I'm thinking of giving my sheltie a haircut

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Jan 21, 2008
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Hertfordshire and Leeds
I love his long hair but it is very very long and it all trails along the floor and if i didn't constantly brush it it would probably get all dirty and matted. I was thinking of chopping it short but would probably regret it when it looks a mess. What do other people do with their long haired piggies? I also have a peruvian but his hair is no problem as it goes the other way.
I give my sheltie a haircut. I use old hairdressing scissors and take off small bits at a time. This is partly to stop her squealing and trying to bite me! She hates her hair which is why I chop it off, she relaxes when I hold her and she no longer has all that hair!
After I've cut it it looks a bit 'chopped' and messy but soon goes back to normal-ish pig hair ;D
When I used to have some longhairs I used to hate cutting their hair too short so I used to keep it a few cm of the ground.
This is Zac(RIP) modeling...

I have also used Nathans hair clippers and shaven around the bum area to stop it from getting matted and dirty, Zac didn't mind but Nathan wasnt too impressed, lol! I would leave the hair longer at the top so it would cover the shave bit.

Emma x
I gave one of our rescue shelties a practcal hair cut today do many people are scared of the grooming I thought the shorter cut and offer to bath and trim him every 3 months might help with re-homing him. Not as glorious as when he is in a long coat but much more practical for him and any potential new owner O0
He's also just gorgeous Vikki. Is once every three months enough to stop it getting matted, uncomfortable, unhygienic etc? I understand a lot of long hairs end up in rescue because the humans think they look amazing (which they do) but don't realise and get bored of all the work with the grooming...
I know a few of my friends shave their longhairs during the summer because they get soo hot living in the shed, no matter how you try and cool them down.
When Zac was alive I used to brush him out everyday and trim him every other week. This was because I prefered the longer style and if you can keep on top of them why cut it off? Only problem I found was the shavings used to get caught up within his fur and he sadly died before I changed to Megazorb.

Emma x
I am not saying once every three months is enough to stop matting etc boureki. I am thinking in three months is a regular bathing time and a major hair cut which can make things more manageable, if someone is taking on a long haired piggy they need to be prepared for daily grooming and checking areas that may need trimming regualrly (we aways keep their bottoms very short to stop any staining etc.) I am just trying to make the job more manageable in three months his top hair should grow 3 inches meaning it will be getting near floor level again.
I just thought it would help people adopting them if I was prepared to do a big trim and wash with them on a regular basis with all our own piggys and the rescues I really could not be grooming for other people on a more regular basis, just thought it was the best way to help make the job more manageable. I am in not way suggesting once in three months is all the coat care these piggys would need, a shorter cut does make it and easier job tho and I know some people are apprehensive about bathing them so I would be willing to keep doing that O0 With good coat maintainance I don't think they need a full bath more often than every three months but boars get a bottom wash to deal with a grease glandmore often than 3 monthly ;D
My sheltie is mostly white so its easy to see where needs trimming because it gets dirty if it gets too long, the sides seem to stay clean and unmatted even left long but her bum area needs trimming really short, its even shorter than a smooths because it just gets dirty otherwise, i'd give him a good trim all the way around as Emma said, a few cm off the floor and then a bit shorter in the bum area to stop it getting dirty x
Great hair cuts Emma and Vikki!

My Shelties are mainly left long but trimmed around the edges so it doesn't drag on the floor and esp. around their bottoms. Then I brush them out regularly although they are much less maintenance than my Texels and Perus. Love my longhairs but you really have to keep on top of it especially if you've got quite a few, otherwise it all spirals out of control!

jnenbnb said:
My sheltie is mostly white so its easy to see where needs trimming because it gets dirty if it gets too long, the sides seem to stay clean and unmatted even left long but her bum area needs trimming really short, its even shorter than a smooths because it just gets dirty otherwise, i'd give him a good trim all the way around as Emma said, a few cm off the floor and then a bit shorter in the bum area to stop it getting dirty x

Like Jnenbnb i have a light coloured Boar, He's a cream Lunkyara, and he does get a mess! But i groom him regularly, hes getting sed to it now! I tend to keep his bm short and the rest of him long! He looks alittle odd but its practical, for him and for me! lol
i have a peru and i cut his hair as it grows and trails all over the floor, then he gets a bit smelly.

i cut it so that its level with the floor, cos he loves his long hair and throws a strop when i cut it so imagine what he'd be like if i chopped it all off!

