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Inoperable tumour

So, although she still seems her normal self, lively and with appetite, she is a very poorly piggy. The vet has given her a larger dose than usual of a stronger painkiller than usual, to be given twice a day. We continue to monitor her behaviour, albeit even more closely and anxiously, as we now need to judge when the right time comes for euthanasia.... The vet counselled against us taking a larger sized bottle of painkiller because it wouldn't all be used ... so it's most definitely less than six months. Perhaps one.
9th September 2024: Bianca needs more medicine.
We now get to buy her a third bottle!
We were worried she wouldn't make it through August.

Medication is an exciting time for both of them. Big slave did it this morning (I am middle slave, hence the name piggy in the middle) and both of them were very eager. The medication needs to be taken with food so it's a lovely second breakfast for them both.