Herbert Died.....What next for Bramble?


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 5, 2023
Reaction score
South West Somerset, UK.
Herbert (Brambles' next door neighbour) sadly died the early hours of this morning, and it has left poor Bramble all on his own, yet again, after losing his brother seven months earlier. Then we got Herbert and they didn't get on, but happily lived side by side (Despite Brambles' almost constant rumbling at him through the bars!) until yesterday. 😢 😢 😢

When Brambles' brother died, I didn't waste any time looking for another friend for Bramble, despite our deep grief, because we couldn't bare Bramble being on his own. So it was just one whole week until Herbert moved in and Bramble had company, although they didn't get on at all during intros (But I think that was partly our fault because we messed up a bit!) and then had to live separately.

Anyway, so now despite our grief yet again after ONLY just losing our beautiful Herbert, we have to think about Brambles' welfare and try not to keep him alone for longer than necessary! The dilemma we have is, we don't want to get just one other pig, because if that other pig dies after just a few months again, then Bramble will be left alone again! So we would really like to get a pair of boars who could live next door to Bramble like Herbert did. But the big problem is, the cage Herbert lived happily in, is only big enough for one boar or two sows, and we can't really fit a bigger cage in to our living room as it's small and already crowded. The cage Bramble is in, on his own, is a massive Ferplast 200, and the cage Herbert had is a Ferplast 160, and we can't get another of the Ferplast 200 cages into our living room, mainly because both cages are on our dining table, with the ends of the cage overlapping, and the Ferplast 200 would also be difficult to move to clean cages out etc. It would basically be a logistical nightmare having two of them in here! We did think about putting Bramble in the 160 and then the two new boars would go in his old 200 cage, but I'm not sure he would be happy with that, because it's all he's been in since he came here last August, as a baby (with his brother). So it wouldn't really be fair to expect him to downsize, would it?😕 He does love to run around that cage, from end to end!

The other option, of course, is to get Bramble spayed and get him a couple of sows, but we don't want to risk the op (With the dangers of putting him under anesthetic) and also, he would then have to be on his own for 6 weeks, to make sure all the sperm was out of him before we could introduce him to some sows, and we don't want him being on his own for so long! 😟

Any suggestions please?

Please don't think I'm being callous asking for advice about getting other pigs, so SOON after Herbert has died, we really are very upset about the loss of our beautiful boy and I'm sitting here in tears typing this, but we need to start setting the wheels in motion, for Brambles' sake. 😞
I’m sorry for your loss.
You certainly aren’t being callous. Please don’t think you are.

Downsizing bramble to a 160 is absolutely fine. He will be fine with it - it is still more than minimum size for a single piggy (minimum being 120x60cm).
I’ve had to change cage size for mine a few times for various reasons.

Boars can get neutered (they don’t get spayed - it’s sows who are spayed) and live side by side with the intended sows while they become infertile. That way, there is no need for them to being alone during the six week wait.
It’s totally understandable to not want to put him through the surgery though.

Give it some thought. While bramble is eating and otherwise ok, he can wait up to around 4 weeks before needing a new friend.
I’m sorry for your loss.
You certainly aren’t being callous. Please don’t think you are.

Downsizing bramble to a 160 is absolutely fine. He will be fine with it - it is still more than minimum size for a single piggy (minimum being 120x60cm).
I’ve had to change cage size for mine a few times for various reasons.

Boars can get neutered (they don’t get spayed - it’s sows who are spayed) and live side by side with the intended sows while they become infertile. That way, there is no need for them to being alone during the six week wait.
It’s totally understandable to not want to put him through the surgery though.

Give it some thought. While bramble is eating and otherwise ok, he can wait up to around 4 weeks before needing a new friend.
Thank you Piggies&buns.

Yes, I was thinking a few moments ago, about trying Bramble out in the smaller cage, once it's been thoroughly cleaned out. I think he will be fine in there, rather than rambling about in such a massive cage on his own.

I think then, we will consider getting two more boars to live next door to Bramble.

