Her weight this morning is 618.5g which is a good sign!
My fear of weighing just once per day is that she's still perilously close to 600g which I've seen in a few places on the forum is apparently the point of no return - so the reason for multiple weighs is to prevent her from dipping below that.
She's not refusing any syringe feeding, but having looked into it we seem to be giving too much Dual Care for her bodyweight, so my plan is to cut her down from 3 feeds of 20ml Dual Care and 1 of 20ml pellets to 3 feeds of the former at 8ml and 2 of the latter at 15ml, one of which will be before bed (plus her veg each day) and monitor from there. It seems Excel recommend 3 feeds of 10ml per kg of bodyweight, so the 20ml could well have been too high?
Any feedback on this would be appreciated as I obviously don't want to cut out too much of the syringe feeding!
The weight first thing in the morning is the best one to use. Weighing multiple times a day just means you are picking up fluctuation throughout the day, weighing full stomachs and bladders, and actually making it inaccurate - it isn’t preventing her from dropping below anything. She is going to weigh more in an evening (due to having had a full day of eating) than she weighs in the morning (just as us humans do) - the evening weight check is effectively pointless and causing more work and stress for you.
You don’t feed a set amount for body weight - you feed as much as is needed to keep her weight stable and as much as she will take at each sitting - 60-90ml per day. I feel you may be looking too deeply into giving set amounts which is making this more stressful for you.
If her weight yesterday was around the same as today then she is eating enough, it really is as simple as that