Furbabies' Adventures

Billie is a very dignified piggy and I just think Kylie is showing the "exuberance of youth"
This morning Billie really lost her temper with Kylie. Kylie was laying in the hidey Billie wanted to get into and wouldn't move. Billie is usually pretty chilled in situations like this. She either lays down right next to the piggy occupying the spot and waits till the other one moves or just bulldozes in without any hazzle. But today there was massive teeth chattering and when Kylie didn't react, Billie chased her away.

On one hand, I'm happy that Billie still shows who is top sow. On the other hand, I'm a bit worried that she has to demonstrate it so much. Maybe it's just Kylie's teenage confidence in herself. But maybe Kylie senses something that makes Billie more vunerable to her challenging behaviour.
Though even if Kylie could challenge Billie, there still would be Bonny higher in the hierarchy. And Kylie has learnt to respect Bonny. So what's for Kylie to gain?
Hope that Kylie settles down and accepts her place in the hierarchy.
There’s always one who has to push the boundaries to the limit.
Today I've got very sad news. :(
Yesterday, Billie had to be PTS due to probably kidney failure.
It started on the 31th and got worse on the 1st. But because it was a holiday, all vets were closed. She was clearly uncomfortable, but ... being Billie ... still eating and not in terrible pain (I hope), so I didn't drang her to some emergency vet who I don't know.

It was terrible and heartbreaking watching her these last days of her life. She probably was the best guinea pig friend I ever had because she was one of these rare piggies who looked out for human company. She was a very special piggy from the very first day.
At the moment, I'm just relieved that she doesn't have to suffer any more. But I'm going to miss her sweet red face looking up at me tremendously. 💔
I’m so sad to hear Billie has gone to Rainbow Bridge 💔
She was a beautiful piggy and was living her best life with you and the other piggies
Our pets leave little paw prints on our hearts and we remember them always
Take care ❤️
Popcorn freely at RB special Billie
I am so sorry you lost Billie, sending huge hugs. Billie was one of the forum characters and we will all miss her so much. Take heart she had a wonderful life and she will have known just how much you loved her x

Sleep tight little lady 🌈