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Gus is having an operation

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My poor piggy, Gus, has had bladder problems since I got him. He's been in and out the vets had numerous bottles of antibiotics, xrays,urine samples taken and been poked and prodded everywhere. Last weekend I noticed blood in his urine so took him yet again to the vet who said it was up to me they would either give more antibiotics and anti inflammatories or refer him to the Glasgow Vet school. I opted for the latter. An appointment was duely made for yesterday (Wednesday). We went along and poor Gus had to be sedated to have different things done to him. He even had dye injected into his bladder to see if any stones showed up, which they didn't. The rodentologist who dealt with him said that there could still be something lurking and it was up to me but he would like to operate. I'm worried about it being done but I feel for his sake it needs to be done to rule out once and for all the possibility of bladder stones. Part of me hopes there is one but another part hopes it's just grit causing him pain which would be cleaned out I suppose during the op. Not keen on more anaesthetic and once this is done I won't be putting him through anymore but I'll cross that bridge when it comes up. Any advice on looking after him when he comes home after the operation would be gratefully received. The op is next Wednesday.
Poor Gus, I haven`t had a post op piggy but someone will be sure to advise you. I would just like to say I am thinking of you and him for Wednesday and hope all goes well O0
It sounds like he will be in good hands, try not to worry too much. Keep us posted :)
Aw hope Gus is ok, piggyloon (helen) is the best person to talk to for this, her Ruby had to have a bladder op, think she was flushed, so she'll know the aftercare best. good luck Gus x
Thanks Emma! ;) Not sure about that to be honest ;D ...I had to ask everyone else for advice! ::) ;D

Um... well Ruby had, and still has, bladder trouble - caused by calcium crystals irritating her. Which is mostly likely to be genetic but can be dietry in some cases. Ive got to keep her well flushed so stones dont form... as her little op didnt work after all that worry! There nothing more I can do but just to make sure she drinks loads and isnt in pain. I was in the same position as you though... no stones showing up... blood in urine... blood/urine samples... Metacam...Baytril... potassium citrate...(which she still has) but your Gus may have a different problem :-\

Here's the thread about it....http://www.theguineapigforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=11555.0

I bought some vet bed - which you may already have... which I wrapped in a large white towel (to keep the vetbed clean that bit longer, especially if the towel is double layered). Every day I replaced the towel and soaked it overnight it in some Napisan... great for stains! ;) Be careful that he doesnt lie on hay for the first week. Really difficult I know! I used white towels so I could see the colour of the urine. I bought some cheapies from Tesco. Honestly... although I thought it was expensive at the time - vetbed is the best investment I ever made!

Maryh and Karengpr gave me some good advice. Also... other people on here have gone through similar problems with their piggies.... there may be some more threads if you tap in the subject in the search box. ;) 'Guinea lynx' is a good site too!

Wish you and Gus the very best of luck.... I will be thinking of you! O0 O0 O0
We will have little Gus in our thoughts and piggie prayers :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Come on little guy O0 O0 O0
You've had some great advice already thanks to PL :smitten:
Everyone here will be with you, just post and ask as many questions as you like... O0
Remember to have his fav foods and plenty of water, hay and pellets on hand :)
Make sure you're clear in the instructions from the vets, if unsure ask again, and then post here as well, you'll find we have some awesome people (our mods) who can give you the best advice O0
Will be checking out to see how he goes... till then sending heaps of healing wheeks to the handsome fella :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
piggy said:
My poor piggy, Gus, has had bladder problems since I got him. He's been in and out the vets had numerous bottles of antibiotics, xrays,urine samples taken and been poked and prodded everywhere. Last weekend I noticed blood in his urine so took him yet again to the vet who said it was up to me they would either give more antibiotics and anti inflammatories or refer him to the Glasgow Vet school. I opted for the latter. An appointment was duely made for yesterday (Wednesday). We went along and poor Gus had to be sedated to have different things done to him. He even had dye injected into his bladder to see if any stones showed up, which they didn't. The rodentologist who dealt with him said that there could still be something lurking and it was up to me but he would like to operate. I'm worried about it being done but I feel for his sake it needs to be done to rule out once and for all the possibility of bladder stones. Part of me hopes there is one but another part hopes it's just grit causing him pain which would be cleaned out I suppose during the op. Not keen on more anaesthetic and once this is done I won't be putting him through anymore but I'll cross that bridge when it comes up. Any advice on looking after him when he comes home after the operation would be gratefully received. The op is next Wednesday.
Oh you poor thing (and of course us too!) Fingers crossed for Wednesday. Am sure he is in very good hands and they just would not bother to do the op if they thought it wouldn't be a success.

