I told my mum about this and she said that she doesnt want to interfere with the vet too much, Checked Honey again about three o'clock ans when I listened I was sure I couldn't hear her funny breathing. I think the weakness maybe a sign that she has been fighting it but isnt eating enough to have any strenghth.
Now I'm determined (if the URI has gone) too strengthened her up as much as I can, if it has got better I dont want to lose her now! I crushed half a guinea pig vit c tablet disolved it in water and syringed it to her, I then mushed a banana mixed with a little drop of water to make it more runny and syringed this to her, she munched on a bit of cucumber by herself which is a good sign. Oviously her weight is a concern so I am going to syrigne her food every couple of hours, I'm going to try food like pear, banana, apple (I'm aware they cant have too much apple). Honey really seems to love bran is this ok for her, i mix it with water?
What other sorts of this should I give her I eally want her weight to go up, along with her strength?