Hannah’s Herd thread!

Hannah you and Jon will be amazing parents. Pets are so important to teaching children “gentle hands” and “quiet voices”. You have to put pets needs first before yours. Sometimes the world is not a very nice place. More parents need to care how their children are actually growing up. X
PS I’m sorry about Maude too. It’s hard even when you know their time may be soon.

As for parenting, I think you will both do just great. There is lots of advise out there and you will possibly get lots of ‘pointers’ on how to do this and that. Do what works for you.

I don’t think you ever get over the awe. I mean, my eldest is 16 and just started his GCSEs today. I never thought that far ahead when I had him. It’s a very odd thing knowing we created him!
Thanks for your kind words everyone, you’re all so lovely.
We went to a birthing class today, was far to long, 6 hours! I never sit for that long as I’m pretty active most the time. So I was getting rather tired and over it by 2pm as well as developed a headache due to the lighting in the room. But it was informative and good for us both, we learnt things..up until my brain switched off lol.

Maude isn’t eating hay today, perhaps picking up a strand here and there but I haven’t noticed any poop under where she is sitting for long periods :no: She is still however wheeeking for dinner time and eating her vegetables, eating very slowly mind you. But eating. I’ve syringed fed her some critical care tonight which is long and drawn out as she isn’t interested so only managed about 4ml. But I gave her some grass after which she happily ate. Don’t want to give her too much veg or grass if she isn’t eating any fibre..but I think at this point, she can perhaps eat what she likes. I’ll see what she’s like Monday, and make that call if I need to :( can’t believe how suddenly she’s gone downhill. She was fine a couple of wheeks ago.
I’m sorry Maude is continuing to be a worry. 4ml is a pretty good amount, even though she was fighting it. Sending you all lots of hugs.
Poor little Maude. She’s so skinny and she isn’t really managing to eat today. She wheeked a few times when food is incoming but just doesn’t seem to have the energy or will to actually eat. I’ve given her a few syringes full, but she was hardly swallowing the last attempt so decided to stop.
She just came out to try eating dinner, bless her at her dinner plate. She managed a slice of capsicum and cucumber, it took her about 15 minutes.
She’s very wobbly when she decides to come out of bed.
Henry is wondering what’s wrong with his wife :( I'm ‘hoping’ she will pass peacefully tonight. But I think she’ll hold on as she’s very strong willed.
Ah Dear Maude …..she was living her best life with you all
She had deteriorated dramatically so it was an act of love Hannah
It is natural to feel guilty but you know you did the best for Maude
Popcorn freely at RB lovely Maude
Oh Hannah, you gave Maude the best life possible. And you loved her enough to spare her any suffering. That’s the kindest act of love we can give our pets. Huge hugs to you. Go gently. You have had such sadness recently. Be kind to yourself today xx
So sorry that you had to give Maude that last gift of love.
It’s a heartbreaking decision even when you know it’s the best one.
Be gentle with yourself as you grieve.
Holding you in my heart ♥️
So sorry to learn that lovely Maude is now at the Rainbow Bridge. She is out of pain now, in her prime and enjoying herself once more. She has taken all your love to the Rainbow Bridge with her.
I’m so sorry. Popcorn high over the bridge lovely Maude. ❤️
Thank you everyone.
I’m a bit gutted that I chose to take her to my nearby local vet (8 mins away) rather than my guinea pig vet (50 mins away). I choose to go local for Maudes benefit, not having to travel so far while she was so sick. And also because I’d been at work all day so was tired and thirdly they were happy to squeeze me in whereas I know Aaron at good vets doesn’t work Mondays.

The vet I saw was fine, he was nice enough. But i didn’t feel as comfortable as I would have with Dr Aaron. But I didn’t particularly like how the euthanasia went. He explained straight away that it can sometimes be difficult with Guinea pigs due to their tiny veins. And told me the process, which was fine and routine. Then he gave Maude the first injection, but apparently the needle was too small or blunt so had to go away to get a thicker one.. once that was injected he left me with her for around 7-8 mins. I of course stroked her, cried and said my goodbyes. He came back to do the final injection, Usually this is when at the other clinic..they would take said piggie away and do the lethal injection and then bring them back. But instead this vet shaved her leg and put on a small torque (is that normal?!) to give injection, then he decided perhaps she wasn’t sleepy enough and gave her more sleepy drugs. After a few minutes he proceeded. But he could get it in her small vein 😭 So he said he’d have to inject straight into her heart! 😭 He asked if I wanted to watch or not..I said no, expecting him to take her away for a minute but instead he told me to just around! It only took a few seconds and she was gone. But it was rather upsetting.
The whole process was quick, she didn’t suffer apart from feeling the first needle. But it just felt clumsy and not as smooth as other euthanasia’s I’ve been present for. And I guess, I didn’t feel personal. And I just felt guilty the whole time.
I wish I hadn’t gone there, I won’t, if I can help it use them for planned euthanasia again.

