Finding Winnie a new friend - how long have we got?

Thanks all. Been deep cleaning and washing everything and I wonder if we should wash/F10 spray or temporarily remove the wicker tunnel - it will smell of Winnie and not sure how well you can wash things like that, any thoughts?! The plastic and fleece stuff is all easy to clean and make as neutral as possible. We’re giving them a good sized space with nothing that doesn’t have 2 exits etc and will make sure the food is scattered and everything is easy to get to.

I would remove the wicker tunnel, could you add some furniture that is completely new to both of them, even if its just a cardboard box with 2 or 3 doors cut in the sides? And a different cage layout if you can, it should feel like new home/new start for both of them I think to avoid dominance battles.
But they may well have a few minor skirmishes and arguments, just setting the ground rules for the new relationship, so dont be took worried about that as long as it is only intermittent- strong nerves (and a stiff drink lol) are needed, once they get in the home cage you may well get brief disagreements over every inch of cage space for a couple of days while they work out the new dynamic!
Thanks this is great advice! We got rid of Winnie’s old cardboard boxes and will put in some new ones. Have dug out some old fleece tunnels that haven’t been used for over a year and have put them through the wash. We’re going to extend the house in a different formation and direction from normal. The old ramp and loft area has been temporarily disabled until we know they’re both okay with eachother as it’ could be a squeeze, so that’s staying away for a good while.

I can move things like the water bottle and hay tray too if that helps. Thanks very much. I’m sure I’ll be asking for advice over the coming week or two!
Meet Mabel, a gorgeous fluffy Abyssinian piggie just under one years old who has come to join Winnie. Bit of a nerve wracking journey in the taxi as poor old Mabel circled the carrier, jumped around a lot and looked very panicked. But once home, she’s had a good look around, done some chut chut chutting and happy exploring, stuffed her face with hay and veg, chewed a bit of wicker and wheeked for food. She even seems to know about feet out Friday! They seem very chilled together and let’s hope that lasts.. thanks for all your help people, it’s really been a god send. B4F67AE9-9C88-42D7-A3AD-9867F7D0A4DF.webp5EA5B1A6-CBF4-4314-8ABC-A6D63645FFF2.webpC71D6108-E626-43FE-923D-19CB27EF50AB.webp2AC60782-6B94-435A-A9B1-D2214D16F35C.webp
I'm so glad its all gone well and settled already :)
You might see a bit of jealousy from Winnie over sharing her space and food and hooman but hopefully any complaints will be be just to make a point about whose house it is and she's probably thrilled to have a new friend :) x
What a beauty! So glad she’s settled in so quickly - wheeking already 🤣
Hi again all

It’s now a week since they first met and the bonding has gone like this:

First couple of days of Mabel (the newbie and the younger one), was following Winnie around and being quite up in Winnie’s face, and sometimes chasing her a bit. Generally no reaction from Winnie apart from quite a lot of pee spraying (her standard response when a pig is bothering her and something she used to do with her original friend Betty quite often). Mabel just shook that off and got on with things. It didn’t seem to stop them hanging out.

They then did chase eachother around a little bit for the next day or so but it generally seemed quite even and there was plenty of time just spent bumbling around, resting or eating quite peacefully.

Today though, Winnie’s spent the whole morning so far chasing Mabel, humping her, circling the wicker tunnel Mabel is laying in and sometimes chasing her out of boxes. Everything has multiple entrances so no one can get hemmed in. Mabel sometimes chases her off in return and Winnie runs away, but generally Mabel seems to be quite submissive at the moment, looks a bit annoyed, runs away and then has a lie down and eats some hay. She doesn’t seem to be acting like she’s feeling terrorised but I hope I’m not missing the signs.

In between the almost constant chasing, they do both rest and Winnie has been briefly washing herself near Mabel which I think I read can be positive in terms of acceptance?

I hope this all sounds quite normal at this stage? I also suspect Winnie may be in season as she also did an angry squeak at the humans today!

…hopefully they’ll settle down soon as the constant chasing and humping looks exhausting!

If anyone thinks we should be worried or doing anything differently at this point, please let me know, I can upload videos etc to you tube if needed.

But it sounds like this is hopefully normal for the first two weeks?!

Sounds like Winnie may have just been asserting her position. And possibly in season. It’s good that Mabel allowed herself to be humped. Also remember that the top pig has choice of hides. She may not use it when she chases the other pig out, but it’s her ‘right’ so to speak!
Thank you- that’s helpful! They’ve been a little calmer this afternoon, I think they’re worn out! Still a bit spicy though!
Thank you- that’s helpful! They’ve been a little calmer this afternoon, I think they’re worn out! Still a bit spicy though!
I like spicy, friendly spicy anyway. My Zac is still rumble strutting on occasion. Still showing his new wife what a hunk of a boar he is. I’m convinced though 😁
Zac sounds great! So glad they’re settling together nicely. 😍 I like spicy too as long as it’s the right side of friendly as you say. It’s quite fascinating to see their dynamics shift isn’t it, and who doesn’t love pigs with character!

Mabel seems quite comfortable and lies down wherever she wants like a croissant. It took Betty and Winnie about a year to lie down like that! She’s also very shouty for food which I like!
Zac sounds great! So glad they’re settling together nicely. 😍 I like spicy too as long as it’s the right side of friendly as you say. It’s quite fascinating to see their dynamics shift isn’t it, and who doesn’t love pigs with character!

Mabel seems quite comfortable and lies down wherever she wants like a croissant. It took Betty and Winnie about a year to lie down like that! She’s also very shouty for food which I like!
They sound like they are getting on well x
Sounds like a good match! Toff was my only wheeker (Fudge seemed to hold back and let Toff do all the work). It wasn’t much but when the girls moved into the penthouse, rainbow Coco became the chief wheeker. This seemed to set something off with Toffee because he then upped the ante! They were my wheekers who always let me know they’re okay.

Now it’s just Toffee. I have a slight panic when I don’t hear him wheeking as I approach their hutch. But the bar biting 🙄 puts my mind at ease if no wheek is forthcoming!

Enjoy Mabel. She sounds like she’s very comfortable already. Zac is very skittish but has started coming to get his veg from me. Small steps 🙂