Thanks again.
I appreciate that after losing two guinea pigs so close together it is easy to worry about others sadly passing away as I've been in this situation myself and you are on constant high alert however I wouldn't base your decision on this alone 💙
To save any further possible upset if you decide to have two boars to move in next to Bramble choosing an older pair who have gone through their hormone spikes is a good option as it reduces the chance of any bond breaks 🤔
To save any further possible upset if you decide to have two boars to move in next to Bramble choosing an older pair who have gone through their hormone spikes is a good option as it reduces the chance of any bond breaks 🤔
I didn't think there was any chance of bond breaks if they were living side by side in separate cages?
I appreciate that after losing two guinea pigs so close together it is easy to worry about others sadly passing away as I've been in this situation myself and you are on constant high alert however I wouldn't base your decision on this alone 💙
Just don't want to be in the same position again.

Also, our ideal (max) number of piggies is four, so three is well on the way to that!
You need to have a plan for bond breaks when taking on a pair but if you can get an adult bonded pair from a rescue, while they do still have hormone spikes, the risk is reduced.
You need to have a plan for bond breaks when taking on a pair but if you can get an adult bonded pair from a rescue, while they do still have hormone spikes, the risk is reduced.
I contacted the rescue today, just to enquire, and she rang me back and has subsequently sent my pics of three bonded pairs. Two at 18 months and one at 3 years, but the 3 year pair are a bit too old, and also one of them looks exactly like Herbert, so that wouldn't be a good idea. 😞
Obviously the 18 month old pair are just out of their teens. They’ve hopefully come through the worst of the hormones.
So worst case scenario, if the bond between the new bonded pair is broken, then we would be back to two pigs living side by side, and having to rehome/send the other one back to the rescue?! 😟

This is a lot more complicated than I thought! 😬
So worst case scenario, if the bond between the new bonded pair is broken, then we would be back to two pigs living side by side, and having to rehome/send the other one back to the rescue?! 😟

This is a lot more complicated than I thought! 😬

There are more possibilities than that.

Worst case scenario and a pair broke down:

- don’t rehome any - try to bond one of them with bramble first.
Keep the other one of the broken new pair single and living beside bramble/cagemate.
You may be entirely able to still have a pair and a single (so you’d be in no different a position at all).

If neither of the pair bonded with bramble:
- Send them both back to the rescue as singles so they can each find a new friend and be rehomed; and
- go on the search for either another pair to live alongside bramble; or
go on the search for a single to live with bramble

I think it may only feel complicated because you are grieving and overwhelmed. Give yourself some time before making any decisions
So sorry for your loss.
I can’t add anything to the excellent advice you’ve already been given.
Whatever you decide any piggy will be lucky to land with you.
Holding you in my heart ♥️
Be gentle with yourself as you grieve
Herbert (Brambles' next door neighbour) sadly died the early hours of this morning, and it has left poor Bramble all on his own, yet again, after losing his brother seven months earlier. Then we got Herbert and they didn't get on, but happily lived side by side (Despite Brambles' almost constant rumbling at him through the bars!) until yesterday. 😢 😢 😢

When Brambles' brother died, I didn't waste any time looking for another friend for Bramble, despite our deep grief, because we couldn't bare Bramble being on his own. So it was just one whole week until Herbert moved in and Bramble had company, although they didn't get on at all during intros (But I think that was partly our fault because we messed up a bit!) and then had to live separately.

Anyway, so now despite our grief yet again after ONLY just losing our beautiful Herbert, we have to think about Brambles' welfare and try not to keep him alone for longer than necessary! The dilemma we have is, we don't want to get just one other pig, because if that other pig dies after just a few months again, then Bramble will be left alone again! So we would really like to get a pair of boars who could live next door to Bramble like Herbert did. But the big problem is, the cage Herbert lived happily in, is only big enough for one boar or two sows, and we can't really fit a bigger cage in to our living room as it's small and already crowded. The cage Bramble is in, on his own, is a massive Ferplast 200, and the cage Herbert had is a Ferplast 160, and we can't get another of the Ferplast 200 cages into our living room, mainly because both cages are on our dining table, with the ends of the cage overlapping, and the Ferplast 200 would also be difficult to move to clean cages out etc. It would basically be a logistical nightmare having two of them in here! We did think about putting Bramble in the 160 and then the two new boars would go in his old 200 cage, but I'm not sure he would be happy with that, because it's all he's been in since he came here last August, as a baby (with his brother). So it wouldn't really be fair to expect him to downsize, would it?😕 He does love to run around that cage, from end to end!

