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I'm really worried

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yeah thats true, the vet told me to continue with the baytril and while honey still has the funny breathing but not as badly I think ill stick to baytri and keep up with the soft food and syringing I will re weight her on thursday x
Baytril is a human antibiotic as are most. Tell him that you know of a lot of pigs that have got better on this and ask him to ring the cambridge cavy trust and ask about dosages etc. if he still refuses go to another vet, your pig needs septrin, its unlikely the baytril is going to work now it would have done so already, at least ask him to review the dosage. x
I know some people may not agree with this but you could putting a bit of vick on her chest. I put a dab on Ginger's nose once a week because she has an allergy and it doesn't affect her skin or cause irratation. Try a patch test first though on the skin with no fur behind the ears.
I'm not sure about the vics but i do know psysiotherapy helped mine. if the vet told you which side of her chest sounds bad sit her on your knee and pat her side lightly, with Ralfie you could hear his breathing get worse then he'd cough and sound clear again. Another thing my vet suggested was putting him in a humid room, say the bathroom when someone is in the shower, this supposedly helps clear it too x
The dose rate for Septrin is 0.4mls per day for mild infections but it can be given in higher doses at 1 ml twice a day for stubborn or deep infections.It is the drug of choice for respiritory and renal infections.
I might just be paranoid but I'm sure honey is slowing down :'(

I got her out to syrigine some more water and when I put her on the top of the hutch she laid down straight away, put her in the run with toffee where there is plenty of shelter and theres shade if she wants it, all she seems interested in is laying in her igloo not eating grass, last week she enjoyed being out again for a bit. Hopefully its because she has already eaten and now she just wants to rest, but I cant help thinking that she may have given up :'( :'( :'(
really hoping honey gets better, perhaps PM maryh and see if her vet could contact your vet, we are in oz and her vet emailed my vet and together they helped zoe. i have no idea how old honey is but keep syringing food into her and water. sending hugs and prayers to you both :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: i don't know whether you could find another vet but sending prayers your way O0 girls send :-* :-* :-*
I really think honey needs septrin. Try texting Vedra's mobile 07721 026401 (hope thats the current number) and ask her to give you a call back. Explain the situation and say the vet thinks Septrin is just for humans. Maybe she could ring your vets and chat to him.
good idea of mary's - PM maryh and ask her if her vet can get in contact with yours. Vedra I don't think is veterinary trained, so maybe a vet would listen to her but may not act on her advice, whereas info from another vet would carry more weight. good luck x
I told my mum about this and she said that she doesnt want to interfere with the vet too much, Checked Honey again about three o'clock ans when I listened I was sure I couldn't hear her funny breathing. I think the weakness maybe a sign that she has been fighting it but isnt eating enough to have any strenghth.

Now I'm determined (if the URI has gone) too strengthened her up as much as I can, if it has got better I dont want to lose her now! I crushed half a guinea pig vit c tablet disolved it in water and syringed it to her, I then mushed a banana mixed with a little drop of water to make it more runny and syringed this to her, she munched on a bit of cucumber by herself which is a good sign. Oviously her weight is a concern so I am going to syrigne her food every couple of hours, I'm going to try food like pear, banana, apple (I'm aware they cant have too much apple). Honey really seems to love bran is this ok for her, i mix it with water?

What other sorts of this should I give her I eally want her weight to go up, along with her strength?
www.petergurney.com There is information on there about bulking up guineas by syringing them potatoes. They don't eat these voluntarily because they are not fussy on root veg but I can't remember why he suggested it. Ginger used to take vitamin c tablets you can crush without it being mixed with water. Try breaking it into two small pieces and she may eat it herself. This would be better than mixing it with water. If this doesn't work try crumbling it on to her cucumber - Ive heard some guineas love that - good luck :)
Just a thought - was it definately an infection or could it have been a stone? these can cause them to pass blood sometimes.. it would need an x-ray to see this.
How is she this evening?
Shes fine thank you for asking it was only the once that I saw the blood, I kept an eye on her and because there was no more sign of blood I didnt take her to the vet. Her URI seems to have got bit better Ive just got to try and get her weight up as it has dropped to 1pound 11oz which I think is about 503g :-\ :)
i agree, a vet visit is in order to make sure the infection has indeed gone and he might have suggestions as what to feed her like critical care you get somewhere in the UK, also check out the peter gurney website and guinea lynx site for information and advice. good luck, sending hugs and healing vibes to you and honey :smitten: :smitten:
:smitten: and you are doing a great job O0 girls send :-* :-* :-* 1lb = 0.454grams and 11ozs =311.845grams. okay now i am reall confused 98) 98) 98) hoping someone can work it out O0
xhoneybunx said:
I told my mum about this and she said that she doesnt want to interfere with the vet too much,
Not being harsh to your mum, but sometimes these vets need a bit of advice, a lot of them will go by what they think and it's not always correct. I always ask my vet questions and make them think, I know they trained for 6 years and know a lot - it doesn't mean they know a lot about guineas and guinea treatments. These professionals!!

