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I have a dying guinea pig and I can't afford a vet.

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piggybaker said:
It is all very well for us to say, but we are outside the gold fish bowl looking in, they are not, all they can see is a way, i imagine is, if i say mum won't pay for the pig and it dies its her fault and mum thinking the same thing about dad, playing for the kids feelings "most" parents do it a divorce making them a porn, in there difficult game.
and stuck in the middle is a kid that has no voice in the argument's of the adult world and a dieing pig.

We in this situation can only support our young friend and not get on at her, she knows what has to be achieved and unfortunately cannot.
Parents when they play this game with there children make me cross :-\

I hope she manages to work this situation out in time,


I'm not having a pop at the poor girl personally - I feel desperately sorry for her in her situation. My comment is in frustration with the number of times I am hearing about this kind of thing
I have been in this situation,
my dad had no money from sending divorce applications to my mum, which took up his wages, and my mum being pathetic rejected them saying my dad was tricking her. ? And said when Coco lay on my lap panting for breath that she needed no vet service and she died a week later, just after my mum walked out on me. I loved to have slapped her and said told you so.! :tickedoff: but coco will haunt her instead.
just try and explain to your parents, or maybe a member near by could help. I'm so sorry, you have to be in this persistion. dont blame yourself, i did, and suffered for ages, you're trying your hardest, and in parents divovrces they can forget about the kids, and use them has a weapon (mine did) I'm not slagging off your parents though, they probably dont have the money, divorces are expensive!
I wish i could help x
I imagine a lot of us here have parents who divorced. Divorce is a painful time for parents too and it can seem like they have forgotten the children or use them as pawns to get back at each other - parents are human too. There's usually a lot of anger and hurt when a relationship breaks down. Many years later my mum said she had never forgiven herself for leaving us kids. But I knew the reasons why and as an adult now couldn't see how she could have stayed.
I teared up big time when I read this. It makes me feel sad about my Lenny just a few weeks ago, except my reason weren't parents, but my hubby instead...BUT if Lenny would have been hurting or not moving or eating or driking, I would have just took him and took the money out of our savings and just done it whether the hubby wanted me to or not, but I knew Lenny was eating and drinking, not weak, still ran around, etc., so I called the vet instead and they mentioned the enema and it worked, Lenny got well without me having to take him back. And he is still well today.

I wish this girl the best of luck in her piggy and I saw that she hasn't responded back yet, but I would really like to know how her piggy is doing... :-\
I'm sitting here feeling so cross. I don't want to comment on this situation but I do want to get my point across. 3 nights ago I found a bald patch on my piggy. Not knowing how much the vet would cost I took both my piggies to the vet the very next day. Their treatment cost me £60 in total this month I hadn't budgeted for it all. Now I paid it and have had to juggle this months finances, took some from shopping budget, and will have pasta etc, phoned my sis and she was ok about not getting birthday present, decided not to go anywhere over weekend to save petrol money and if all comes to all I will have to take some from my credit card. £60 is a lot for my family out of the blue but it goes without saying that if one of my piggies need emergency treatment they shall get it. I am sorry - there is always a way.

My opinion and hopefully I won't have upset anyone as I'm commenting on my own feeling and only comparing my situation. I do hiope I have got my point across though.
Reading back it's not that the parents won't take the pig to a vet, and are using her as a pawn in their battle, it's that her Mum can't afford to, but would gladly take him if she had the money. And money is tight as she's now on her own....

How is the little man today?
Hey everybody. Good news or bad first?
We got him to the vet around 5:30 pm today, the vet was very lenient on us and offered that we could pay her off in time, which we accepted. She gave him 100 ml of fluid, which he absolutely did not reject, and he looked much plumper after that. Despite the vet telling me 48 hours was hardly expected to get him cured, it could make him or break him. I would give him 6-7 ccs of antibiotics every hour on the hour, and if I stuck with it, it might just save him.
She suggested tang and pedialyte for him to drink as it had high vitamin c, so we went to the store and got him everything we thought he needed. We got home, he was stable, I was hopeful.

