a 8by10 foot shed heated as described with pig lamp.
One side of outdoor run is open but piggies are locked in shed over night.
Grass iss raked over with springbok rake and this gathers up most of the droppings along with bits of straw loose grass etc,this is disposed of into compost heap.
Piggies have not moved into their winter shed yet but any time now.
Do people on this forum think I am doing alright for my piggies,positive comments welcome.
Christine I think they sound really snug, lots of room and warmth, how wonderful. I bet you enjoy sitting in their with them chatting about your day and having a cuppa ! ;D

Regarding being potty ............... well ................ welcome to "Potty Land." There must be over a thousand potty people on here LOL ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

We all love da piggies :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Yep, I like the idea Christine, sounds similar to my friends set up :)
Thanks for the comments ,got to say I go to my piggies and tell them all about my day ,granchildren sitting,dog walking,being the general domestic ,playing the violin in small orchestras etc,knocking holes in walls ,making guinea pens for visiting piggies,I am a whizz with drills and screwdrivers!Talking to the piggies is great relaxation and keeps me reasonably sane.!
Good to see you are giving this proper thought and planning. O0 Hope everything goes well

Its true about them being calming. You have someone who talks and responds to some extent but doesn't argue or answer back. Very theraputic :laugh:
Hello All

Sorry I've not kept you all up to date, we've been very busy with other things recently and then went away for a few days (to Amsterdam!).

I fear that our project may have stalled - temporarily at least. Somehow everyone (and this includes the kids) just seems that bit too busy to commit to it. Whether this changes remains to be seen. Either way, I am very grateful indeed for the wealth of advice and good wishes that we received from this forum. As I said earlier in this thread, it's good that novices have such easy access to more experienced people through forums such as this.

I'll post back if/when there are any developments!

Thanks again
I was only wondering today how your plans were going. Was cleaning my girls out today and something made me think of your posts. Best to start the project when it's more convenient for you all, then it will be more enjoyable. You might find that you change your mind and not do it or do something different, but at least now you have all the info you need. Like you say, this forum is so good to get advice. It's been such a great help to me over the past year.

Yes you must let us know if you go ahead. We'll all be really interested :)
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