Inoperable tumour

I would recommend that you have her vet checked in the coming week. This may include checking for arthritis in older piggies and not just the urinary or reproductive tracts. All the best!

Make sure that you spot clean her favourite sleeping patch and also check daily the foot soles of both front/back legs which are more exposed to soiled bedding (urine scald and then bumblefoot) in piggies that are less mobile and spending more time sitting in their own excrement.

All the best.
She still runs out and stretches up to see what food there is.
It’s because of the tumour wrapped around her kidneys. We’ve only had little amounts of blood before this so she’s getting worse. She’s still herself at the moment, though, eating and chuntering.
Her tummy has quite a bulge and her bottom isn't spotless. But she was happily tearing off the cardboard. That's an old carrot cottage, if you couldn't tell.
It’s quite sad seeing that photo because it really brings home to me how big the tumour must be. We’re keeping an even closer eye on her now for signs of discomfort because it can’t be much longer, even though she’s still lithe and lively. Six months post-diagnosis! We’re all going to be so upset, but I worry in particular for my sixteen-year-old, who adores them and in whose room they live. They never moved out again after the diagnosis. (Summers used to be spent in the outside hutch and run, except when too hot; the rest of the year in the insulated shed.)