Hot Topic Forum Tea Party For Teas

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A huge thank you to everyone who is getting involved in this. It has been a very difficult time, here at TEAS, and both Emma and myself are at total exhaustion point both physically and emotionally. The loss of three, two piggies and Emma's own rabbit, in three days has really taken its toll. Neither of us have done any preparation for Christmas or had time for any festive celebrations. We have had a few low times at TEAS, in addition to plenty of really good times, but for the first time ever, I have questioned whether I want to continue with this. Endless days and nights that are punctuated with regular syringe feeding, medicating and then trying to get a few hours sleep have pushed us both to the brink. When I wake in the morning, for the first few seconds life is normal, and then I am hit by an intense sense of panic and anxiety and I am terrified to go and check on the piggies for fear of what I am going to find. We have all had times like this, but imagine this being part of normal everyday life. I am sure some people think that we are hardened to this and it is what we do and we probably don't have any emotional link to the guinea pigs. This is not the case at all! In fact the bond we get with these 'extra special' piggies, who at times are fully reliant on us, is very intense and the pain we feel when we lose any of them is massive. Having to let an owner know that their much loved piggy hasn't made it is awful, and just lately I feel all I do is bring pain and misery to people.

Once again, thanks for doing this for us. Just knowing you are all behind us really means a lot.

Both Emma and I hope you all have a very lovely Christmas x
Just sent a donation by Pay Pal. I have said in the past and will continue to say this I admire anyone who is involved with the care of guinea pigs. To look after a sick animal is always draining. They cannot tell you where they hurt. In fact guinea pigs hide their problems in a lot of cases and the illness only is noticeable when it has progressed to make it hard for the guinea pig to hide.
It is always a sad and emotional experience caring for a sick guinea pig who then dies despite all the best efforts. I don't know how I would cope with the scale of care required by TEAS.
This time of year always takes a greater toll on sick animals (and humans come to that).
I really want to take part and donate (I love giving to animal causes) but I don't really understand how I send it? I have seen the email address and I have PayPal, but I'm really confused on how to send money to an email address?
I really want to take part and donate (I love giving to animal causes) but I don't really understand how I send it? I have seen the email address and I have PayPal, but I'm really confused on how to send money to an email address?
If you have an iPhone or an android phone, you can download the PayPal app. If you have any further problems, please pm me and I'll talk you though it :tu:
I really want to take part and donate (I love giving to animal causes) but I don't really understand how I send it? I have seen the email address and I have PayPal, but I'm really confused on how to send money to an email address?

It is very easy. You can go to the paypal website, log in.
then click my paypal (top right hand corner)

Click 'Pay or Send Money'


Click 'Send money to friends of family'


Type in email address


Enter the amount and click continue


Then 'send money now'

I've found this on the TEAS website :)
View attachment 56207

well I've just paid via text- not sure if you get the number but mine ends **69 if in doubt! I dont have/want a paypal account. if you can claim back tax/gift aid on it please do, my details are already registered with you for gift aid. not sure if i can make the tea party but will see what i can do.

A huge thank you to everyone who is getting involved in this. It has been a very difficult time, here at TEAS, and both Emma and myself are at total exhaustion point both physically and emotionally. The loss of three, two piggies and Emma's own rabbit, in three days has really taken its toll. Neither of us have done any preparation for Christmas or had time for any festive celebrations. We have had a few low times at TEAS, in addition to plenty of really good times, but for the first time ever, I have questioned whether I want to continue with this. Endless days and nights that are punctuated with regular syringe feeding, medicating and then trying to get a few hours sleep have pushed us both to the brink. When I wake in the morning, for the first few seconds life is normal, and then I am hit by an intense sense of panic and anxiety and I am terrified to go and check on the piggies for fear of what I am going to find. We have all had times like this, but imagine this being part of normal everyday life. I am sure some people think that we are hardened to this and it is what we do and we probably don't have any emotional link to the guinea pigs. This is not the case at all! In fact the bond we get with these 'extra special' piggies, who at times are fully reliant on us, is very intense and the pain we feel when we lose any of them is massive. Having to let an owner know that their much loved piggy hasn't made it is awful, and just lately I feel all I do is bring pain and misery to people.

Once again, thanks for doing this for us. Just knowing you are all behind us really means a lot.

Both Emma and I hope you all have a very lovely Christmas x

@furryfriends (TEAS) @MintyAndGarry (TEAS)
Although we all probably don't say it enough, i think we all appreciate the work that you all do (any rescues), you're volunteering your time, effort, money, experience & most of all love to care for these piggies. Your fundraising needs to be non stop to cover bills for these little furry critters & we all know through experience that they are not cheap!

The help & advice you have given on here alone has helped save many guinea pigs, improved the length & quality of life for them too.:nod:

Without your/Emma's sanctuary & website (TGPF) many guineas would have suffered & lost their lives!
I have kept guineas for many years, but if it weren't for the advice & information on here i know i would have lost my Ellie way before her time, i have also learnt that in hindsight (before this forum) i could have probably saved a few more of my guineas, as i discovered that prolapses/heart issues/bloat/ovarian cysts to name but a few can all be diagnosed, treated & lived through, i know i have lost guineas because of all of these now. Which due to lack of information generally & the vets i use amount of knowledge at the time, they all crossed rainbow bridge before they needed to.
:tu:Even my vet thanked me for the steep learning curve & rekindling her interest in Guinea's that my Ellie gave her, this was partly due to You & members of this forum. i also know that they will happily suggest &try some of Ellie's treatments on other guineas suffering the same symptoms/issues now, simply because they know they work - Ellie was my pioneering piggy that has lead the way for others to live happily at the vets i use.:yahoo::wub:

:soz:I can't even imagine how it feels to lose so many guineas in the time that you must do. i have lost 3 in the space of weeks & that nearly broke me. I admire the work that you do & i'm not surprised you're emotionally & physically drained.
:san:If you PM me your details I'll set up a bank transfer as a donation for Christmas you can claim gift aid back on then.

A huge Thank you from me, my three girls & the copious guineas, past, present & future that you have helped(Worldwide) through your dedication to these marvelous furry (&bald) critters. xx
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I've just sent through my donation from me and my piggy boys. I'm not sure how active I will be as it's piggy cleaning evening, but I'll get the boys to post if I'm not around.

I hope it's a massive success, and we make lots of £'s for the piggies.
I've just paid for entry for me, Willow and Marble, we await our invite details (and are preparing beverages and hay for the duration) :)
Done and will get my teacup and cake ready for 7:30pm
*the girls will have blueberries at the same time :wub:
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