The other option, of course, is to get Bramble spayed and get him a couple of sows, but we don't want to risk the op (With the dangers of putting him under anesthetic) and also, he would then have to be on his own for 6 weeks, to make sure all the sperm was out of him before we could introduce him to some sows, and we don't want him being on his own for so long! 😟

Any suggestions please?

Please don't think I'm being callous asking for advice about getting other pigs, so SOON after Herbert has died, we really are very upset about the loss of our beautiful boy and I'm sitting here in tears typing this, but we need to start setting the wheels in motion, for Brambles' sake. 😞
I'am sorry for your loss but please don't be hard on yourself, trying to make a decision while you grieve is tricky. It is for the best though to get Brambles a friend but I have read that neutering is a risky and expensive operation so I advise that you possibly get a baby or an old-ish male guinea pig to go with Brambles. If you do decide to get Brambles neuterd (which I don't really recommend) it is fine to leave him on his own for 6 months but i know how you feel it is kind of our job as piggy parents to worry! :eek:But just don't panic! How old is Brambles may I ask? If he is 6 - 9 months than he is at his early- late teens so would rarely get along with a piggy similar age as hormones. Down-sizing to a Ferplast 160 is fine it is still a good sized cage☺️.Good on you for looking at getting a friend for Brambles so soon he certainly is one lucky piggy and very lucky to have a wonderful owner like you🙂. remember to Go easy on yourself as you grieve it is hard i under stand but we will help you get through this awful and awkward stage of being a guinea pig owner losing a piggy is horrible but when they cross the rainbow bridge we truly know that they are in a world of fresh grass and carrots that never stop growing. Even if we lose a piggy we love, we sometimes think they are gone forever but remember they will always find a place in our hearts🩷. Good luck and I hope you find a perfect match for Brambles.

Sending love from Sam1, Snif, Teddy, Chocolate and fluffy Monty (and Sammy R.I.P gorgeous boy I will love you forever more) 🩷❤️🩷
Thank you Piggies&buns.

Yes, I was thinking a few moments ago, about trying Bramble out in the smaller cage, once it's been thoroughly cleaned out. I think he will be fine in there, rather than rambling about in such a massive cage on his own.

I think then, we will consider getting two more boars to live next door to Bramble.

Thanks again.
Having two well bonded boars next-door to Bramble can make the two boars fight I wouldn't take the risk.:eek:
Good luck with the piggy bonding🩷
Having two well bonded boars next-door to Bramble can make the two boars fight I wouldn't take the risk.:eek:
Good luck with the piggy bonding🩷

That is not true.
Bonded boars can absolutely be kept alongside other boars. There is no pheromone interference in this case. Many of us, myself included, have multiple boar pairs all living side by side.
It is sows that bonded boars cannot be caged next to. The sow pheromones can ruin a boar bond if the boars are not used to sow smells

I'am sorry for your loss but please don't be hard on yourself, trying to make a decision while you grieve is tricky. It is for the best though to get Brambles a friend but I have read that neutering is a risky and expensive operation so I advise that you possibly get a baby or an old-ish male guinea pig to go with Brambles. If you do decide to get Brambles neuterd (which I don't really recommend) it is fine to leave him on his own for 6 months but i know how you feel it is kind of our job as piggy parents to worry! :eek:But just don't panic! How old is Brambles may I ask? If he is 6 - 9 months than he is at his early- late teens so would rarely get along with a piggy similar age as hormones. Down-sizing to a Ferplast 160 is fine it is still a good sized cage☺️.Good on you for looking at getting a friend for Brambles so soon he certainly is one lucky piggy and very lucky to have a wonderful owner like you🙂. remember to Go easy on yourself as you grieve it is hard i under stand but we will help you get through this awful and awkward stage of being a guinea pig owner losing a piggy is horrible but when they cross the rainbow bridge we truly know that they are in a world of fresh grass and carrots that never stop growing. Even if we lose a piggy we love, we sometimes think they are gone forever but remember they will always find a place in our hearts🩷. Good luck and I hope you find a perfect match for Brambles.