At least the awfully sad drive there and back was short.

Sorry for this post, I just wanted to share as I was a bit upset by my choice. But again I made that choice thinking it was for the benefit of her and myself at the time.

Sending you hugs. I'm sorry the vet was clumsy, Maude wouldn't have known what was happening after the first injection so try not to think about it for your own sake. You are in no way at fault, every decision you made was made with love to save her suffering. Maude is at peace now and out of any pain.
This is the place to share the sadness and find support.
So sorry it wasn’t as easy as you expected but @piggieminder is right in saying that Maude wouldn’t have suffered.
She’s now free of pain and bouncing around like a youngster.
The guilt is perfectly normal - it’s part of the grief.
Hugs 🤗
I’m sorry Maude is over the rainbow and that the vet wasn’t as…comforting as your usual would have been.

You gave her the best life possible, up until her last minute. It’s so hard getting them PTS because you always come away questioning whether it was the right thing to do. But it’s such a selfless loving act that shows your true consideration of them rather than yourself.

Take your time and again I’m sorry. 💕
Dear Hannah you did the very best you could. Maude had your love and care after that first injection so she was comforted by you and didn’t know what else happened. I’m sorry you had that experience …..you were already feeling awful and that just added to it.
You know in your heart that you did the best for Maude ….a longer journey to Dr Aaron could have been bad for you both and delaying it til he was available might have made you wish you’d acted sooner ….so try not to feel guilty
Sending big hugs to you all
yes and all your lovely pets too :wub:

So sorry you lost Maude, sending hugs x
Lovely photos - I hope you’ve had some rain ….dark clouds and a rainbow in one of the photos
Always lovely to see your animals Hannah 🥰
Hello all!
Everything is okay here regarding me and bump, all going smoothly and my due date of the 25th is fast approaching..eeek! Jon and I excited and nervous. But I’m really really looking forward to not having a huge belly anymore and my body getting back to normal. Trying to get comfy in bed is an absolute nightmare.
My mum arrives from England on Wednesday, I'm SO excited! I haven’t seen her for over 2 years. And she’s going to support me in labour and of course when baby comes home- As me and Jon are clueless 🤣 . Shame my Dad couldn’t come this time, he’s got a few health issues stopping him from flying this year. Mum is staying for 4 weeks.

The animals are all okay… Except our new Piggie Luna hasn’t bonded with neither Henry or Newton which is a real shame, and I feel bad that Luna will have to go back to the rescue. Newtons lip got injured in the fight between them and over the weekend one of Newtons front incisors has fallen out! I'm
Not sure if it’s fight related or just a coincidence. I’ve just phoned the vets to get it checked but can’t get an appointment until next Tuesday. He is acting fine, and eating well so hopefully should be okay until then? Though, also.. Lions bottom incisors have grown jagged this time with his ongoing dental issues. I'm worried they will hurt his top gums having to wait for the appointment next week, so that’s not ideal. But I guess all I can do is keep a very close eye on them and if a problem occurs I’ll take him in as an emergency.
Jon (The human) has also got a tooth issue and needs to see the dentist! So inconvenient of him 😂

The rest of the animals are all happy and well. I haven’t taken many photos lately. It’s cold now, I hate the cold so much.

Newtons mouth after the fight, Bottom tooth still intact though!
Hi Hannah. Glad everything is ticking along (mostly) smoothly. Good luck with the birth and enjoy spending time with your mum. I didn’t have a clue when I had my first baby. My mum was amazing. 🤩
Lovely to read your news Hannah (as always) we’re all eagerly awaiting baby’s arrival - it’ll be fantastic for you all having your Mum there to help 🥰
Poor Newton hope his mouth heals quickly❤️
Hope John gets his tooth issue sorted quickly too 🥰
Take time to rest and relax 🥰