Keep us posted on how he gets on. Sending lots of loving and healing wheeks to him (and you of course!).
Thanks all for the great advice. It's great being able to come on here and ask for advice or just have a rant about something ;D ;D! It's going to be a hellish few days until Wednesday cause I feel sick just thinking about it, in fact I've been having dizzy spells the past few days and I think it's the stress of work and Gus having his operation too. I really need to chill out or I'll end up sick and be no use to anyone. I'll be back on Tuesday night or Wednesday when he's back from his op to let you know how it's went. Thanks for being here it really helps :) :)
Take it easy! Your health is more important than work and try not to worry about Gus, we're all here if you need us :) good luck to Gus x
Piggyloon, was reading the thread about your piggy going through her op. She sounds just like Gus! Bit worried that the op didn't work for her. Did you find that the Uriflow helped at all? I also got the bill for our first visit to the vet school. Are you all sitting comfortably? Before we even get to Wednesdays op the grand total so far is, are you sure your all sitting down? TWO HUNDRED AND SEVEN POUNDS NINETY SEVEN PENCE :o :o :o Oh my god how much is this op going to cost? Not that money really comes in to it if it finds Gus's problem but oh my God! Stupidly I don't have any of my piggies insured, wish I did now! Anyway Gus hasn't been too bad over the weekend some blood in bedding but not much. There was also some bloody looking jellified bits?! Anybody know what I mean? Will update again on Wednesday probably quite a fe times! Keep everything crossed for Gus!
My vet didnt recommend Uriflow to me, as at vet profession as a whole do not know enough about it. It just sounds like a miracle cure so I decided to give it a go (after being a bit sceptical). But your vet might think differently. :-\

She's only been having it for a month or so... I dont know if it is that thats working or just that she's getting extra fluids that help. But she doesnt squeak as much and the wee doesnt look as red at all. So something is working. Generally she's still very perky and eat and drinks fine! It's just one of those things I'm trying to control. Doesnt seem to bother her too much. :)

The op sounds pretty expensive.... :o but I havent found anywhere that does guinea insurance. Only rabbits. So you arent silly for not getting them insured. It might be you are going to a proper vet school so the fees are higher ;) 98) As for the jelly bits - I'm not sure what they are. Are they clear/red/black/clotted? Once I remember one of mine having clear jelly/mucus on their poop but it only happened once. Maybe somebody else might now.... or there is a similar thread somewhere on here? Cos I'd like to know too!

Me and my girlies have got everything crossed for Gus O0 O0 O0 will be thinking of you too! The stresses of being a piggy mum eh?! ::) ::) ::) ;D
Well tomorrows the day of Gus's op. Having kittens thinking about it :( :( He's to be at the vet school for nine in the morning. Will keep you all posted.
Chin up love we're all behind you O0 O0
Sending special kisses for the little guy :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* and hugs for you :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Sending him and you loads of good luck and love. :smitten:

Anaesthetics are safe if your vet is competent. Ask for Isoflurane. It has a good wake-up.

Keep us posted :)
It`s tomorrow he goes in isnt it? Wishing him all the very best....sure he will be just fine O0
Let us know how he gets on :)
Op over. Thank god, been a nervous wreck all day. All that was found was a load of sludge which has been sent away for analysis. He has came round okay from the anaesthetic but they want to keep him overnight :'( :'( I would prefer he came home but I suppose he's in the best place possible at this time. I wont be able to get him till after five due to work :( :( Already pulled a sickie today :police: :police: to take him to Glasgow so can't do it again tomorrow! My bedroom will be very quiet tonight! Can't wait to get him home and look after him. Will keep you all updated on his recovery over the coming days.
Phew...what a relief for you! Ruby wasnt in overnight... just til the end of the day to monitor what she ate/drank. But I suppose every vet is different.

Bet he'll be one spoilt little piggy when he gets home! ;D So pleased all went well.
I hope Gus recovers well, please keep us posted. Thats such an awful lot for a littl piggie to go through. You must be pretty worried tonight, and missing him of course. :smitten:

I wish I hadn't read this thread though, because one of my piggies has started having red wee. I can't figure out which one it is. :( I'm going to the vets tomorrow, but I currently don't know who to take with me! ?
Glad Gus came through the op ok, I can imagine you must have been a nervous wreck.
Keep us posted on the little fella and I really hope they find the problem :)
He's home! :) :) And looks great! He's as bright as a button but looking a bit strange with his wee shaved bits. One on his bum and of course his belly. As soon as I put him in the cage Reggie and Horace came over to see him through the divider and they all had a sniff to say welcome back. On his discharge sheet the reason for his pain was given as chronic cystitis but the sludge that was taken from his bladder has been sent for analysis so don't know if that will change? To watch him carefully over the next few days for toileting and blood. Vet said there will be blood for a while but if it's still there come Monday then he has to go back or if there is a lot of blood to phone immediately. Take it you were told the same Piggyloon with Ruby. He has antibiotics to take and the vet was going to give me metacam but I have some already, which I haven't had for long, so didn't see the point in taking anymore. Should have seen the look I got! ? ? But why put out money for something I already have? Right or Wrong? Would anyone else have done the same? Anyway he's looking good just now hopefully it will stay that way. Will of course keep you updated.

Damonshumanslave, good luck finding the pig with red wee! Hope you find it soon!
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