i also groom him every day, but if hes had a mad hyperactive day i groom him twiceas he looks a bit windswept after playing ;D
Vikki said:
I am not saying once every three months is enough to stop matting etc boureki. I am thinking in three months is a regular bathing time and a major hair cut which can make things more manageable, if someone is taking on a long haired piggy they need to be prepared for daily grooming and checking areas that may need trimming regualrly (we aways keep their bottoms very short to stop any staining etc.) I am just trying to make the job more manageable in three months his top hair should grow 3 inches meaning it will be getting near floor level again.
I just thought it would help people adopting them if I was prepared to do a big trim and wash with them on a regular basis with all our own piggys and the rescues I really could not be grooming for other people on a more regular basis, just thought it was the best way to help make the job more manageable. I am in not way suggesting once in three months is all the coat care these piggys would need, a shorter cut does make it and easier job tho and I know some people are apprehensive about bathing them so I would be willing to keep doing that O0 With good coat maintainance I don't think they need a full bath more often than every three months but boars get a bottom wash to deal with a grease glandmore often than 3 monthly ;D

Just so you didn't read my post the wrong way, my question wasn't a critisism Vikki, it was an honest equiry, I've never had longhairs ;D
If trimming once every 3 months was enough that's not so bad - we bathe ours once every couple of months, but obviously as shortahairs they don't need trims O0
Just wanted it to be clear they need regualr maintainance Boureki reading my post people might assume given how i phrased it three monthly was all they needed, where as they need daily ttention to their coats.
So hard to know how anyone means anything with written text I am a bit jittery still after Jumbo so if it sounds like I took it wrong to how you intended I apologise just wanted it to be clear longhairs need more attention than once every three months.
my poor archie has to put up with me doing a rather bad hair do everytime he has a cut lol he's a coronet, doesnt sit still, runs at every opportunity and takes a while to cut his fur.. i find its best to cut just after a bath, the fur is more manageable :)
I dont think about not cutting or cutting my long haireds hair i just do it ::) ;D
I like Shelties to have one length all the way around, I can't do layers! ;D Pudsey who is part Rex and part Texel gets a skirt around his bum area! Such a girl! But it needs cutting often!

Vikki said:
Just wanted it to be clear they need regualr maintainance Boureki reading my post people might assume given how i phrased it three monthly was all they needed, where as they need daily ttention to their coats.
So hard to know how anyone means anything with written text I am a bit jittery still after Jumbo so if it sounds like I took it wrong to how you intended I apologise just wanted it to be clear longhairs need more attention than once every three months.

No need to apologise Vikki O0 It's sometimes difficult to know a tone in text. I agree 100% people should be made completely aware how much maintenance is required. Having never looked after a long hair I'm curious as to how long they actually need trimming, rather than bathing/grooming. I guess it depends on the breed of pig?
I agree with that Julie. Cuzzy was a Sheltie and harder work. Once Twinks gets a friend I'll have 10 pigs so if you have a large amount I feel its best to have the shorter haired variety!

I've just realised I haven't got a smooth boar (Eccles is crested) ;D
SunshineAndTwinkle said:
I agree with that Julie. Cuzzy was a Sheltie and harder work. Once Twinks gets a friend I'll have 10 pigs so if you have a large amount I feel its best to have the shorter haired variety!

I've just realised I haven't got a smooth boar (Eccles is crested) ;D

We've always stuck with shorthairs mainly because we love 'them, but also because we were a tad nervous of the grooming! But I'd love a Sheltie one day, when we have room and when one needs us in rescue :smitten:
Smooths are lovely. I find with Twinkle his Peruvian locks get him in a nark they must pull on his skin so I cut them off and he was a changed pig after that!

I don't know if it is me but Shelties seem smaller breeds. Looking at Smooths they seem to be the biggest as do Rexes. Peruvians seem compact and solid but the little Shelties they are so diddy! Could just be me though! ;D
My sheltie girls are my biggest sows, and my Texel boars are my biggest boars... it depends on the pig, I guess! My Shelties are not that hard to keep maintained, with a bit of a trim and regular grooming. Now the Texels - you groom them fully one minute and the next they look like a mop again! ::)

Luckily I like grooming. They don't, much!

Yep it must just be the indiividual pig. Cuzzy was tiny because he had genetic problems. Jasper was big though. I love chunky Shelties! They really are my fav! ;D
Having gone from no Shelties to 4, then Womble have the 4 babies so now I've got 8... I'm in love with them too! They're just SO pretty :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

And Harry - so that's 9!

He's had his trim! He's got short hair round his bum but you can't tell coz he has so much other hair from on his back that all the short bits are covered. I was bored so i measured how long his hair was and in places it was about 12cm! He's only about 4 months old (i think) so do you reckon it will get any longer? It has grown loads since i got him.
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