I am not saying once every three months is enough to stop matting etc boureki. I am thinking in three months is a regular bathing time and a major hair cut which can make things more manageable, if someone is taking on a long haired piggy they need to be prepared for daily grooming and checking areas that may need trimming regualrly (we aways keep their bottoms very short to stop any staining etc.) I am just trying to make the job more manageable in three months his top hair should grow 3 inches meaning it will be getting near floor level again.
I just thought it would help people adopting them if I was prepared to do a big trim and wash with them on a regular basis with all our own piggys and the rescues I really could not be grooming for other people on a more regular basis, just thought it was the best way to help make the job more manageable. I am in not way suggesting once in three months is all the coat care these piggys would need, a shorter cut does make it and easier job tho and I know some people are apprehensive about bathing them so I would be willing to keep doing that O0 With good coat maintainance I don't think they need a full bath more often than every three months but boars get a bottom wash to deal with a grease glandmore often than 3 monthly ;D