Sending love from Sam1, Snif, Teddy, Chocolate and fluffy Monty (and Sammy R.I.P gorgeous boy I will love you forever more) 🩷❤️🩷

I’m wondering if this is a typo - youve said it’s ok to leave them alone for six months!

It’s entirely possible to bond teen boars - it’s not the case that they ‘rarely get along’ between those ages - but it can be a bit more tricky which is why the help of a rescue centre is valuable to ensure a good bond and compatibility.
I am so sorry you lost Herbert, Bramble will be fine for a time while you decide what’s best and give yourself time to grieve your loss :hug:

Two bonded boars living next to Bramble would be fine. Boar pairs only fall out if they are placed near sows, you don’t have sows so that’s not a problem. I would move Bramble into the 160 cage and pop the bonded pair into the 200. Bramble has plenty of space with a 160 cm cage
Having two well bonded boars next-door to Bramble can make the two boars fight I wouldn't take the risk.:eek:
Good luck with the piggy bond
Many thanks Piggies&buns and Bill & Ted, I was stressing about that when sam1 said that it was a bad idea. I was trying to work out why that would be a real issue, but can totally understand it if we had sows!
Oh my gosh, Bramble just started squeaking really loudly looking into Herberts cage (Because it's empty but still in the same place, next to Brambles') and he was staring to the place where Herbert used to lay and really making a lot of noise like he is upset that Herbert isn't there! 😭 It really made me upset, I did film some of it on my phone, so will see if I can upload it!
Many thanks Piggies&buns and Bill & Ted, I was stressing about that when sam1 said that it was a bad idea. I was trying to work out why that would be a real issue, but can totally understand it if we had sows!
I am sorry for what I said I realise that I was wrong.
I am sorry for confusing you 'storm1974'.
It turns out I'm still learning along the way. I shouldn't have posted that message I should have done more research before I posted.
Really sorry again:soz:.
Hope all goes well for you x
I am sorry for what I said I realise that I was wrong.
I am sorry for confusing you 'storm1974'.
It turns out I'm still learning along the way. I shouldn't have posted that message I should have done more research before I posted.
Really sorry again:soz:.
Hope all goes well for you x
No problem sam1, all is forgiven. 😉

Thank you. xx
I barely slept at all again last night.....Thinking about poor Herbert and all the things I/we could have done to contribute to his early death 😢 and then, worrying about Bramble and (mostly) whether he's going to be ok until we get the new boys (which could now be as soon as this weekend!) AND whether he's going to be happy with the fact that he's going to suddenly be put into a smaller cage! 😭

Then, less importantly, I couldn't sleep for ages, trying to think of a name for one of the new boys....They are currently called Bugsy (Going to change to Bracken, who was Brambles' original brother who died at 6 months - because the markings on his head look exactly like Brackens and are the same colour!) and Stalllone, which is not really our thing lol, and I do like nature names, so thinking of changing it to a nature inspired name like the other two, but can't decide what! I go through this every time with new animals (unless I like the name they already have!) and it stresses me out because I find a name I like, but then change my mind, and this happens many times! 😆 So it often keeps me awake at night until we've settled on a name once and for all. 🙄😵‍💫

Anyway, the rescue lady I spoke to yesterday from Mandys Rescue, sent me pics through of these two boys who are 18 months old and we've now got to ring the fosterer to arrange collection, probably at the weekend.

I'll attach some pics. What a stressful week........ In both bad and good ways! 😩

If any of you are on FB, these are the two monkeys 😅who will soon be coming to live with us.....Hopefully for a long time! 😣🥰

Bracken is the grey Agouti faced one....
Log in to Facebook

And a pic for those who aren't on FB....


  • Bugsty and Stallone.webp
    Bugsty and Stallone.webp
    89.3 KB · Views: 1
Very lovely boys!

Bramble will be fine for a little while alone, even more so if you can get the new boys at the weekend.
The new cage is still plenty big enough for him - far exceeds minimum for a single piggy. It will not upset him.
Looking to the what ifs regarding Herbert is normal and part of grieving.