Herbert Died.....What next for Bramble?

So, an update.

Had a call from the foster lady just a while ago, and we are going to get the boys on Saturday!

Really nervous about it, because they have been with her and her children for a year, and have been living outside, so everything's going to be so different for them, and I just hope they settle in ok. Also having Bramble next door to them will probably be a bit stressful for them too at first. 😬 🤞🤞

She also told me that they have got used to sitting on laps and watching films with the kids! 🥰 Ours have never done that, Bramble doesn't like sitting still for very long, and neither did Herbert. It's really not something we've ever done with our pigs. 😕
I’m sure they will settle in just fine!
Follow all the normal tips about covering part of their cage to help them settle etc.

A cat carrier is absolutely perfect - the recommended way for them to travel
I brought Moses & Miriam home in a pet carrier, a 2.5 hour journey.
They were fine.
I had plenty of hay and some cucumber chunks in the carrier.
It’s very exciting that you are getting new piggies on Saturday.
Pictures please, as soon as they’re settled