Furbabies' Adventures

My mum and Kylie doing chin rubs yesterday
View attachment 227252
We all love her piggy lips and her sweet face. :wub:
But please don't tell the others!
They tend to be a bit jealous of everyone going Ohhh and Ahhh about Kylie when I've got visitors, especially Vicky. :doh:
And Kylie has got the personality to match her looks. That girl knows exactely what she wants and she gets it, no matter what, if the others don't put down their paws. Tessy doesn't have a chance. :blink:
It will be long months until her 1. birthday when things will settle down a bit (I hope).

But isn't she sweet? :wub:
She looks so content :luv: :luv: :luv:
Odi was at the vet for his dental yesterday. Luckily it was a warm, but not hot day. He was very brave and made it very clear to the vet that he doesn't like her. :cool:
At home we are back to handfeeding veggy stripes for a few days.

We had nearly 2 months since the last dental and the vet was happy with this Interval. But she is on holiday at the beginning of August so I'll have to see if we can take the chance to wait untill after her holiday.
Since it's quite stressful for Odi, I don't want to take him more often than necessary. But while the vet is on holiday, it's always a great time for piggies to take a turn for the worse. :blink:
Odi is such a clever boy. Last time his teeth were corrected, we started a cucumber feeding ritual. That was nearly 2 months ago.
Today, he came at once to the right place for our ritual again. So I could quickly distribute the other pieces between the girls and had my hands free to feed him. Before that he was always running around, trying to steal the girls' cucumber. So it took much longer, before the feeding could start.
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Today I was too slow at handfeeding cucumber, so Odi decided to snatch one of Tessy's pieces (as he usually does). And he was quite successful on his own, though he had struggled with a piece of apple earlier.
Then I could persuade him to eat his stripes, but had lost my privilege to handfeed him at first.
Only when Billie was getting close after finishing her pieces and some of the leftovers from the others, was I allowed to handfeed again.
My mum and Kylie doing chin rubs yesterday
View attachment 227252
We all love her piggy lips and her sweet face. :wub:
But please don't tell the others!
They tend to be a bit jealous of everyone going Ohhh and Ahhh about Kylie when I've got visitors, especially Vicky. :doh:
And Kylie has got the personality to match her looks. That girl knows exactely what she wants and she gets it, no matter what, if the others don't put down their paws. Tessy doesn't have a chance. :blink:
It will be long months until her 1. birthday when things will settle down a bit (I hope).

But isn't she sweet? :wub:
Kylie is a beauty, those lips 😍
It was the first trip to the garden for Kylie. As usual, she was quite unabashed.
She behaved as if she would sit outside everyday and was up and about a lot. She also started to challenge the older girls for the hideys they were sitting in.
Not quite 7 months old and with the mission to become top sow of the group NOW. :doh:
Billie is quite unimpressed with her behaviour and Bonny only moves if she is caught on the wrong paw.
But Tessy and Vicky ... that's another story.
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