We got home and first thing I took him to lay down in his cage with his tang and a lamp to heat his house. Not 2 seconds after his head hits the bedding does he start hyperventilating. By now I'm frantically calling the vet again to no avail, as I believe they close at 8 pm and it was 8:30.
As you can figure, I'm panicking because he has taken a definite turn for the worse and I don't know what to do. The vet never answered.
Butterscotch died in my arms with my tears wetting his eyes for him. He was not 9 months old, and I had been looking forward to the many years we had to spend together. He was a beautiful little cavy who had a premature death, which all could have been avoided if human greed did not turn hearts cold and spiteful, as a visit to an experienced professional any time earlier would have had a different outcome.

Thank you all for your help and concern. I don't expect to be getting any more piggies for a while as I have a pomeranian puppy to keep me occupied. It's hard not to place the curse of blame on anyone at the moment, but rash actions and hot tempers lead to regretful actions and bitter conflicts. Please forgive any ignorance I have shown on this matter, I did the best I knew to do with such an untimely situation. I'll keep in touch, and if anyone wants they can email me or message me at [email protected].
Thank you all, I love you for all you've done for me in my time of despair.
So sorry that your piggie died. I am glad to hear that at least you tried to help him. You were there in his last moments. He is a happy piggie with the others at Rainbow Bridge now. Again, I am so sorry. :'(
It makes me feel special that you care, at least butterscotch isn't suffering any more.
I remember when one of my piggies died in my arms when I was younger. She was outside and a dog came up and barked around her and I think she had a heart attack and I picked her up and she was breathing very fast and then she just stopped breathing. She was my favorite piggy and my first loss. I am sorry you are having to go through that. And you're right, he isn't suffering anymore.
Mine went into some sort of seizure before he died, but there a few seconds just before he stopped breathing that he looked the happiest and most at peace I'd ever seen him.
This will all hit me double hard tomorrow, I just hope I can pull myself together and not break down during school.
It's very traumatic for me when I see anything in pain, I kind of think about what whatever's sufferings going through and it absolutely kills me.
I'm too analytical. But that comes in handy being an animal activist.
So very very sorry you've had a traumatic time, i do wish you all the best and hope you get a little furbaby in the near future.
Perhaps it was a hereditary thing?
RIP little one you mummy is going to miss you heaps :'( :'(

Give your pomer a cuddle i'm sure you'll get some lovely licks and this may help you a little :(
I do plan on getting another piggy in the future, but I think sir jacques the pom is rather demanding right now.
At least I know to save a bit of money up just in case.
Thanks so much!
Thanks, he's currently playing with some torture device my little sister schemed up for him.xDD
Hope your piggumses are doing loverly, tell them all I say hallo.
Hope to still see you around here. Maybe when your other baby isn't demanding too much of your attention you could cuddle with another piggy again sometime. When I was a teenager, my piggy was my best friend. I had problems at home myself and my piggy was always there when I needed it. Hugs to you! RIP little one :'(
oh no I'm so sorry about your piggy :'( tell our puppy i say woof! ;D Hope you feel a bit better soon :)

see you around the forum

I am so sorry to hear this! :'(

You did your best to try and save him. Sadly sometimes these things aren't meant to be! :'(

I am sure he is now playing happily over the Rainbow Bridge!

Rest in Peace little one! :-*

Hope to see you around on the forum xx
so sorry to hear about your poor piggy. be happy with no illness butterscotch! :) rip! 0:)
Hey thinking about you, and in time your parents will settle down and probable become good friends again, even though they are seperated.

Hang in there and if you need to chat we are all here,
I am very sorry this has happened. You've had a terrible time. Sending you love x
How sad. It must be so difficult to have him die in your arms. My heart goes out to you x
Thank you all for your care, love and sympathy.
It touches me that you cared so much in a world that's more than a little hateful and spiteful for the pettiest things, as this the the first and only board that didn't shoot me down for not going to a live vet and actually answered my pleas. Not one of the "emergency on call vets" I emailed even replied, and you all, on what seems like the other side of the world to me, came through and helped me out. It meant and means a lot, and I think if the world were full of people like you guys, there'd be a lot more happiness and devotion to simple pleasures that people enjoy. I love you all, God bless everyone and their piggies and other animals.
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