Anyway think you're doing a great job with honey, keep going x
I dont understand why you're not giving your pig septrin? are you saying she's recovered over the last day? you need to take her to another vet and get her septrin, its fair enough your mum doesnt want to interfere but there are very knowledgeable people on here like maryh telling you that the right drug is septrin, all of our vets give it. i really think you need to find a competant vet before its too late for your piggy. she isnt giving up, shes losing the fight because her medicine isnt strong enough and by not giving her septrin you arent giving her a proper chance.
None of the vets near me will give septrin as its not licensed for guinea pigs, although after talking with Lorna (DSL) we found out that if a pig is ill and baytril for example wont work, then a vet can give another drug if they are confidient its the only thing which will work :)

does that make sense?
I would ring around a few vets and tell them the situation, and make sure you get pro biotic next time so she doesnt get a poorly stomach again ;)

Try to get hold of some CC aswell :)
When talked to vet he said that there are other paths that we can go down, Listened to breathing today and once again I dont think I could hear it (I dont understand myself why it seems to have gone ?), I weighed her again today and she is still 1 pound 11oz which is good because it hasnt gone down, I have syginge fed her three times with selective science or something like that 98)

Today I got her a carrot drink with vit c, on the back it says,

'contains the prebiotic substance fructo-oligosaccharide, fructo-oligosaccharide stimulates the growth of good intestine bacteria at the expense of bad bacteria, which helps prevent diarrhoea and maintain a healthy intestinal flora'

You dilute it with water does it sound any good to you? Ill try and get my mum to agree to make another vet appointment for him to check her over, Ill tell her ill pay for it.

choloe said:
0.454grams and 11ozs =311.845grams. okay now i am reall confused 98) 98) 98) hoping someone can work it out O0

I never was any good at maths ;D
NOt sure about the carrot juice :-\

How much syringe food did she have? cause i think you need to do it little and very often, syringing water inbetween :)
about 20-30ml each time not sure on the weight, she does get water inbetween, I fed her this morning at 7.30, my mum fed her at 2.30, I fed her at 4.30 and then again at 8.  I know it isnt very regular but I have college and my mums at work.

she munches on hay and dried grass inbetween and theres a bowel of dried food if she wants it
I know it must be hard because your at school :(

Could you feed her at 7am then again at 8am? just to break it up a bit :) or could your mum feed her 2 smaller amounts? :)

Hope she gets better soon, but i think she does need to see a vet again :smitten:

Is she still eating by herself? :)
I think my mums going to work a bit later tomorrow so Ill ask her if she can do one of the feeds if I get it ready for her. I have seen honey eating hay and cucumber but I know they dont have much good stuff in them, she happily munches on bran as well but once again I dont think too much of this is any good for her, the main reason I am syringe feeding is because theres plenty food available to her but she isnt gaining weight.
Can you ring the vet and ask again about Septrin? Ask him what the other options would be if not using Baytril any longer. I can't think what else he would use to treat her - basically it would be in humans a severe chest infection - and we would need anti biotics.

If he agrees to give you advice over the phone (most decent vets will) this at least saves you the cost of another consultation. Like others have said you have to force it a bit with some of these vets, say you've had advice that says Septrin can be used. Say to him you realise it isn't licienced for use in cavies, but you want it used on Honey.

I'm sorry but if you can't get Septrin I don't know what else will help :( x
i agree with the seprin which is not available here in south oz when zoe needed antibiotics they gave her terramycin injections, whilst they worked they played hell on her tummy and some mycins are deadly to piggies. :o :o :o you are doing a wonderful job with honey, perhaps do some internet research, book research, on septrin and guinea pigs and see if maryh's vet will contact yours. give your vet as much information as you can so he knows you know what you're talking about and that goes for the probiotics too. as for the carrot juice not sure, i use a vitamin C powder and add a pinch to water. you can get chewable tablets that the piggies chew think you give them half a tablet some use berocca and add quarter to water. wishing you luck, i can understand your mum's feelings, perhaps get her to read some threads on guinea pigs here that have been lost to bad vets or lack of knowledge and perhaps she will change her mind. i alone have lost 5 guinea pigs, 1 cat and 1 dog to bad vets and/pr lack of knowledge.
sending hugs and healing vibes :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: i know where you are things are limited so i can understand this too. good luck and don't give up O0 girls send honey :-* :-* :-*
I live in London,and when my Katie got a chest infection last year,she was prescribed Septrin,after Baytrill didn't work.She was very ill,and i had to syringe feed her every three hours,but she pulled through,and has been fine since.Hope you can get hold of the Septrin.
Do not give the carrot jiuce.The best probiotic is Bio-Lapis which is very easy to use.

A lot of drugs are not registered for use on gps,but if we know they are safe,and work,they should be used.
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