Hot weather warning for the UK - Member questions and heatwave feedback

Got quite the storm here. Plants are getting battered. My head is crushing me. Pebbie (dog) is horrified but at least the pigs are ok.

Managed to keep the pigs cool which is a bonus.
We moved our piggies out of the conservatory and into the living room where it’s cooler. I’m now freaking out about hay and the occasional poop spillage - but I’m a clean freak and need to learn to Let It Go. The piggies look happier 🥰
We moved our piggies out of the conservatory and into the living room where it’s cooler. I’m now freaking out about hay and the occasional poop spillage - but I’m a clean freak and need to learn to Let It Go. The piggies look happier 🥰


Get some builders plastic sheet for under the cage. This way, it won't be going onto your furnishings. ;)

Get some builders plastic sheet for under the cage. This way, it won't be going onto your furnishings. ;)
We have a C&C cage so there’s cortex already. But stuff still gets spilled over the side when moving things around. Or do you mean get a sheet that covers a larger area around the cage?
We have a C&C cage so there’s cortex already. But stuff still gets spilled over the side when moving things around. Or do you mean get a sheet that covers a larger area around the cage?

Try tucking tallish bits of cardboard between the grids and the correx - works a treat for us 🙂 For bonus points it makes a great chew, apparently :)) 😅
We have a C&C cage so there’s cortex already. But stuff still gets spilled over the side when moving things around. Or do you mean get a sheet that covers a larger area around the cage?

Yes, I mean the sheet to be an underlay for the cage and to cover the surrounding area if spillage is a problem for you.
No storms here, though the sun has gone and it's very cloudy and humid. I think I heard a rumble of thunder in the distance a bit earlier. It's been 30C outside today (and nearly that in my bedroom - I'm not looking forward to tonight :no:) but I've managed to keep the piggy room to 24C. Not ideal but they seem ok 🤞
Well done! We’re London too and it’s not easing off yet is it?! That tiny bit if thunder did nothing round here, it feels horrible! The pigs are in the coolest space in the flat, currently 24.5 which is the best we can do, doesn’t feel nice but it’s better than the other rooms which are a degree hotter.

They’re lying near the cool blocks and looking a bit fed up but seem to be well enough to beg every time I check on them bless them.

Can’t wait for this to cool a bit, I hate the stress of worrying about the little ones!
Although we had thunder yesterday, today feels a lot worse. Looks like we're in for another round. Hopefully this time it'll do something. Pigs are still ignoring the tiles still so that's good. They are feeling the heat though. It's 24°C in their room but 33°C in the shed so can't complain really. Meant to be 27°C all week when I last checked. Hopefully it'll cool down at night time so it's not so unbearable.

How's everyone else coping?
Lovely cooling storm just arrived here!
Its been awfully humid and muggy today, no direct sun but still 28 degrees, fans no use, even had the piggies using their frozen bottles in socks today which hardly ever happens.
Now the cool air is here I've got all the windows open, 22 degrees and fresh and breezy thank goodness!
We've got a very blue-grey sky here but no sign of it bringing anything useful (like a storm) with it. That said the outside air temp has dropped, I've opened the window in my bedroom to give the goblins something else to complain about, lol, but it's cool enough for it. I did hear a couple thunderclaps but nothing happened, really. I feel a bit cheated.
Wonderful. Every day, the weather forecast says it'll be better in two days but the temps are stuck at 30°C... 🥵
We're starting the day at 23° in the piggies room (and we keep the windows open all night), and by evening, it's 25-26°. (They get ice pods when it reaches 24°). The house sure warmed up quickly...
They don't seem to drink more, but I'll need to weigh them tonight to make sure they're eating all right.
Here's to hoping everyone is keeping safe!
Yesterday for the first time ever I saw Winnie put her two front paws on a frozen block in a sock. Usually she reverses away in deep suspicion! It’s 28 outside and 24 inside and tbh I just want autumn to come now!
40 outside the back door today. 24 in the pig room. I love summer but I worry for the animals, these temperatures are just a little too high.
25.2° in the bedroom today but, south facing, so it could be much worse. It's not bothering the goblins, Cam's insistent on sleeping under his half-missing cardboard tray and Bann's still sleeping in a bed but they're also out and about, no signs of trouble there. They're coping better than I am.
I am so thankful my piggies are currently being babysat by my parents! I’m currently having some rising damp issues sorted out. Parents have a much cooler extension. Inside my house reached 27 today. I’m just already worried as it’s only June! 😭
I am so thankful my piggies are currently being babysat by my parents! I’m currently having some rising damp issues sorted out. Parents have a much cooler extension. Inside my house reached 27 today. I’m just already worried as it’s only June! 😭

Look at our house cooling tips from which you can also profit personally. We have included some very simple low/no cost and footprint tips in this guide here; it has the widest and most comprehensive collection of cooling tips.
Hot Weather Management, Heat Strokes and Fly Strike

This thread here you are posting on contains the member feedback from trying out those tips in a variety of situations and making them work for themselves if you want to read it from the start. With a little improvisation and organisation you really can make a difference without breaking the bank.

Despite our lounge (half of which is taken up by the piggies) being dual aspect and getting sun all day long I only needed to use my fan once in the room and temperatures didn't rise to more than 25 C and one day to 26 C despite it being a record summer last year. That is just at the upper end of the piggies' comfort zone.
I've had a difficult time ,trying to keep the room cool,it's 27 degrees,I've two fans going,with freezer water bottle near the pods ,wet towels over the cage.
I lost one piggie,getting from boarders to home,she passed in the carrier.😪


I am so sorry.
I am so sorry @eileen. What a shock for you. Big hugs.
I’ve still got a very poorly looking Boris who is not enjoying this heat. Silly boy will not sit on or near a cool block. But at least he does sit in the open air so he can feel the air movement from their fan.
I've had a difficult time ,trying to keep the room cool,it's 27 degrees,I've two fans going,with freezer water bottle near the pods ,wet towels over the cage.
I lost one piggie,getting from boarders to home,she passed in the carrier.😪
i am so sorry this is heartbreaking😪
wow I'm jealous of all your houses keeping so cool! out flat reaches 30 degrees and has done for the last week or so, it’s absolutely insane!
We are hoping for rain tonight or tomorrow. It needs to be a real downpour, the last rain topped up my water barrels a bit but not the pond .
We are hoping for rain tonight or tomorrow. It needs to be a real downpour, the last rain topped up my water barrels a bit but not the pond .
Just looked out the window - it is raining right now!
Not entirely convenient though, the beekeeper is meant to be coming shortly to check her hive and try to find the Queen :doh:
If my experience is anything to go by, it's definitely an English thing lol, back home the weather's just ***** and we know it :)) We got enough "rain" that you could see drops on the ground, but I do mean drops. Just a few wet circles dotted across the ground. If that's not lazy "oh we're totally raining" weather I don't know what is.